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I have a Dell 5150 with a 305 watt and i think some graphics card need 350 watts to run? was looking at a XFX GeForce 7600GT 256MB DDR3 would that work in my dell?

2007-04-28 03:25:35 · 6 answers · asked by higgins203 2 in Computers & Internet Hardware Other - Hardware

I also have a PCI-E slot in my Computer.

2007-04-28 03:27:52 · update #1

Thanks for helping but i have no idea how to change my power supply and they look expensive on dells site.

2007-04-28 04:01:50 · update #2

6 answers

The XFX GeForce 7600GT should work well in your Dell. You may need to go into the BIOS and change the video path so the the BIOS looks to the PCI-E slot for primary video. The 305 watt power supply should be enough, but you could replace it with a larger unit of around 400/450 watts or so. Power supplies are easy to replace, and are not very expensive.

If I'm reading the spec's on this card correctly, you will need a digital (flat panel) monitor that has a DVI input, in that this card does not support VGA graphics.

Hope this helps.

2007-04-28 03:52:58 · answer #1 · answered by Ron M 7 · 0 0

The 7600GT is just a 36 watter. If you have not added any other component to your PC, it may run smoothly. But then, you could be stressing one of the power rails of the power supply unit (PSU) to its limit.

My best bet is that the slower 7300GT ddr3 would be less stressful to your PSU. The 7300GT is only a 25 watter.

If there is a way of upgrading your PSU, get a good one w/ a higher rating. PSUs tend to run cooler and last longer when operated at 80% or less load. That's why even my 5 year old PSU is still very much alive and kicking (stable voltages/ no bloated caps).

2007-04-28 14:17:27 · answer #2 · answered by Karz 7 · 0 1

try the card and if it dont work then get a higher watt power supply the card doesn't need 350 to work anyway I don't think you'll have any issues though

2007-04-28 03:32:55 · answer #3 · answered by zippo091 6 · 0 0

Your PSU does seem a little low. Unfortunately, Dell uses special parts, so putting a new power supply in there might be next to impossible.

2007-04-28 03:28:56 · answer #4 · answered by angryfirelord 2 · 0 1

I think it might work if you install a better power supply system.

2007-04-28 03:31:51 · answer #5 · answered by {flick} 3 · 0 0

you would want at least a 500watt power supply in your computer for a card like that.

2007-04-28 03:29:38 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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