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i have a 2.4ghz computer that has a pci video card in it now. i want to upgrade to a newer video card to play the lastest games. My computer only has the pci slots, not the pci express slots. my question is: is there a adpator, or a retro kit kit to upgrade to express? and, if not, what is the best pci video card i can buy? I dont' care what the brade name is


2007-04-28 08:23:39 · 4 answers · asked by srl2000 1 in Computers & Internet Hardware Other - Hardware

4 answers

Since noone will give you an answer, i will. This is the best you can get for a pci slot.
This is the benchmarks:
Not exactly a "gaming" card but can play some of them. You might want to consider getting a newer system (or upgrading).

2007-04-28 09:06:03 · answer #1 · answered by computertech82 6 · 1 0

Have a look at this review site.

You can't go wrong with any PCI card that has a better spec than the one you have today. A Video card upgrade is normally one of the most beneficial upgrades possible on a PC, then come RAM and disk space.

However if your PC is more than 3 or 4 years old you may need to think about a new PC. These days sites like Dell are doing some amazing deals on systems that will cost about the same as a top end graphics card on its own - so in this case you buy the best you can afford and you look at a graphics card and maybe a CPU upgrade in 18 months time.

If you speak to dell and tell them you have a limited budget now but you want to be able to install a dual core CPU in 18 months time they will get you up and running on a system that will most likely beat any existing 4 years old PC and will give you a system that might squeeze 5 - 7 years with careful management.

A final idea you could look at a replacement motherboard that would run your current CPU and allow a jump to dual core later. Speak to intel's technical support and tell them what you have now and they will recommend a model. Thius new board needs to have PCI & PCI-E and APG slots that way you maximise the life of the system. Having said this some people just replace their system every 2-3 years and they don't buy top end that just buy to the cost of a good graphics card. Places like Dell can do deal because they are selling whole systems and not replacement part - it crazy but true.

Hope this helps you out.

2007-04-28 15:44:37 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

You might not have a PCIe slot but you might have at least an AGP slot. If it's there, get a good AGP card, it's faster than a PCI card.

There is no adapter to convert PCI to PCIe. PCI is a slower system. There is no point in getting an expensive PCI card. It will still be VERY SLOW for the latest games because it will just be bottlenecked by the SLOW PCI bus. If you really want to enjoy the latest games, replace your motherboard w/ one that has an AGP or PCIe slot.

2007-04-28 20:07:24 · answer #3 · answered by Karz 7 · 0 1

do you know what computer you have is it xp or vista and what brand

2007-04-28 15:29:07 · answer #4 · answered by ☺☻☺☻ 4 · 0 3

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