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4 answers

RUDRAKSHA are the beads from trees belonging to Elaeocarpus Ganitrus Roxb.

Every Rudraksha has cells or Mukhis which differ in numbers. A facet is a line or groove which runs from one end to of Rudraksha to the other end. In ancient epic like Shiv Puran, Shri MadDevi Bhagwat, Padmpuran etc. Rudraksha upto 14 Mukhis have been described along with thrir effects and purpose for which they are useful. Hight Mukhi Rudraksha from 15 to 27 Mukhis have also been found in the later countries their benefits recorded as per experience of the learned people. There are other Rudraksha like Gauri Shankar (two Rudraksha having naturally joined on the tree), Ganesha (a Rudraksha having trunk like protrusion on its body) Sawar (a Gauri Shankar in which one bead has only one line or Mukhi), Trijuti (three Rudraksha beads joined naturally on the tree.

The brief discriptions, effects, etc. of one, six and seven mukhi rudhrakshas asked by you are given below.

The One Mukhi Rudraksha is itself Lord Shankar and it is the main among all Rudrakshas of all faces. It is the symbol of Godhood, Supreme Truth and Attainment of Eternity. It is ruled by the Sun and enlightens the Super Consciousness. It give the wearer the power to concentrate the mind on an object. The wearer of One Mukhi Rudraksha gets his mental structure changed and he begins to feel renunciation from the worldly affair. it is also considered highly efficient by the business community. It helps in attaining wishes with fruitful results. Those who wear it, are believed to have immense fame. Recommended for: Headache, Heart Disease and Right Eye Defect.

6 mukhi Rudraksha is the center of the power of Lord Shiva’s second son, Kumar Kartikeya. It gives learning, wisdom and knowledge and increases will power. Moreover, it saves us from the worldly sorrows. A combination of four face rudraksha and six face rudraksha enhances the vocal & mental power of the wearer amazingly. It is very good for company managers, businessmen, journalists and editors etc. It also governs genital organs. Its ruling planet is Venus. Venus governs Genital organs Throat, Valor, Sexual pleasure, Love, Music etc. It’s malefic effects can cause diseases and problems in above. Wearing six Mukhi rudraksha helps in controlling the malefic effects of Venus and increases the concentration. Recommended for: Eyes, Reproductive Organs, Urinary Tract, Prostate, Mouth and Throat.

Seven face Rudraksha symbolizes Goddess Mahalaxmi. Wearing seven facet rudraksha brings success, name & fame and a highly vibrant personality. It is also known as Kamdev. Those wearing seven mukhi are usually found to be highly attractive in circle. Also helps in attaining attracting powers. Those who are suffering from miseries pertaining to body, finance and mental set-up should wear it. By wearing seven face Rudraksha man can progress in business and service and spend his life happily. Seven mukhi rudraksha may be worn on a regular basis. It affects entire psychological and physical neurophysiology. It sublimates the malefic effects of Shani. Recommended for: Weakness, colic pain, handicapness, pain in bone and muscles, paralysis, long term disease, impotency, worries and hopelessness.-

2007-04-29 04:29:02 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Mukhi means line over rudraksha.
I mukhi rudraksha is rarely available.Late Indira gandhi was have one.
7 mukhi is good for health.
6 mukhi is not good one.

2007-04-28 22:43:14 · answer #2 · answered by bhalla 2 · 0 0

Hi,Vankatesh,Rudraksha is a fruit of a tree which are found in Himalaya,Nepal, Bhutaan and in Kedarnath.1mukhi rudraksha is divinlyshiva .it is said that it gives us Bhakti and mukti,it is papnashak,where it will be,there will be lakshmi.6mukhi rudraksha,is Kartikeyswaroop and Ganeshswaroop,if anybody tie in his right hand,then it is profitable n lucky in earning money vidya n health,7mukhi,called' Anang'gives fame,glory,no poverty will come to anyone if he hav this,by its worship 6matrika,7ashva,7hrishi will be happy or 'Prasanna'

2007-04-29 03:55:51 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

i have 1 - 32 mukhi. please call me +6281391207543. rudrakshanur@yahoo.co.id

2013-09-25 18:06:12 · answer #4 · answered by Nur H 1 · 0 0

Sorry, can't be brief...

2007-04-28 22:32:43 · answer #5 · answered by Chroma 4 · 0 1

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