Gods don't "live" they just are. Osiris is an excellent example.
2007-04-25 17:35:19
answer #1
answered by Terry 7
No. They were no more real than the Judeo-christian god. The Egyptian (and Greek and Roman) gods were personification of nature. In order to understand and explain what was going on around them, the ancient peoples gave personalities to the sea and the wind and the planets and all of nature. Most people did not believe that the gods were real, they only used them to explain nature. for example they would say that Poseidon was angry when there was a storm at sea, ect.
2007-04-25 23:49:40
answer #2
answered by Isadora 4
No gods are creatures of human imagination and devotion -- they are just parts of nature given human form. So Ra is the just the sun imagined as a god, Nut is the blue sky, Geb is the earth beneath our feet, etc.
Sometimes, even in the ancient world, gods were sometimes imagined to have once been kings who ruled on earth, who were so wonderful that they came to be worshipped as gods.
This is correct in some cases -- the Egyptian god of healing, for example, was actually the physician of some historic Pharaoh, who was given godhead after his death.
The Romans did the same thing with their early Emperors.
2007-04-26 02:34:38
answer #3
answered by Thalia 7
Stories told, about their religious beliefs is all it was.
There is no evidence supporting it ever being real, that i know of. If there is, i would LOVE to see it for myself.
I believe i was once egyptian in a past life, because i am drawn to it so magnetically to anything and everything Egyptian. I have many books on it, but they were damaged before given to me.
2007-04-25 23:48:30
answer #4
answered by hypnosisbyjill 2
Just as real as the gods Christians have created
2007-04-26 11:56:37
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Do you honestly think it is possible? In early days, to get over their sense of insecurity, mankind looked at the supernatural, at the powers that it couldn't control or understand and tried to derive some sort of assurance. That's why all ancient religions depict deities which are a combination of natural forces and animal power. But the truth is they did derive solace from such depictions and that is what matters, isn't it?
2007-04-25 23:52:36
answer #6
answered by Traveller 5
Well, since they weren't humans, it can't be said that they lived among humans, in fact the egyptians never claimed to see or speak to them (like certain other silly religions). But, if I had to make an assumption, I would say no... they were folklore, just as the greek gods, roman gods and christian/muslim/judaism gods were.
2007-04-25 23:44:16
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
That depends on what you believe. Does the Christian God really exist? It's perspective. Though I don't think anyone who is in that branch of Paganism believes that they had physical bodies and lived on Earth.
2007-04-25 23:44:29
answer #8
answered by xx. 6
Egyptian gods represent over 50 separate deities, most of which date back to pre-dynastic times. The ancient tribes that made up the region worshiped their own particular gods, which were normally embodied by an animal. As Egyptian civilization advanced, the deities took on human characteristics. In many cases, the gods were depicted with human bodies, while retaining animal heads. By the beginning of the Old Kingdom Dynasty (3100 BC), a national religion developed out of the primitive tribal and local religions. However, ongoing changes in political power resulted in the changing status of Egyptian gods. Generally, as different cities or regions became politically dominant, their particular god also became dominant.
Many Egyptian gods find their origin in several of the Egyptian creation myths. These myths attempted to explain the Egyptians' place in the cosmos based on the observation of natural processes. This was particularly true for the flooding of the Nile. The flooding of the Nile was critical for Egyptian civilization. As a result, gods identified with nature became prevalent in the Egyptian creation myths. Some of the most common creation myths refer to Nu or Nun, describing the churning sea of chaos that existed before creation. Out of this chaos rose the egyptian sun god Ra. Ra then created deities that were both male and female. In turn, these deities gave birth to more deities, and the newly created deities were responsible for the creation of the physical world. Ra was also responsible for the creation of mankind. One creation myth refers to mankind being created from the tears of Ra.
The Egyptian gods were closely tied to the Egyptians' strong belief in life after death. The dead were provided food, drink, weapons and other necessities. Family members often visited the tombs with ongoing gifts. The proper care for the dead was required to ensure eternal life. The Egyptian view of life after death had several different concepts, the most important of which was referred to as "ba" -- loosely compared to the existence of an individual's soul. The concept of "ba" resulted in the physical manifestation of an individual after death. This manifestation usually took the form of a bird. In that way, the individual became part of the perennial life of nature.
Ancient Egyptian religion was an ever-changing mishmash of several Egyptian gods and tribal and regional traditions. As a result, there were several conflicting beliefs. There was no one set of unified teachings such as the Bible. The king (pharaoh) was entrusted to determine the will of the gods. Over time, these conflicts were reconciled and a trend towards monotheism developed. This trend reached its zenith during the reign of Amenhoteb IV when he established Aten as the only universal god. This concept went against thousands of years of Egyptian religious tradition. The one god concept ended soon after the death of one of his successors, Akhenaten. The worship of multiple gods was fully reinstated during the reign of a boy king named Tutankhaten (Tut). (Ironically, the discovery of King Tut's tomb became one of the greatest archeological finds in history.) There is little in ancient Egyptian religious beliefs that can be directly compared to present day religions such as Christianity, Judaism and Islam. However, the concepts of divine creation and life after death are at least common themes. A prevailing thought is that Egyptian gods, like all gods and religious belief systems, developed as a result of mankind attempting to explain the physical world. Another thought is that all humans are born with the innate understanding of the existence of a sovereign Creator, and that many ancient religions sprouted as a result of this universal truth.
2007-04-25 23:47:50
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Yes. You can still find them along the Nile.
2007-04-25 23:44:09
answer #10
answered by S K 7