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All categories

The Patriot Act
The war in Iraq
The Federal Reserve
The income tax
The sixteenth amendment
The fair tax
The 9/11 truth movement
campaign reform
The constitution and the bill of rights
Universal healthcare
Labor Unions
gun control
Affordable housing
The minimum wage/Living wage
Cost of living vs income growth
There are others, but these are the primary issues, that are most in need of being addressed right now! These are quality of life issues, so let me know if I have left out any important QUALITY OF LIFE issues, because quality of life issues are the only issues that really matter.

2007-04-27 15:19:59 · 8 answers · asked by LadyZania 7 in Politics & Government Politics

Actually, trouble, yes I do want a lot! I want a whole different kind of world. I know I may not see it in my lifetime, but I will continue to try as long as I am still breathing, to make people understand and care about what is best for EVERYONE, not just for a certain few!

2007-04-27 15:36:14 · update #1

8 answers

ROFL and you posted THIS on a Friday night? In the wee hours? Woman! You ask much...smile. I will answer short and sweet.

The Patriot Act. People may make noises about how it does not effect them but that is a rather blind and selfish attitude. It is NOT the Constitution and GW would not have changed it if they did not feel they would need it at some point. REMEMBER they are still busy in the Middle East. When they are done with that, they plan to subdue Americans. The Moslems and the Americans have been the peoples most difficult to bring to "heel" (or is it "hell"?) under the NWO. You are at war but think about why this is? To kill each other off as well as gain oil for the Rockefellers? They KILL YOUR boys and then raise the cost of it to break you financially at home? They could not tame the Muslims because they refuse to bow to anyone and they could not tame Americans because you also refuse to bow to anyone. There are over 600+ FEMA concentration camps in America. Surely they are not just for show.... By the way, if one denies them or says "it has not bothered anyone I know" or "if they are there they deserve it" realize that just means that secrecy and selfishness rule in America.

The War in Iraq. What is to be said? It is greed and genocide and political ambition. It has been a dishonest war from the very beginning but the neocons wanted it so it was thrust upon America. They followed the standard Problem>Reaction>Solution formula and now you are mired in an unwinable situation. Meanwhile, as was done by Clinton in the Serbia situation, genocide of the civilian population is well underway thanks to Depleted Uranium, something the government denies exists. This legacy will cause untold pain for millions of years and effect ALL of us. Your returning boys are having deformed babies that are as monstrous as those born in Iraq. The cancer rate in Serbia and Iraq and Afghanistan has risen almost 2000% and it will continue. This damage is genetic and irreversible. I think this war is one of the most criminal ever created and the perpetrators should be tried and executed. To me, there is little difference between a misled suicide bomber who prays to Allah before killing and a good ole American boy blessed by his chaplain before going out to drop such bombs on civilians. Well, actually, the latter is worse because what he is doing will last for 4.5 billion years. And the images I have found of torture, show that Americans are no better than the Nazis were in the concentration camps. These are inhuman unemotional intentionally cruel bullies, nothing more, nothing less. America has lost every claim it has to being "superior" and "decent" in the eyes of the world. SO, instead of fighting and being PROXIES for the Rothschilds and Illuminati in Iraq, pull out. I also think this war will NOT end because there is too much money being made by the ones on top. The bankers extended WW1 for 3 years to make more $$. They are nothing if not greedier today so why think anything will be different?

The Federal Reserve. Privately owned by the Rockefellers. They took it over in 1913 under very very shady circumstances. The taxes you are voluntarily paying to them goes into this, their private business. There are loopholes that means individuals can evade taxes that support illegal wars whilst leaving citizens on the home front without some of the basics in life. These people now print useless money on paper and control the future financial health of your nation, and they do not have plans people will be happy with.

The Income Tax. ILLEGAL. Passed as part of the crime in 1913 and ILLEGAL. It was another money grab by the elite named above and significantly lowered the standard of living of Americans. It is constitutionally illegal to tax someone on their labour but they do it and you let them.

The Sixteenth Amendment. Read what I said in the above two paragraphs. It was NEVER ratified and the American people were deliberately lied to about this fact. It was passed over Christmas when only a "select" few remained in Washington whilst all the other Senators were with their families. Sneaky? You betcha!

The IRS. Thugs. Plain and simple, financial thugs. I find the current advertisements with the menacing "tax man is gonna get ya" ads is very indicative of this thug aspect.

