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I think about all the times I should have been killed or maimed when I did my stupid stuff as a kid, how did I survive?

2007-04-26 06:27:57 · 36 answers · asked by Anonymous in Entertainment & Music Polls & Surveys

36 answers

yes, i do...between all of the beatings i had, and the fact that i swallowed gasoline, ate 2 bottles of st. joseph's aspirin, had a stop sign fall on my head (367 stitches; pronounced dead 3 times); and all of the other spills i'd taken all before the age of 7...yes, i do...happy day:)

2007-04-26 06:35:02 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

NO Because I Will Never Grow Up I Will Always Be A Kid Know Matter How Old I Really Am

2007-04-26 06:44:42 · answer #2 · answered by ephstigers 6 · 1 0

I thought as a kid that I would be dead at the age I am now. Probably why all of my issues are time related.
So, now that I am an adult I have gotten real with my life and how I am going to live it and what I am going to do with it.
to answer that question though, Yup, I wonder it all the time.

2007-04-26 06:31:13 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Yes and know,I ended up pretty wild(from all the overprotection)however a big scarddy cat at the same time,and I am pretty sure that is why I'm still alive.I don't even like to be out at the shopping mall late at night,embarrassing as that is,its true,but you know what people get robbed there quite a bit.(take my money,take my shopping bags,but for god's sake leave me my Mercedez.....(.thats my baby)

2007-04-26 06:48:07 · answer #4 · answered by FYIIM1KO 5 · 1 0

oh yeah
I remember having races across the creek on a old steel bridge. You run up it pulling with your hands when you get to the top stand up and run then slide down the other side. Well the things we ran on is 30ft over the creek maybe16 to the bridge. One slip and its down to the 2 ft of water onto the rocks. I went back when I was about 22 and when I tried to stand at the top my mind froze my hands. I could not do it but as a kid we raced across 1 guy on each side hundreds of times


2007-04-26 06:40:30 · answer #5 · answered by Mr nice guy 2U 5 · 1 0

Oh I know. Like when we were kids and Daddy would pull the boat behind his truck and we'd ride in the boat and hang over the sides.

Not only do I wonder how I managed to survive into adulthood, but I also have to wonder if my Daddy was frequently drunk before 1995 or so.

2007-04-26 06:31:00 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I'm still feeling like a kid. Just my outer shell is growing faster than the inner me. ADD plays a part I suppose. Yeah, I did a ton of stupid stuff as a kid and didn't die.

2007-04-26 06:32:16 · answer #7 · answered by tankgirl190 6 · 1 1

No, I don't wonder it. Had a very straight-laced upbringing.
I wonder how I made it through adult life... being irresponsible becomes me.

Had lots of cousins like you, though. Congrats on surviving.


2007-04-26 08:58:47 · answer #8 · answered by zingis 6 · 1 0

yes i do especially cause when i was younger my family and i lived on the second floor of our apartment building and i not once but twice, almost went our the railing if it wasn't for a neighbor that caught me the second time i would have smashed my Head all over the concrete floor at the bottom.

2007-04-26 06:33:25 · answer #9 · answered by mely 2 · 1 0

no not really I had a pretty hard life as a child I got addopted when I was five yeah it's sad but at least I got to stay with one brother out of the seven or eight of us all together...

2007-04-26 07:31:28 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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