Just because a seller is claiming 100% mirror image, does not mean that the bags they sell are truly that. LV makes exceptional bags, with a lot of attention to detail. That is why they cost so much. The counterfeit sellers items are not made well. Most are not good enough to pass as real and will most likely fall apart from poor stitching and such.
There are not many fakes out there good enough to be mistaken as real, at least to anyone who owns the authentic. If you can't afford the designer bag, you are better off getting a well made non-designer than a cheap fake. There is no shame in carrying a non-designer bag. There are plenty of cute items in the lower price range that are made well. A counterfeit is never made well. Plus, a lot of these sites are scams. You pay and never get the item. They're in China, what are you going to do? They shut down and reopen new sites to keep up the scam. If you do get the item, you find out it is made of cheap materials and reeks of mothballs. The bottom line is that LV cost more for a reason outside of it being a designer label. There is no point in paying any amount of money for a poorly made item, and I have no doubt that any counterfeit could compare in craftmanship to an authentic LV.
2007-04-29 10:10:36
answer #1
answered by Krissi 4
This Site Might Help You.
Why are Louis Vuitton handbags sooooo freakling expensive & are mirror image really a mirror copy?
I see 100's of Chinese sellers on ioffer selling 100% mirror image copies for like 10% or less of the "original" price & wonder if it's worth the "risk" ?????
2015-08-19 03:12:33
answer #2
answered by ? 1
Personally I think Louis Vuitton bags look like cheap crap. Every picture I saw of Jessica Simpson she was carrying some big brown ugly bag that never went with anything. Why pay all that money for something that looks so ugly and cheap when you can pick up a cute bag at Target or Wal Mart for 20 bucks?
2007-04-28 16:58:27
answer #3
answered by ♥Instantkarma♥♫ 7
Hi there.
I actually own many authentic and many replica Vuitton bags.
When purchasing from a seller from China, be VERY careful. One's idea of mirror image is anothers B-Grade cheap quality.
I was lucky enough to find a seller who only offers the best in Mirror Image replicas. From Date Codes, to lining to stamping, to quality.
I can honestly say that my replicas have been through snow, rain, dropped, extreme heat...you name it and still look beautiful!
The cost should run you anywhere from $95 t0 $145 U.S for a great replica (plus shipping which is about $32 a bag from Hong Kong).
As for the price of the real ones, they are truely expensive. However with Louis Vuitton, you are paying for quality. All bags are amde by hand. Hand stitched, inspected and take very long to create. They are not machine made and only certain numbers (esspecially limited edition bags) are created.
They even carry a 2 year warranty and their customer service is wonderful.
The decision is of course up to you.
If you go with a replica, check out ioffer and look for the seller
He is the one where I bought all my replicas from and is FANTASTIC. He is also so kind and honest and with him, you know you are only getting quality!
Hope this helps :o)
2007-04-30 03:36:07
answer #4
answered by ? 3
I have discovered this amazing site and then picked up one there. Not totally remarkable with the delivery speed however did save around 71% and very happy to get this discount. The quality is decent and right until now never find a problems.
2014-08-09 01:42:23
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Depends why you want to buy it for. If you're buying a counterfeit to promote your 'status' in this society of ours, then no matter how good a 'mirror' it is, you won't be satisfied. YOU'd know it's a fake.
The price reflects its status in people's minds. You're better off spending the same amount of money of something more worthwhile in your mind if you even consider buying a fake.
I buy it for the quality and the personal pleasure it affords me. Not for what people think. Never buy things for what other people think.
2007-04-28 16:45:13
answer #6
answered by Hsin_11 1
Because people are willing to pay the price. If EVERYONEthey would never again pay more then $300. for a handbag ...the prices of all over- priced handbags would drop llike a stone.
2016-03-17 21:34:35
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
There other cases with some of the Brain Cell’s features and design, but none with all of them. Being from an IT background, I found myself
searching for the best protection for my laptop and found it … and as a bonus, I also found these amazing bags to hold it in. :)
2014-09-22 20:22:35
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
2017-02-10 14:58:31
answer #9
answered by Ashley 4
Why not buy a knock off at Paddy's market cant tell the difference.
2007-04-28 16:38:06
answer #10
answered by judywoodman4 1