The fair tax. It is a good idea but still needs some fine tuning.

911 truth movement. Well, considering that at least two people predicted this publicly well before it happened, please think about it. David Icke predicted it in fine detail several years before the fact,as he has what is to come and he is uncannily accurate on the details. Alex Jones went on record 5 months earlier and actually named names as well as specifics. NO ONE LISTENED. I think the fact that the BBC reported parts of the incident almost 30 minutes before it happened says buckets regarding the truth and how it is portrayed. The reporter gives a tearful account of the screams and sounds of the dying she can hear, but the building is still standing tall behind her on the screen. Was she psychic or was she reading from a prewritten speech? There is too much evidence to deny it. The official report was written to placate only and it fails. This incident, like Pearl Harbour, the Lusitania, Tonkin, so many others was used as a catalyst. Once again, Problem>Reaction>Solution. Blow it up and report it as you want it reported. Let the people be traumatized so they BEG for a solution! Then the government steps in with the solution THEY have planned for the problem that THEY created! In this case, the ridiculous chase for a CIA agent called bin Laden just to get to the oil in Irag, a country he had NOTHING to do with! Oh, and did I mention the installation of the Patriot Act as well? Such things usually result in a great reduction of freedom and rights for the people. I think it was Ben Franklin who said that a people willing to trade a few liberties for safety and security deserve neither!

Campaign Reform. It is broke. Fix it. While you are at it ban computers in the elections. I see this, at this point, as being just another diversionary tactic because presidents are not elected, they are selected. It does not matter what you fix, until you get the people you truly elect, it is very broke. Men have sworn in front of the government that they have created programmes to fix the votes and they were used in FLA twice, at least. Face it, it matters not who votes, it matters who counts the votes!

The constitution and the Bill of Rights. I do believe it was Bush who said, regarding these as he signed the Patriot Act, "They are just goddamned pieces of paper." They were signed and Franklin said something along the line of "We have written it, now see if you can keep it." They might have had a few flaws but these documents were pretty decent. Now they are toast until Amerikka wakes up from its daze and the people reclaim their freedoms.

Universal Healthcare. We had it in Canada. It was excellent for a very very long time. Then came bloody NAFTA and our system has begun to deteriorate as it is being privatized. The first thing to be done was EVERYONE was fired and their contracts, even those with wet ink, were torn up. The Doctors and Nurses were rehired at a slightly lower salary and their workload doubled. The support workers, everyone from laundry to foods to cleaning and clerical staff were hired by a private company IF they wanted to, and their wages dropped from $11 to $15 an hour down to $8. So, don't count on it happening, your institutions don't want it.

Gun Control. In history, EVERY nation that has been taken over by a dictatorship has been disarmed first. Go figger. It is futile. As if a criminal will declare arms! And the decent homeowner who keeps one hidden away loses his protection against criminals? PUHLEEZE. Flawed from the getgo. As for these horrors with confused people pepper spraying their surroundings, as in VA or Columbine, these are not "accidents". These are mind controlled disposable creatures used in the aforementioned Problem>Reaction>Solution formula. Make it seem guns are in the hands of crazy unhappy youth and traumatize people. The people are traumatized and BEG for gun control. This formula is SOOO easy and once you integrate it into how you look at things, everything makes so much more sense.

Affordable Housing. What is to be said? Not for laziness or not working unless there are serious physical issues. There is NO reason for the number of homeless in America. I fear it is happening here too. Our once pristine city is now awash with people sleeping in doorways all year round. A good number of them are victims who have been booted out of homes and institutions, the weakest of the weak, and left to their own devices, victims. I know how horrible it is to always feel one cheque away from living on the streets, and this should NOT be part of our psyche. Consider this. Americans used to OWN America. Land was being given away to settlers. Now they are mortgaged to the hilt and there are not enough homes. I consider this treatment of the poor to be yet another form of genocide of society's weakest members. If America spent one twentieth of what they do on arms, this problem could be fixed.

Labour Unions. They have problems yes, and can be self serving but, without them the American worker has been reduced in dignity and pay to an all time low. It is time people listened to Pete Seeger and Woodie Guthrie again and got some BACKBONE! Your history books have eliminated that great part of history when workers fought for rights to pull out of the dismal lives that are now being imposed on Americans. There is a REASON things like union busting go on, it weakens the rights of workers. I mention how it is done in my comment on health care. What is being done to the workers in Walmart is what everyone faces. Walmart's philosophy is, "let the feds take care of our workers. Meanwhile we will take jobs from Americans and ship them over to China were we can have prisoners make our goods for PENNIES." As a result, America loses happy workers with money to spend AND a lot of tax income to keep the schools going! Unions are not perfect but they protect the rights of its members because, face it, the bosses don't give a rat's @ss about replaceable drones.

