Evolutionists say the dinosaurs died out about 65-70 million years ago. How? Well, there are over 50 different theories. Let me just list a few:
-Mammals eating dinosaur eggs (like you said).
-New narcotic plants evolving.
-Global cooling/global warming.
-Loss of plants causing herbivores to starve which in turn caused the carnivores to starve.
-A supernova exploded nearby, spraying the earth with radiation.
-A passing comet poisoned the earth with chemicals.
-One of the current favorites is the “deep impact” theory proposed by the geologist Walter Alvarez in about 1980. This theory states that a meteor strike caused dramatic climate changes much like a “nuclear winter” which supposedly caused the extinction of the dinosaurs and many other animals. His evidence was his discovery of an alleged world-wide layer of clay with a high iridium content, which is found in meteorites. Well, there are plenty of papers that talk about the problems with this theory. One, is that the earth’s core also has iridium in it that can be brought up by volcanos. Many Creationists believe Noah's Flood would have caused the greatest volcanoes that there have ever been, and some believe God pelted the earth with meteors during the Flood as well.
Many evolutionists though, don’t think dinosaurs are extinct anyway. The entrance to the bird exhibit at the Cincinnati zoo in Ohio has or had a sign that said: “Dinosaurs went extinct millions of years ago—or did they? No, birds are essentially modern short-tailed feathered dinosaurs.” First of all, bird evolution is one of the most controversial areas in evolutionary paleontology and evolutionists often disagree and criticize each other. We hear a lot of reports of feathered dinosaurs being found, but what you rarely hear, is that the main candidates are believed by many experts to simply be frayed collagen fibers, or hair like structures that could have supported a frill or crest like those on iguanas, or are on animals that are not dinosaurs, but flightless birds. The drawings are certainly not what we find; they are just the artists’ imagination. Dr. Alan Feduccia, a world authority on birds and an evolutionist, along with his coworkers have presented a substantial body of evidence to support their view that there are, in fact, no known dinosaurs with feathers (they believe birds evolved from different reptiles, but not dinosaurs).
Many Creationists believe Noah's Flood would have drastically changed the climate of the earth (cooler temperatures, more radiation, etc.), and that there was a short ice age after the flood. Some Creationists think the dinosaurs that survived the Flood where not able to cope so well in the new environment. They also believe that is the reason why man’s life-span shortened so much after the Flood.
Another possibility is that dinosaurs may have become extinct for the same reason that many animals become extinct today. Why do we have endangered species programs? Extinction is the rule. Why? People killing them, lack of food, man destroying the environment, catastrophes, disease, genetic problems, and so on. I’ve read that in the last 350 years, about 400 species have disappeared and some say the number is much greater.
Let’s think for a minute—countries all over the world have stories of dragon slayers. Perhaps man killed them for food, sport, or because they were a nuisance. I think we just didn’t start our endangered species programs early enough.
Another thing, is that there have been (even recently) reports of strange animals in the Amazon and the Congo that sound a lot like dinosaurs. And there are reports of giant flying reptiles in Indonesia, and so forth. There are thousands of square miles of almost impenetrable swamps and thick jungle in the world. Natives in some of these places describe beasts that fit with what just might be dinosaurs. And what about all the sightings of lake monsters? This is a field called cryptozoology—the search for hidden animals. There just might be a few dinosaurs left, teetering on the edge of extinction. We are constantly discovering new species of animals and plants in remote areas. A tree can’t run away and hide and yet the Wollemi Pine Tree avoided detection until just recently (said to have become extinct millions of years ago).
2007-04-29 17:19:42
answer #1
answered by Questioner 7
Conventional science now says 1 large asteroid and the resulting ash clouds, blocked out sun etc. etc. -- but, there's 0 that can answer why the undersea life mostly disappeared, too (although they try with the smallest forms of sea life, along the food chains etc.). That of course, is nonsense - because nautillus, sharks, crabs, lobsers, worms, coral and other ancient species in the sea made it through. BUT what did it was simply what we face today -- no not the nonsense that cardon-emissions are a factor (humans have 3% carbon impact vs. fires/volcanos 97% per year!!) or that CO2 should even be discussed. (PS - Ask Al Gore what he was doing as VP, when USA Fed. mileage standards were ELIMINATED, soccer moms were allowed to drive mega-guzzling SUVs w/o a truck license, and Kyoto was ignored for 4 calendar years while he was there. Inconvenient truths, huh? no wonder why took 15-secs of his movie to casually mention those 8 YEARS.) Your answer? polarity and magnetism. Simple, but tough to understand. Just think that the North & South poles were NOT always where they are, and you begin to get it. Like a water balloon, sometimes the Earth shifts -- and plate techtonics can happen as easily as dishes on your table-cloth. Guess what happens to larger life forms, plants etc. when the weather shifts with the changing polarity and wobbles in the rotation??? and the resulting explosions from volcanoes worldwide -- that's right, it looks like a cataclysm, 100,000s of years later in the "fossil record". And, people can pretend it was 1 asteroid's fault. But the answer is right there in front of everyone -- but tough to comprehend, since we like things neat & clean with a dramatic twist. We can't take it that the North Pole might have been in what we know today as the Sahara and the south in the Pacific Ocean. We forget, that the Beiring Strait was a land-bridge and India was once where Antartica is today.
2007-04-26 08:42:15
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
The most plausible explanation that are now accept by most scientists around the world is that are the world landmass was shirfting, weather changes. As landmass moves north its become colder therefore causing massive die-offf of giant lizards, landmass moving south result of different weather patterns which the lizards cannot adapt quick enough to. Kinda like global warming but the dinosaurs weren't quick enough to evolve as the land mass shift result in disadvantage weather pattern
2007-04-29 14:06:19
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
They starved to death.A meteroite crashed on Earth and spread a dust layer of it's remains around the Earth which blocked out all sunligh that plants need to make food and survive.The herbivore dinosaurs all died beause there was not enough surviving plants enough to live on and without them the carnivore dinosuars didn't have enough herbivore dinosaurs to eat.
2007-04-26 10:33:37
answer #4
answered by ? 4
dinosaurs are not real. Liberals found a way to travel back in time and plant fake bones for us to discover now and try and prove their sick lie of evolution. They did the same thing with Rocks, they took rocks from a million years in the future and took them back to the past so that carbon dating would show the world is older then 10,000 years old. Which it is not.
2007-04-26 08:44:51
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
A change in gravity.
As gravity got stronger It made it impossible for the big animals to survive on land.
Do you think a bird with a 22' wing span could fly now when a condor with a 10' wing span can barely get off the ground?
2007-04-26 08:46:55
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Chuck Norris.
2007-04-26 11:03:13
answer #7
answered by RS 4
2007-04-26 08:43:52
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Cigarette smoking followed by global climate disruption. Oh and fatty foods, lack of exercise, sedentary desk jobs and Emo rock all played a role. Plus I think they tried to force "democracy" on the middle east. ALWAYS a mistake...
2007-04-26 08:49:34
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
well what I want to know is I understand why they were brought to the earth, but , why kill them off. isnt that cruel. I mean I understand that they served a purpose, but why not keep some of them around?
2007-04-26 08:42:45
answer #10
answered by Anonymous