Nancy Pelosi is only interested in things that will make the President look bad. She doesn't want to do any thing constructive she it to obsessed with being destructive. Wheres my invite for cards and beer?
2007-04-27 12:10:23
answer #1
answered by Mother 6
I think everyone has missed the point. Since Frau Welt appointed herself to serve in a presidential capacity (along w/ the Republican traitors who joined her in this mutany) then she needs to take on ALL the responsibilites. Why stop at aiding the enemy? She obviously believes she is better suited to do the presidents work.....why will she not go after Bin Laden? Could it be she is not so sure of herself? Perhaps because she made a fool of her self once already?
Add: Rock on Mother! Earnest--if you don't give Mother 10 points you're crazy! She hit it on the head!!!
2007-04-27 11:45:08
answer #2
answered by Cherie 6
The point, has been made in several angles. With a (D), beside The Speakers Name? She instantly becomes Goddess Nancy. All other aspects, flow from her Royal Acclaim. Having said that? I wish you, the very best of the weekend.
Do take a few minutes to see how My Mets are doin'.
2007-04-27 11:55:53
answer #3
answered by Nunya Bidniss 7
"A nation can survive its fools and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But a traitor moves amongst those within the gates freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the halls of government itself.
For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear".
2007-04-27 16:22:57
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
MarketWatch is seen respected, sure. One man or woman who basically occurs to post an editorial under their banner would not unavoidably represent the the corporate, and that i think the author would not represent it. The lifeless provide away on your answer is got here across in the comments under the object. And that is Pelosi would not be an excellent candidate in any way shape or style. She is totally formed to greater healthful the "unique" lifestyle contemporary in her district. She is Catholic via kin custom, and he or she keeps to be clueless as to easily how not trouble-free issues would be on Judgment day whilst she stands before The Lord and supply an account of her life. .
2016-10-13 22:49:30
answer #5
answered by lorenzo 4
I have it from a reliable source from a left wing blog. Nancy DID go looking for Bin Laden and FOUND him. She was expecting sexual relations with him (one of your answers points that out) but ole Bin DENIED her. Now she is going to take Kennedy, Kerry, Dean, and Gore over there with her to put ole Bin in his proper place. The Republicans that went with her on her first jaunt wanted to take pictures of the planned sexcapade and sell it as pornography to the goat raisers there.
2007-04-27 11:59:11
answer #6
answered by just the facts 5
It is hard to overstate the arrogance and bellicosity of the congressional Democratic leadership.
When they're not playing footsie with our enemies, they're savaging President Bush, gleefully naysaying every aspect of the Iraq war and harming the troops they pretend to protect.
Everywhere you turn, Democrats are working their partisan destruction.
Turn to the Washington Post and read about Sen. Joe Biden contradicting the administration and the military's claims that the "surge" in Iraq is producing dividends. Don't be misled, chides Biden. Don't dare focus on any good news coming out of Iraq that doesn't fit into our anti-Bush, anti-war template.
Talk all you want about increased security in Baghdad, but the chaos on the city's periphery more than outweighs any gains we've made. The surge, says Biden, is doomed to fail.
Is it too harsh to infer that Biden and his ilk are rooting for failure in Iraq? If bad news doesn't immediately jump out at them, they redouble their efforts to find it, because bad news is their currency.
It is their ticket to political power.
Next, turn to an entry from The Crypt's Blog on, which reports that Sen. Harry Reid compared President Bush to the most vilified 20th century American president: Richard M. Nixon. Bush, said the quintessentially pugnacious Reid, is "as isolated" over the Iraq war as Nixon was over Watergate.
Note that this is in keeping with the Dems' template on the Iraq issue. To them, it's not just a policy dispute over the prosecution and conduct of the war, but a scandal.
To them, Bush's entire initiation and management of the war is criminal. That's the point Reid is attempting to reinforce with his Nixon reference. Nixon became isolated on Watergate because of his own misconduct. Bush is hunkered down in his White House bunker alone because of his supposed misconduct. Don't miss the intended imagery.
Yet there is no evidence of misconduct by Bush on the war — no amount of shouting and repetition can change that. And he is not isolated, though at times it seems he is the only one with the requisite courage to make the difficult calls on Iraq.
Don't forget that the appeasement party still lacks the votes to outright eliminate funding for the war.
2007-04-27 13:40:28
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I know that, like the moronic mass murdering traitor you love so much, you have no respect for the Constitution of the United States of American, and want it shredded ASAP, still, Speaker of the House Pelosi does NOT have the Constitutional powers to "go after" Bin Laden.
Although you seem to think she isn't allowed to travel, there is no prohibition on her travel, just as there wasn't a prohibition on the travel of the Republicans who went to Syria.
I understand that such things as consistency, reason, law, fact, and truth have no hold on your mind.
Your mistake is in assuming that the rest of us suffer the same mental problems.
Pelosi and Reid don't.
I don't.
2007-04-27 18:34:09
answer #8
answered by tehabwa 7
They can't do so without the President's permission... they can't become vigilantes... sorry but your own idea is flawed, there is such a thing as Separation of Powers, and Checks and Balances... it is the President's responsibility- now if the Vice President and President die (knock on wood), then it would become her responsibility- until then.. it's Bushy Boy
2007-04-27 11:33:52
answer #9
answered by katjha2005 5
What good would it do to get Bin Laden when he has an army of followers that do his bidding. Damascus Nancy should consider this.
2007-04-27 11:24:40
answer #10
answered by earl justice 3