If you still haven't gotten your period, that's a pretty good sign, although some women bleed a little throughout pregnancy.
Why don't you get a trusted friend or family member to buy you a pregnancy test? That way, if it is positive, you can have some time to get used to the news and then prepare to tell your mother.
Conceiving a new life is a miracle - don't forget that fact despite your worries. If you are pregnant and unable to raise the baby (i.e. there is no father to help) then consider all the childless couples out there dying to adopt a little one. You might be the answer to another woman's prayer.
Best of luck.
2007-04-26 03:25:53
answer #1
answered by Veritas 7
This is probably not the answer you want to hear, but you CAN'T tell for sure without taking a test. Eating more and being tired could be due to pregnancy or it could just be you feeling stressed out. Well, let me correct myself, you could tell without taking a test once your belly starts to grow and you've missed your period for about 4/5 months. But I'm guessing you don't want to wait until then. More information would be helpful -- when was your last period? when did you last have sex? and why can't you buy a test without your mom? (How old are you?) If money is an issue, try a free clinic or the nurse's office at school. Or simply fake a cold/stomach flu/allergy/whatever and see a doctor, then ask for a pregnancy test. Your doctor should be able to keep that confidential.
2007-04-26 03:29:35
answer #2
answered by smittenkitten1021 2
you could go buy a test without her knowing and take it in a resteraunt bathroom. its not the best but its better then taking it at home and risking someone find out about it. if you dont have the money for the test (they are around$10) if u are in college some schools give free pregnancy tests but u have to be a student there. there are also free clinics that do tests. good luck
p.s u can always make the guy buy the test :)
2007-04-26 03:29:27
answer #3
answered by jennybean7985 5
How old are you? There could be many reasons why you are gaining weight, and if you are eating more, you will be more tired. Why do you need your mom to buy you a test? If you are old enough to have sex, you can go out and buy your own pregnancy test.
2007-04-26 04:06:18
answer #4
answered by Queen 5
Usually if your period is regular and you have missed one, chances are you may be pregnant. The best thing you can do is go see a doctor at a clinic and find out for sure, then you can deal with the stress of telling your mom.
2007-04-26 03:33:17
answer #5
answered by ♥Instantkarma♥♫ 7
Well, you have to wait to see if you miss your normal cycle. The weight gain, eating more, or getting tired are not sure ways to say "I'm pregnant." Really, the only sure way, outside of waiting, is to take a test - it's not a big deal and you can take it in private.
2007-04-26 03:25:58
answer #6
answered by downinmn 5
If money is the issue see if you can get to the 99 cent store - you should be able to find a test there
being tired is a symptom of pregnancy - if you miss your period thats a big symptom of pregnancy - of course they're always other possible explanantions
get to the 99 cent store and get yourself a test
2007-04-26 03:26:11
answer #7
answered by Chargers Chick 3
Do you have a sexual health clinic in your area? If you do, i suggest going there and they will give you a free pregnancy test and info. you will need. You can do this on your own, but i would suggest asking a trusted adult go with you for support. Good luck, and remember that your parents will love you no matter what!!!
2007-04-26 03:28:28
answer #8
answered by shaggy m 3
This organization is good for help: www.plannedparenthood.org. I understand not wanting to tell your mom until you are sure. If you are, I recommend telling her right away and have a plan on what you are going to do if you are going to be a parent. Good Luck.
2007-04-26 03:43:11
answer #9
answered by JB SA 2
There's no sure way to know without the test. Just get one. Your mom loves you, and she'll understand.
2007-04-26 03:22:32
answer #10
answered by Grayce 2