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Why would anybody think that we faked them? There is FAR more evidence against this strange theory than there is for it.

If you think we did fake them, or know why anybody would still say this, please answer this and give your ideas on the issue.

2007-04-28 09:51:18 · 23 answers · asked by Superconductive Magnet 4 in Science & Mathematics Alternative Other - Alternative

23 answers

I guess we won't know for sure until someone maps that area of the moon.
It would be so easy to just point the Hubble telescope at that area of the moon and put that argument to rest but they seem to be unwilling to do that for some reason.
We know that reflectors were sent there but that doesn't necessarily mean that they were put there by astronauts during a moon landing.
If it does turn out that there is no lunar landing site there then the US is going to look pretty foolish.
If it was staged I can understand why they done it because the Russians had beat us to space so we really needed a first up victory over them for political reasons.
It is strange though why the Russians never bothered to pursue a trip to the moon just to verify that the US moon mission was a real event unless they just couldn't do it.
Even now there is appearently no incentive to return to the moon even though we are much better equiped to make routine visits with the relitive comfort of the space shuttle.
It would make a lot more sence to have a base there and do those international science projects there where there is gravity rather than in a space shuttle or space station.
The only reason that I can possibly think of why they don't is because they can't.

2007-05-02 06:33:25 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Although my wife's father performed fuel calculations for the original Apollo landing, I'll spare you that speech. Instead, I will encourage you to watch two programs. The first show is called Conspiracy Moon Landing that it currently showing on the National Geographic Channel and it pretty much obliterates all of the popular conspiracy theories.

I would also encourage you to watch a movie called Capricorn One. Made it 1978, it is a fictional story about a fake mission to Mars. Although it is a science fiction story, it is a good example of how utterly impossible it would be to fake a moon landing for any length of time.

12 men walked on the moon from 1969 to 1972 and we have neither the resources nor the technology to pull off that big of a hoax for so long. Hundreds of thousands of people have worked on the space program. It would be far easier to put someone on the moon than to try and fake it and keep it secret for nearly 40 years.

The landings came at a time when our space program was ultra competitive with the former Soviet Union. Remember how big of a deal it was when Sputnik was put into orbit? They had the technology to monitor our moon shots and transmissions. Don't you think they would have called us out if they had evidence that it was all fake?

Perhaps the most definitive proof of our trip to the moon is what we left behind. For the last 35+ years, scientists have been beaming lasers to the moon and measuring the return times. How are they doing this? The beams are reflected back by equipment left on the moon on at 3 different locations.

Case closed.

2007-05-01 12:35:20 · answer #2 · answered by Carl 7 · 1 1

Did we fake the moon landings? I don't really know. There is compelling evidence for both arguments. Back in the 60's, we needed to beat the Russians at least once in the space race to boost American moral. Look at the evidence that it was faked:

The video of the astronauts walking or "bouncing" on the moon was shot at half speed. When played at full speed, they appear to be walking on Earth.

The gravity on the moon is less than half of Earth's. The astronauts should have been able to leap many feet into the air. However, they never get more than a foot or so off the ground.

One video clearly shows the American flag flapping in the wind. How could this be when the moon has to atmosphere (aka no wind)!?!

In order to reach the moon, the astronauts would have to pass through the Van-Allen belts, the radiation belts that surround Earth. When questioned, NASA says they don't currently posses the technology to safely pass through these belts.

Also, once outside of Earth's atmosphere, the astronauts would have been subjected to massive amounts of solar radiation. However, none fo them have developed any life altering conditions yet.

All of the pictures of the astronauts seem to be perfectly lit, no matter the position of the sun. Also, the letters "USA" or the American flag seem to be highlighted whenever possible.

When the landing module left the moon's surface, a last dust cloud should have been produced (the sae dust that made the footprints). However, no cloud of any type is witnessed.

As for the moon rocks, we ahve found plenty of moon rocks on Earth, with a large supply being found in Antartica.

The pictures from the moon are very odd. They always seem to contain the exact same background features. Also, no stars are visible in any.

There would be a very easy way for NASA and the US government to clear all this up as well. If we could get a picture of one of the landing gears from the landing modules still left on the moon, or even a picture of the flag, that could prove that we have been to the moon. However, in 40 some years since we "landed" on the moon, no picture of this nature has ever surfaced.

Even in the face of all this "evidence" there are still many effective counterpoints.arguements to be made that we did in fact land on the moon.

I'm not saying we deffinitely didn't land on the moon. I'm not even saying I completely believe the conspiricy theory. I do, however, think it offers some good points. I think you should consider all the facts before making up your mind.

2007-04-28 18:56:11 · answer #3 · answered by bigreddog0388 3 · 2 2

I think the real reasons why so many people believe they may have been faked are 1) We have been lied to so much by our govt. on so many occasions that many people are very skeptical nowdays 2) We haven't done anything remotely similar to this since then (a manned mission to an extra-terrestrial body) even though we now have supposedly better technology, better computing, etc. If we could do it in 1969, what's the problem with going back there now? Should be a piece of cake nowdays.....

