1. It is hard to OD on the stuff; people would pass out first.
2. It takes the edge off of the pain from arthritis, gout, et al.
3. It turns stodgy Conservatives into screaming Liberals.
4. It smells sooo good, fresh off of the tree....
2007-04-25 15:44:42
answer #1
answered by MenifeeManiac 7
I agree with "Caninelegion", well said.
Check the UN estimates on what Americans spend on Marijuana alone, it is amazing. Once Cannabis is accepted for medical and eventually recreational use, hemp with make a HUGE comeback for cheap ethonal and pulp for paper production among others. There are many reasons why Hemp was a leader among crops for 5000+ years. Only thing that stopped or slowed the industry? The United States Federal Government. Ooooooo reefer madness, scccaary stufffff... lol what a joke.
2007-04-25 23:02:19
answer #2
answered by limp_dick_dingo 1
1. Legalizing it will end the intermingling with black marketeers thus preventing most from "trying" harder (more profitable) drugs.
2. It'll help the struggling agricultural community greatly.
3. It'll prevent treating medical use people like criminals.
4. It'll make room in our prisons for violent criminals so fewer will be left out early.
5. It will be a small step at bringing the Federal government back under the control of the people and the US Constitution.
2007-04-25 22:52:39
answer #3
answered by Caninelegion 7
I believe in legalization for all drugs. Use the billions of dollars we spend every year on the this bogus "war on drugs", for education on the affects of drugs. In prisoning people for addiction or dependence is wrong. If they are violent they should be in jail. But most are not. This is a multi-billion dollar industry. Tax it, build conducive programs around it, and let it flourish. We'd be out of debt in 6 months. Civilians would be happy. Proprietors would be happy. Republicans would be happy (lots of money to go around due to lower income tax because of legalization). Use old tobacco Fields for marijuana and hemp, for consumption and made into bio-fuels, which is cheaper than corn ethanol. It is total win win.
2007-04-25 22:53:01
answer #4
answered by apple juice 6
The cost to individuals, and society as a whole, resulting from the illegal status of Cannabis (and all other drugs for that matter) far outweigh the costs from their use/abuse. Simple logic dictates a medical approach to drug use/abuse rather than a legal approach.
2007-04-25 22:48:03
answer #5
answered by wcslaw1 2
i think better music would evolve.plus w/ all the walking potheads around, the job market would open up better for us non druggies
2007-04-25 22:47:52
answer #6
answered by francis g 5