HPV is the virus that causes cervical cancer. They are over 30 HPV types that affect the genital area. They are 15 HPV types that are found in cervical cancer.
Many people acquire the virus. Screening and treatment play an important part in preventing the virus from progression.
The immune system plays an important part in preventing the progression of the virus to a cancer. As we age the immune system can weaken.
HPV can be transmitted with the use of condoms.
HPV can be acquired with any sexual encounter. Statistics tell us that many people have this infection and the virus is usually acquired in our early twenties.
Men may never show any signs of an HPV infection. Some men do show visible genital warts. Genital warts are of low risk HPV types. A genital wart infection can also include a co-infection with high risk HPV types.
Pap smears show abnormal cell changes. Most common abnormal cell changes are due to an HPV infection.
It may take many years for HPV to progress from virus to cancer.
You didn’t state if your friend’s wife had sex partners before she was married to this man? It is difficult to know when or whom we acquire our HPV infection. At this point they both share their HPV types your friends main concern should be with his wife and providing her with the support that she will need.
Here is some information regarding HPV and Cervical Cancer.
Cervical cancer is not considered to be hereditary. It's caused by certain types of a common virus, human papillomavirus (HPV).
There are many types of HPV. Most of them are harmless, but others can be quite serious, like the ones that can cause cervical cancer.
How does HPV become cervical cancer?
When a woman becomes infected with certain “high-risk” types of human papillomavirus (such as HPV Types 16 and 18) and her body does not clear the infection, abnormal cells can develop in the lining of her cervix. If these abnormal cells are not discovered early, they can become cervical precancer and then cancer. In most cases, this process can take a number of years, although in rare instances it can happen within a year.
When detected early, cervical disease and cancer can be prevented. Human papillomavirus (HPV) is now recognized as the primary causal factor in the development of cervical disease and cancer
Cervical cancers do not form suddenly. Normal cervical cells gradually develop pre-cancerous changes that turn into cancer
Scientists now think that HPV causes the production of 2 proteins known as E6 and E7. When these are produced, they turn off some tumor suppressor genes. This may allow uncontrolled growth of the cervical lining cells, which in some cases will lead to cancer
Progression to Invasive Cervical Carcinoma
Usually about 9-15 years after initial HPV infection, untreated HPV infection in certain circumstances can progress to invasive squamous cell carcinoma
The male role in Cervical Cancer
Understanding Cell Changes
2007-04-27 17:37:48
answer #1
answered by tarnishedsilverheart 7
We don't know exactly what causes cervical cancer, but certain risk factors are believed to have an effect. Medical history and lifestyle - especially sexual habits - play a role in a woman's chances of developing cervical cancer.
Certain types of HPV, which can be transmitted from one person to another during sexual contact, increase the risk of cell dysplasia (abnormal cell growth) and/or progression to cervical cancer.
The HPV types that produce genital warts (lesions that are raised and bumpy, or flat and almost impossible to see) are different from those that cause cervical cancer. However, women who have a history of genital warts have almost twice the risk of an abnormal Pap smear as other women.
Other risk factors:
Tobacco use.
Eating habits.
Weakened immune system.
Hormonal medications.
Chemical exposure.
2007-04-27 05:07:39
answer #2
answered by Fraulein 7
I think what you are asking is, How did she get it NOW?
Was she cheating?
Most likely, No.
She could have have it for many, many years with NO symptoms. It is very possible, she could have had it prior to ever being married or with you.
Most women that have it, have no idea they have it.
Without symptoms, how would you know?
It's the luck of the draw, men are carriers and most never know they do their entire lives.
I wouldn't worry so much how, I would worry more about taking care of her, chances are she got it innocently, (relatively) and had no idea, she simply carried it all these years.
It usually takes a very long time to migrate to cancer, IF it ever does.
Hope this helps. : )
Quote from the link below:
(The link has GREAT info btw!)
"HPV is, essentially, the common cold of STDs, not only because it is the most common STD, but because it is as common as the common cold. 80% of the sexually active population will come into contact with HPV at some point in their lives. Stop for a moment and wrap your mind around that statistic. 80%."
My Note: VERY good reason to get the HPV vaccine!!!
80%???!??? GET THE VACCINE!!!
Another quote:
"The National Institutes of Health’s Report on Condom Effectiveness did not find any epidemiologic evidence that using condoms reduced the risk of HPV infection."
You (man OR woman) could be, and most likely are, infected without ever knowing...
2007-04-27 03:56:26
answer #3
answered by Rockmeister 2
woman has a higher-than-average risk of developing cervical if she:
Has had multiple sexual partners
Began having sexual relations before the age of 18
Has a partner who has had sexual contact with a woman with cervical cancer
Other Risk Factors
It is probable that other factors contribute to cervical cancer, such as:
Poverty. Women who are poor may not have access to medical services that detect and treat precancerous cervical conditions. When such women develop cervical cancer, the disease usually remains undiagnosed and untreated until it has spread to other parts of the body. Women who are poor are often undernourished, and poor nutrition can also increase cervical cancer risk.
Pap test history. Not having regular Pap tests increases the chance of unrecognized cervical cancer. Between 60% and 80% of women with newly diagnosed cervical cancer have not had a Pap test in at least five years.
Tobacco use. Women who smoke are about twice as likely to develop cervical cancer as women who do not. The more a woman smokes - and the longer she has been smoking - the greater the risk.
Eating habits. A diet that doesn't include ample amounts of fruits and vegetables can increase a woman's risk of developing cervical cancer.
Weakened immune system. A woman whose immune system is weakened has a higher-than-average risk of developing cervical lesions that can become cancerous. This includes women who are HIV-positive (infected with the virus that causes AIDS). It also includes women who have received organ transplants and must take drugs to suppress the immune system so that the body won't reject the new organ.
2007-04-27 03:34:17
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
From what I know about HPV, it is a virus that can be dormant in your system. Same thing happened to me and my husband. He was diagnosed with HPV years ago and now I have to have pap tests every 6 months, because HPV can cause cervical cancer. Don't blame your wife. My doctor told me HPV is not just contracted through intercourse. Your wife should follow doctor's orders and have regular paps. Good Luck!
2007-04-27 03:38:01
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
HPV is known to 120 type strains but 37 are known to sexual transmitted disease with high contagion. It would be spreaded through skin to skin contact with infected area during sexual intercourse, especially for genital area.
Also the HPV may cause genital warts. Some are visible, and some are invisible. But that do not mean there is no HPV
virus in your body.
2007-04-27 14:46:06
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Having sex with an uncircumcised man can contribute to cervical cancer. Is her husband cut?
2007-04-27 03:43:52
answer #7
answered by kherome 5
unfortunately some people develop cancer and it is not any ones fault =the poor soul is probably beside herself and needs all the moral support she can get=good luck to this woman and God bless
2007-04-27 03:35:41
answer #8
answered by caffsans 7
2007-04-27 10:49:40
answer #9
answered by rea4154 4