I'm not saying that I buy into all of the conspiracy theories on this, but some are valid questions. To the answerer who commented that it could not be faked because too many people would need to be involved - that's not true - ever hear of the Manhattan Project? The atomic bomb was built by a large number of people but was hush hush top secret - it was accomplished by everyone knowing only what they needed to know to do their own little bit - only a very select few actually knew what was really going on. It really wouldn't be hard to keep a lot of people in the dark about something like this. It's happened before.

Another thing that gives pause is the fact that the original videos to the first moon landings were mysteriously "lost" just recently. How convenient - just when we have the true capability to take old videos and digitally re-master them to pull out details that normally could not be seen, they go missing.

There's the incident where former astronaut Buzz Aldrin was asked at a conference what it felt like to actually walk on the moon, and he didn't answer, but left the stage crying - not proof of anything really I suppose, but it makes you wonder...

You've got to consider that for a small, elite group of men who supposedly set foot on an alien world (after all that's what the moon is) they are really a pretty quiet bunch. You really haven't heard much from any of them over the years. I would have expected more books, television appearances, etc. by them describing their feelings, what they saw and experienced in detail, etc.

There was a lot of pressure on the United States to succeed at doing this - John F. Kennedy made a commitment that we as a nation should go to the moon and safely return before the decade was out - that was in a public speech he made to the nation. And we were in a colossal race with our arch-enemy the Soviet Union as to who would get there first.

The number of people who think they were faked, or at the very least maybe it was just a one-off stunt that could not easily be repeated, is slowly growing over the years. I think that the only way to silence the critics now for good would be to actually go there again, and go back to the same place, this time with live TV technology that we have today, instead of the fuzzy, grainy black and white of 1969.....

2007-04-28 23:13:19 · answer #4 · answered by the phantom 6 · 3 3

I thought it was faked for a long time. It was in an era where we were in competition for dominance with the U.S.S.R. and it made us look good. Also, I didn't know enough about science and physics and I often thought seeing the flag waving didn't make much sence. Finally, I figured if we had gone to the moon why have we not been back. Whats the problem with returning back to the moon if it wasn't faked.

2007-05-01 17:21:08 · answer #5 · answered by Dungeon Master 5 · 0 1

No. It would be very hard to fake it all. In addition, the United States was in a arms race with the Soviet Union, so faking the moon landings wouldn't be of much use. They needed real moon landing. Also, the space crafts used in the moon landings are still intact today, and are there to prove they actually landed on the moon.

2007-04-28 11:25:06 · answer #6 · answered by MATHCOUNTS_awesome 3 · 2 2

People believe that the moon landings were faked for a variety of reasons, most of them having to do with a fundamental distrust of information that has been passed from authority. Oftentimes, these people have ulterior motives for denying the moon landings. For example, the Flat Earth Society actually declared that the moon landings had to be fake because they observed a round Earth. Others believe the moon landings to be fake because the government always lies. These kinds of conspiracy theorists take the healthy practice of skepticism and take it to a level of incredulity so extreme as to deny massive amounts of evidence in favor of implausible alternative scenarios.

2007-04-28 20:35:36 · answer #7 · answered by yrews45543 2 · 2 2

At the time, the USSR was tracking and triangulating the position of the Apollo 11 mission from both Moscow and Vladivostok, thousands of kilometres apart, and constantly recalculating their changing positions from the angle of elevation of the strongest radio traffic signals. (The Germans originally used triangulation to detect forbidden radio transmitters in WW2.) The Soviets would have loved nothing better than to be able to catch their cold war adversary, the Americanskis, in a hoax, to finally discredit those decadent capitalist imperialists, but were forced to grudingly congratulate them, instead! Also, see http://www.badastronomy.com (.com/bad/tv/foxapollo.html).

2007-04-30 01:36:44 · answer #8 · answered by CLICKHEREx 5 · 1 1

If we faked the moon landings, how did the flag get there? True, the exhaust left by the lunar module would have destroyed the footprints left by Armstrong, but how did the footprints get there in the first place if we didn't land on the moon? The other evidence is just plain stupid.

2007-04-28 13:55:07 · answer #9 · answered by Liquid Astatine 2 · 2 3

what evidence ,name a few

then why after all this time is there no outpost on the moon ,to observe space unobstructed by an atmosphere ,

just what evidence ,is there that Man was there ,can you see an American flag waving up there ,

the movie was very bad and had a lot of mistakes
and vital moments of the landing were missing.

you just dont want to believe that it was a hoax ,that i can understand ,and there were many political reason for it to be true

Many Americans dont want to know the truth about anything ,the lies are more comfortable to live with

2007-04-28 18:02:23 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 4

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