she has pretty nice hair on the top and sides but in the back it dont feel soft its ruff. I oil it with doo gro oil every day and it only gets washed @ every 3 adys or so. what do ya'll suggest? what creams, conditioners, oils, shampoos,etc...... have you had good luck with?thank you for your opinions they WILL be taken to heart.
7 answers
asked by
Beauty & Style
➔ Other - Beauty & Style
what is moisture max and where do you get it?
17:42:09 ·
update #1
There this site that has leave in condition which is good for people who have mixed hair such as myself. You should check it out, I havn't tried it because the bottles are $12 and I stick with my 3 dollar ones lol, but one day i will try it. Good Luck!!
2007-04-25 17:44:56
answer #1
answered by 2gthr4vr 3
AS a mixed lady with mixed kids (I am white, black and hispanic, my daughters fathers are from India!) I can help you with this one!
First of all, washing every three days is ok, I wouldn't really go longer than that, even though people will tell you too. Just make sure you moisturize well after every wash.
Secondly, Just For Me is an excellent product for mixed kids. But I know girl's hair can get tangled and matted, so I also suggest you mix Hair Polish from Citre Shine, it's the thick clear stuff you can get at walmart or target. Just a dollop (not much!) of that will make the hair a breeze to brush, shiny, but in mixed hair you also have to use a pomade of some sort. Doo gro is too thick for mixed kids. Best is Just For Me combined with the Citre Shine Hair Polish. Great combo, works every time.
Also please DO NOT perm their hair. It burns like anything and causes all sorts of problems. Try blow drying it straight if that's what you want but don't use a hot comb or a perm because if you do that hair will break and won't grow. Cholesterol is a great conditioner to use at washings.
Good luck!
2007-04-26 00:50:34
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I suggest olive oil! They now make shampoo and conditioner made with olive oil in it. But, I did hear straight from a hair dresser, because my hair is frizzy and curly, and thick, that if I used it as a hot oil it would make it smoother. Of course, results are achieved in time. I have used olive oil after I washed my hair, while it was wet, and wrapped a towel soaked in hot water around my head. My hair soaked up the oil and when I washed it again it didn't feel greasy to me. I left it in for a half hour..and I must say I do like the results! See what you think! If worse case happens, it is not chemically going to damage your daughter's hair.
Good luck with this because I know it's difficult trying to deal with hair that won't do what you want it to do! :) Take care!
2007-04-26 01:36:40
answer #3
answered by SDC 5
I use the just for me products on my daughter. I wash it with a gentle child's shampoo and then I use a conditioner for curly of frizzy hair. After washing apply leave in conditioner. Every day you should put the just for me lotion in her hair. It might be that you need to brush her hair more too. If it's the back that's not looking nice make sure you are brushing the top and bottom layers of her hair. Take the brush underneath her hair and make sure your getting all of it. My daughters hair is thick in the back. You also might look into cutting layers in her hair to thin it out and make it lay nicer. Once you find what works stick to a routine, but what your using now is too much for her grade of hair and age. Hope that helps!
2007-04-26 01:09:42
answer #4
answered by rmendenhall77 1
my best friend has 2 mix girls also she uses moisture max
2007-04-26 00:39:01
answer #5
answered by thickness 4
only coconut oil
no moisturiser
2007-04-26 03:05:22
answer #6
answered by rajan naidu 7
i know you're joking. three years old. Johnson no more tears sounds good.
2007-04-26 00:43:48
answer #7
answered by amg 1