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Even when the weather is so fair and just the humidity is a bit raised by rain or something, and specially when it is freezing in the winter, the car windows getting covered by steam. Some say that one of the windows shall be a little bit opened or the car heater shall operate to get rid of this thing, I want to know scientifically why?

2007-04-28 07:18:44 · 5 answers · asked by Kaveh 1 in Science & Mathematics Weather

5 answers

Cold air can contain less moisture than warm air. If there's too much water vapour in the air then the excess has to be removed somehow - in terms of weather it falls as rain or forms dew on surfaces. Condensation is much the same thing.

Because the car windows are cold it cools the air next to them to that point that the air has more water vapour than it can contain. The air then deposits excess water vapour as condensation on the car windows - same reason cold surfaces such as windows, mirrors, tiles etc steam up in kitchens and bathrooms.

If the humidity is high then there's already a lot of water vapour in the air so it doesn't need much more water vapour to reach it's maximum capacity (called saturation point). If the people in the car are wet from rain then there will be a lot of evapouration and the windows will steam up very quickly.

Having the heater on warms the air and so it can contain more water vapour before causing condensation, having a window open removes the moisture laden air.

2007-04-28 07:52:55 · answer #1 · answered by Trevor 7 · 1 0

the people in the car must have some kind of body heat coming off of them.. or just breathing in general can fog up the windows because the temperature inside the car is warmer than it is outside.

2007-04-28 14:22:53 · answer #2 · answered by soccrrulz21 2 · 0 0

because its warmer in the car than it is outside, and your breath has alot of moisture, so its going to collect in a cool spot and become water again, well try to, u need alot of steam to make water.

2007-04-28 15:40:09 · answer #3 · answered by jt 4 · 0 0

It's just the temerature difference inside to out.

It's how clouds form above us. Different layers of temperature.

2007-04-28 15:07:07 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

because of condensation!


2007-04-28 14:22:45 · answer #5 · answered by andtovar 2 · 0 0