Oh sweetie! My heart aches for you, as this just happened to me last Friday..I was eight weeks, showing 7, and without a doubt, they should have been able to see it at 7...Now, did they show the baby full sized screen? They did with mine, and the tech and I sat and stared.. There was just nothing there...They also did blood counts, and a few days later I had some more, that confirmed...You have every right to be upset, and let your bf know, that you are going to be very hormonal, tired, scared, want to be alone, you will find people who have been there, and you will want to talk to them. Some people will say some really insensitive things, out of their ignorance...Today and tomorrow are going to be the hardest, then you go into limbo until it happens..That's where I sit.. Still waiting.. Once it starts, you know it will stop, then you can heal. Just try to communicate your needs as much as possible.. Men sometimes just dont get it, and dont know what to do...If they feel useful catering to you, let them. And, you may just need it sometimes...Just go into your room and cry if you need to.. Do what you need to do...Until you get that second blood draw back, there may be no confirmation....I am soooooo sorry for you, from one to another!!
2007-04-26 11:11:35
answer #1
answered by Momto8gr8 6
They could be wrong or it could be that you are having a miscarriage. Either way, my heart goes out to you I know it's really hard to be in that situation. If you weren't as far along as they think or you may have thought, it could be too early to see a heartbeat or the person who did the ultrasound could be an embecile(I never rule that out) If you are bleeding heavy or there is grey tissue being passed it's probably a miscarriage, but if it's just a little bleeding don't give up hope yet. wait for your dr's visit. They'll test your blood levels and do an ultrasound and if your levels are dropping you'll know it's a miscarriage and if it's still rising you'll know it's just a little case of mistaken age and spotting. Good luck!
2007-04-26 11:09:14
answer #2
answered by Heavenly Advocate 6
When it devolps a heartbeat and when it can be heard by a doctor are two different things. I believe (nut could be wrong)an embryo develops a heart that beats within 4-6 weeks. But even at 12 weeks the nurse in ER had a hard time hearing my baby's heartbeat.
2016-05-19 04:57:42
answer #3
answered by alex 3
Well, if they were trying to find the heartbeat through a doppler then I would say they could be wrong. With an ultrasound- it is probably sadly correct. By 6 weeks the baby's heart begin to beat and by an ultrasound they can always see the heartbeat. I saw my little girls through an ultrasound easily at 8 weeks.
I did go through what you are going through except I was supposed to be 12 weeks with a previous pregnancy. I was going to to see the babys heartbeat because they couldnt locate it with a doppler. We didnt find the heartbeat. They said the baby was only measuring 9 weeks and 4 days and I was supposed to be 12 weeks along. the baby had died and I had just not began to pass any fetal matter. I had to have an operation to remove it because my body wasnt passing it on its own.
Maybe you could call the doctor and ask how large your baby was measuring at your ultrasound to see if it is on schedule since it looksl ike they cant find your little ones heartbeat. If the size says its 10 weeks then maybe you should go back for another ultrasound. If it isnt measuring to the point you should be then I would be concerned.
2007-04-26 10:48:23
answer #4
answered by Kristina R 2
Normally, your baby's heart begins to beat by 6 or 7 weeks of pregnancy. You can hear it w/the heartbeat monitors by about 10 weeks, but sometimes it is very, very difficult to find that early in pregnancies. I rented a heartbeat monitor from Babybeat.com and when I got it in the mail, I couldn't find her heartbeat for about a week. My Dr. found it right away at I think my 10 week check up. I got all excited and ordered the heartbeat monitor. It came in the mail about a week after my doc found it, and i layed there in bed for hours at a time trying to find the heartbeat and finally, after about a week, i found it. I was probably about 11 weeks at that point. Anytime there is blood during pregnancy, is cause for concern, but being that you bled w/your 1st pregnancy too, I think everything will be o.k. Just watch for cramping along w/bleeding. That's when you have to worry. Just remember - if it was meant to be, it will. If it wasn't - then God has another plan for baby and he/she is just not ready to join your family at this particular time. If God decides to take the baby back, try again next year, maybe he/she'll be ready then o.k.? You'll be o.k and so will the baby no matter what happens. It's all in Gods hands sunshine!
2007-04-26 10:54:42
answer #5
answered by Brooke's Mommy 3
I'm 13 weeks and just had the same problem. I went in today and they couldn't find the heartbeat but the baby was moving, it looked like it was waving at me I couldn't stop crying. So they are still concerned but I feel so much better having seen that movement so I think anything is possible and try and think positive and I know how upsetting it can be. Your not alone.
2007-04-26 15:16:46
answer #6
answered by Lostlove 5
First of all, 10 weeks is the EARLIEST they can find the heartbeat. A lot of times, doctors cant find it and you have to wait a few more weeks to get to hear it. So I definately think they can be wrong. Not a slim chance, a big chance. Especially since you bled with your first pregnancy. Did you tell them that? Also, You would be bleeding a lot more if you were miscarrying. Hang in there okay? Your close to your second trimester, so your a little far along to be having a miscarriage now. And doctors cant always see a hearbeat on he ultrasound when its that early. Stay positive okay? And please, please let me know. We can talk more if youd like. mandiliz06@yahoo.com
2007-04-26 11:03:43
answer #7
answered by mandiliz06 4
Aww hun,im so sorry for you,i went through something very similar only i wasnt spotting,they couldnt find my baby's heartbeat,i was devastated,guess what she 14mths old tomorrow,theres always hope and theres always that chance they are wrong,good luck.xxx
2007-04-26 10:52:28
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Keep your head up and try not to worry about it too much. I know it is difficult. Did you try to call your OB? I would call them and try to get an appointment right away. Best of luck. Let me know what happens.
9 weeks pregnant
2007-04-26 10:50:08
answer #9
answered by violetsr77 1
Theres always that chance. Good Luck.
2007-04-26 10:46:56
answer #10
answered by starry 1