C'mon now, even the Seattle Sonics were on TNT one time for a regular season game and they suck. Why aren't Raptor games ever on national stations such as on TNT or ESPN? Yeah, now they appear on national TV more b/c it's the playoffs, so that obviously disproves the opinions of some that they suck. Also, it's not like no one wants to see them play - at least 1,000,000 fans voted for Chris Bosh for the All Star Game.
13 answers
asked by
➔ Basketball
Cause they are Toronto!!! Duh!!
2007-04-25 18:03:00
answer #1
answered by Hi 7
well many bad teams in the NBA were not shown on national tv during the season. I believe the Charlotte Bobcats finally had their first national boardcast this year on TNT.
The Raptors are a good team this season but the tv schedule were set well before the season began and the Raptors had the 5th worst record in the NBA last year. Also being a team in canada did not help.
2007-04-25 17:58:32
answer #2
answered by baypae 4
It's quite simple my friend. The Raptors are an up and coming franchise who's got a good record, good seed, but quite frankly the public doesn't believe in them. It was the same with the Bulls the first year they returned to the playoffs. They were an exciting team but no one expected them to go anywhere. Then again you also have to remember somebody's gotta play on NBA TV and they try to put the least exciting series on there.
2007-04-25 19:16:49
answer #3
answered by Dee 3
Since Vince Carter, the Raptors haven't had a marketable superstar. But if I were a Raptor fan I wouldn't worry. If Bosh keeps playing the way he does, and if they make and impact in the play-offs, they will get some TV time.
2007-04-25 18:10:17
answer #4
answered by Tee W 2
Raptors, or any pro sport team from Toronto is hated by everyone else. I am serious. I thought it was only me, but literally 2 weeks ago was a documentary showing how Toronto sports teams are hated by the rest of the country.
I guess it's just the way they play, always something wrong. It's like instinct for everyone to hate them, and not because they are winning (because they aren't as you see in hockey or basketball or even baseball).
2007-04-25 17:59:15
answer #5
answered by webcop33 4
Carter carried the Raptors some years, and he became into the main explosive participant in the league. certainly, he extra greater fulfillment to Toronto then New Jersey, so... Raptor Carter, nuff mentioned
2016-12-10 11:45:13
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Since they're a playoff team and have one of the best players in the NBA, they SHOULD be on television next year. At least I hope so: I want to see Chris Bosh.
2007-04-25 19:26:11
answer #7
answered by BlakWriter 3
TV schedules are made before the season, and the Raptors sucked last year. Therefore, they don't get TV games.
2007-04-25 17:53:39
answer #8
answered by Wocka wocka 6
That's what I said about the Warriors too before they got into the playoffs. It sucks, because they only give air time to the popular teams.
2007-04-25 18:52:33
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Because they are canadians. They're probably on national tv in canada tho.
2007-04-25 17:58:55
answer #10
answered by Jimm 2
Move to Canada if you want to see them.
2007-04-25 18:05:30
answer #11
answered by Anonymous