Minimum wage/Living Wage. A no brainer. The min wage is not enough. The living wage should be reviewed every 2 years so that it keeps up with inflation so that people do not keep falling behind despite the fact they are working harder than ever before. Of course this does not effect the yuppies and more successful so many don't care. YET.

Cost of living/Income Growth. See above.

There ya go. Phew. Can I go to sleep now?


2007-04-28 05:20:09 · answer #1 · answered by Noor al Haqiqa 6 · 2 0

The Patriot Act - Hasnt changed my life at all
The war in Iraq - A mess, But we are there. It needs to be completed but not foolishly.
The Federal Reserve - hmmm I think the 1913 law needs to be brought before congress and either abolished or they need to legally ratify it.
The income tax - IRS is biggest waste of a beareucracy. streamline it.. flat tax or something similar.
The sixteenth amendment - end it or change it.
The IRS --see income tax
The fair tax -- better than what we have but I think we could go even simpler.
The 9/11 truth movement -- ive read over tons of stuff. none of the conspiracies hold water.
campaign reform -- complete disclosure of contributions.
The constitution and the bill of rights -- They are there for a reason.
Universal healthcare -- I dont see how it will work, but im open minded.
Labor Unions -- I owe my rate of pay to one, but sometimes they are self serving.
gun control -- its a fact it doesnt work.
Affordable housing -- real estate prices are through the roof in alot of places. something needs to change.
The minimum wage/Living wage -- if business couldnt hire illegals without fear things would change there.
Cost of living vs income growth -- huge disparity.

I personally thing immigration issues being fixed would help largely to address many of these issues.

2007-04-27 22:31:45 · answer #2 · answered by sociald 7 · 1 1

i think the Patriot Act is a move towards Totalilitarinism and Big Brother
I think we should pull out of Iraq
I believe that the Federal reserve is becoming corrupt
We must remove the 16th amendment
Remove the IRS
pass the fair Tax
I support the 9/11 truth movement, I am a strong activist for the truth
Nothing wrong with campaigns
I must think more about Universal Health care
Labor unions ruin our economy
2nd amendment, *****, don't take guns away!

2007-04-27 22:31:59 · answer #3 · answered by Hopeless 2 · 3 0

Patriot Act--a severe impingement of our rights as guaranteed by the "g-d piece of paper"....er...I mean, Constitution.
The "war"--needs to END
The Fed--needs repair
income tax & 16th amend--need to be simplified and FAIR
fair tax--see above
9/11 truth movement--not totally convinced, but nothing would surprise me
campaign reform--necessary, right now!
Constitution and B of R--should be the final "deciders" on any issue
Universal healthcare--absolutely necessary
labor unions--need to come back into power; they sometimes protected people who shouldn't have been protected, and sometimes priced their workers out of the market, but, on the whole, protected all of us "underlings", and boy! do we need protection today!!
gun control--I'm in favor of it!
affordable housing--what could be a more basic need?
minimum wage/living wage--one breadwinner per household SHOULD be able to keep family above the poverty line
cost of living vs income growth--something that should be made clear to anyone running for office; we are drowning out here!

Here's one that's important to me: public education! (Needs huge improvement!!)


2007-04-28 00:05:08 · answer #4 · answered by Joey's Back 6 · 2 0

My responses - in order: Against. Rabidly Against. OK. Needs fixin'. OK. OK. OK. 9/11 truth movement is STUPID!!!!! Campaign reform will never happen. OK. Desperately needed. For. Enforce laws already on the books. For. Raise the minimum wage some more. Cost of living.

2007-04-27 23:17:21 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

Wow, that's alot of issues, sorry don't have the time, maybe if there were only like...three, then I might be tempted to explain, um...shorten the list next time, okay.

2007-04-27 22:29:50 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

16 points.
It's Friday night, and I don't want to think too much, please!
Let's leave this for next week, okay?

2007-04-27 22:30:11 · answer #7 · answered by Tokoloshimani 5 · 1 0

You don't want alot, do you?

2007-04-27 22:28:21 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

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