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Are they cousins, half-sisters are simply close friends?

2007-04-28 07:23:57 · 11 answers · asked by Simply Luvlee 2 in Entertainment & Music Celebrities

11 answers

They are not related. Beyonce's father started group and she joined. When her mother needed to move back to Atlanta Beyonce's father convinced her to leave Kelly to continue with rehearsals etc.... This is why Kelly is so close with the family. They say they're cousins because they grew up together. People were speculating that there is more to the story. A lot of people believed that Kelly was really Mathew's child, but they all denied it. It does make a good story doesn't it? Mathew Knowles is simply a business man that invested a lot of time and money into Kelly along with Beyonce and the other two girls and didn't want to have to search for another girl. He was raising these girls Jackson family style. He trained them on how to do interviews. He had them practice walking. He had them practice talking. Everything you could think of he had them do. From acting to dancing to singing. He paid for group photos. He did it all. This is why Beyonce's family was so hurt when the other two didn't want him to be manager anymore. After he quit his job and went everywhere with them. He tried to sell them. Their parents did not sacrafice as much as this man did. He took a group of 11 year olds and made them stars. He saw something nobody else saw. This is why when group first made it big. The other girls did not make as much as Beyonce. He was getting reimbursed for all the money he paid for almost 5-6 years. (Paying for group photos, outfits, studio time etc....) These things are not cheap. Do research and you will see how much things like this come up too. I'm sure those two girls parents didn't believe in them that much that they quit their jobs. Kelly was just really close with the family by that time and smart enough to understand the business. Now she has benefited from it. People can't understand why she is still there unlike the others before her and this is why they will come up with anything, but if she is secretly Mathew's daughter I wouldn't be shocked. Everybody has a skeleton in the closet.

2007-04-28 07:36:44 · answer #1 · answered by Don't throw stones. 2 · 2 0

They are really close friends. because Beyonce's father started a group and she joined. When her mother needed to move back to Atlanta Beyonce's father convinced her to leave Kelly to continue with rehearsals etc.... This is why Kelly is so close with the family. They say they're cousins because they grew up together. People were speculating that there is more to the story. A lot of people believed that Kelly was really Mathew's child, but they all denied it. It does make a good story doesn't it? Mathew Knowles is simply a business man that invested a lot of time and money into Kelly along with Beyonce and the other two girls and didn't want to have to search for another girl. He was raising these girls Jackson family style. He trained them on how to do interviews. He had them practice walking. He had them practice talking. Everything you could think of he had them do. From acting to dancing to singing. He paid for group photos. He did it all. This is why Beyonce's family was so hurt when the other two didn't want him to be manager anymore. After he quit his job and went everywhere with them. He tried to sell them. Their parents did not sacrafice as much as this man did. He took a group of 11 year olds and made them stars. He saw something nobody else saw. This is why when group first made it big. The other girls did not make as much as Beyonce. He was getting reimbursed for all the money he paid for almost 5-6 years. Paying for group photos, outfits, studio time etc.These things are not cheap. Do research and you will see how much things like this come up too. I'm sure those two girls parents didn't believe in them that much that they quit their jobs. Kelly was just really close with the family by that time and smart enough to understand the business. Now she has benefited from it. People can't understand why she is still there unlike the others before her and this is why they will come up with anything, but if she is secretly Mathew's daughter I wouldn't be shocked. Everybody has a skeleton in the closet.

2007-04-28 07:26:34 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

Beyonce and Kelly arent related. Theyre really close friends. They arent of any relation to each other

2007-04-28 11:12:56 · answer #3 · answered by mystic rain 7 · 0 0

i heard sometime back that they were half-sisters; that Beyonce was Kelly's dad. but sometime after that i hear that they are just close friend. they had lived together from the time they had first started the group.

2007-04-28 07:35:11 · answer #4 · answered by seansean 2 · 0 0

Tina Knowles had an exclusive interview back in 2007 where she confirmed that she had Physically adopted Kelly. Thats something they dont speak on, which I dont doubt them because the public blows up everything.But thats the true and definant answer she was adopted by Tina over 25 years ago. So yes they are sisters.

2014-07-03 03:19:06 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

just close friends. They've been doing the whole singing group thing since they were little. Because they did alot of touring and promoting to make it big they became closer and eventually they all lived together I think. I heard something like that on one of those vh1 specials on them.

2007-04-28 07:29:10 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

They are reeeaaalllly close frends.Beyonce n Kelly basically grew up together.They lived in da same town,went to tha same skul n were in da same girl group.

2007-04-28 07:39:41 · answer #7 · answered by vrs94_moz 1 · 0 0

beyonce and kelly are best friends they were from they were little they grew up together that's why they were always together

2007-04-28 07:31:05 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

They are cousins and very close friends.

2007-04-28 07:28:28 · answer #9 · answered by tanlaask 3 · 0 0

They used to be Siamese twins.
Then they moved to Ireland and became Irish twins.

2007-04-28 07:27:39 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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