Why do so many people want a power drill, or a car, or a fishing rod? A gun is just a tool that does a job (let's remember that guns have a legitimate use) and there are some people who have an interest in these items and turn it into a hobby.
Sure, they can be used for crime, they can kill - but so do cars, and in greater numbers. Any item is open to misuse.
The gun can be interesting on so many levels. From the antique / historical / collectors side, to engineering / presicion tool, a skill / accuracy / sporting aspect among others.
It's a shame a small minority of gun owners give them a bad name.
2007-04-27 20:37:09
answer #1
answered by The Wandering Blade 4
Personally, I like to hunt. I take pleasure in going out to the woods, getting away from society, even for a short time, and hunting. It's a tradition handed down from father to son, since the birth of this country. And I think it's a tradition that should be preserved.
Also, I love to target shoot. It's relaxing, competitive, and very enjoyable.
And I have weapons to protect my home, my family, and my own life. This is not a friendly world we live in. And there are those who would do us harm. And I think it's a given right, as the founding fathers saw it, for any American to be armed and defend themselves. And in times of conflict, an American should be able to defend his country from foreign invasion.
The 2nd Amendment guarantees our right to bear arms, and every American who had no criminal record or mental problems should be able to purchase and possess a firearm.
2007-04-28 02:58:59
answer #2
answered by C J 6
crime rates are high and i want to feel safe... not only is it a weapon against intruders but if the sheet hits the fan you have a tool to hunt for food... and i feel it is an icon of man's ingenuity which put us at the top of the food chain and gives us a greater chance of survival.... unfortunately due to humanity's inherent evil, the gun is not always used in a proper manner
2007-04-28 03:01:28
answer #3
answered by c 1
I'm waiting for a terrorist.
2007-04-28 03:06:02
answer #4
answered by towanda 7
I often wonder.
2007-04-28 03:20:57
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Small penis syndrome.
2007-04-28 03:11:43
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
My sentiments exactly!!!!!
2007-04-28 03:06:59
answer #7
answered by Anonymous