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Have you ever seeked mental health counseling? I work in a Treatment Facility that deals with these disorders and if you would like, I can get you a bed date in residential treatment so you can work through this. Just let me know I can probably get you in by early next week.

2007-04-25 15:31:16 · 20 answers · asked by Billy 3 in Politics & Government Politics

20 answers

Billy ... I'm sorry, but you're too late. I already chased off a few of the conspiracy theory believers. I suggested that they take their incontrovertible proof to the Washington Post or the New York times, and I mentioned that if these newspapers could find even a shred of credibility and proof in these preposterous claims, they'd get a Medal of the Century Award and become more famous than Jane Fonda ever could be.

So, I guess they're still looking for their indisputable proof or they're banging on the editor's desk trying to make them believe that a wacko web site should be accepted as credible proof of their conspiracy allegations.

But we reasonable people appreciate your offer just the same. Thanks.

2007-04-25 15:51:52 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 3

Billy, sorry mate but you are a fúcking ignorant moron. As Jen suggested, go seek an education before you try to be funny.

The Bush administration was given 15 seperate warnings about 9/11 by 11 different countries in the 21 months they were in power before 9/11. The most detailed of these warnings contained intel on how Islamic terrorists were planning to use planes as missiles by flying them into several high-profile landmarks, which included the Pentagon and WTC. This information is public knowledge to those if us who bother to follow the news - it was reported in the mainstream press - and you can find it catalogued here, fully cited.


Even as late as August 2001, the president was given an explicit warning of the impending attacks.

So how did the Bush administration respond to this imminent threat to national security? Well, after taking control of NORAD out of trained and experienced military hands and handing full control to that military genius Dick Cheney a couple of months before 9/11, they went ahead and heavily compromised NORAD's defence capabilities by sending fighter aircraft to Alaska for training exercises! Genius! It's all here....


And then Bush and Rice go and make this ridiculous claim:


That, my gullible friend, is evidence enough of a conspiracy. A conspiracy to allow the terrorist attacks to happen so that the American public would be traumatized into allowing their govt. unlimited powers to fight terrorism at home and abroad......so that they would have a pretext to stripping away American freedom to allow them to snoop on every American citizen (have you actually read the Patriot Act?)......

Have a look at this article. It contains some long words, so have mummy explain them to you.


You probably have a very short attention span, so I won't go on....but I suggest you spend less time watching Pop Idol and WWF Smackdown and more time taking a look at what is going on around you behind the fake facade that the media erects.

2007-04-26 02:52:44 · answer #2 · answered by Stealthbong 4 · 1 1

The real conspiracy is how 19 idiots could overpower 3 flight crews with BOX CUTTERS. While you're at it, explain how fires caused by jet fuel could bring down 2 steel towers? Why George Bush- who you probably voted for- thought a story about a goat was more important than a "TERRORIST" attack? Who ordered the military to stand down? How could a passport from one of the "HIJACKERS" survive a fire you claim melted steel? What happened to WTC #7? Why, after over 5 years, have the surveillance tapes of the Pentagon crash not been released? Why have at least 9 of the "HIJACKERS" been found alive in the middle east? Last question: Where are you from that the laws of physics don't apply?

2007-04-25 22:57:55 · answer #3 · answered by james_b_98661 2 · 2 4

To the poster who once again drags up melting steel and the laws of physics.

Here are the facts. The steel core would NOT have to melt to bring the buildings down. Its integrity is destroyed at about 600 degress. It has lost 50% of its strength at 1000 degrees. Aviation fuel burns at around 1500 degrees. The core did not have the required protection to withstand the temperatures generated by the fire. And that is physics. No melting required and not one physicist has ever said it was.

All the physical and engineering evidence proves it was the hijacked planes. Here are some serious publications

Report Ties WTC Collapses to Column Failures
Simulation for the collapse of WTC after aeroplane impact - Lu XZ., Yang N., Jiang JJ. Structure Engineer, 66(sup.). 2003, 18-22
Bazant, Z.P., & Zhou, Y.
"Addendum to 'Why Did the World Trade Center Collapse? - Simple Analysis" (pdf)
Journal of Engineering Mechanics v. 128, no. 3, (2002): 369-370.
Brannigan, F.L.
"WTC: Lightweight Steel and High-Rise Buildings"
Fire Engineering v.155, no. 4, (2002): 145-150.
Clifton, Charles G.
Elaboration on Aspects of the Postulated Collapse of the World Trade Centre Twin Towers
HERA: Innovation in Metals. 2001. 13 December 2001.
"Construction and Collapse Factors"
Fire Engineering v.155, no. 10, (2002): 106-108.
Corbett, G.P.
"Learning and Applying the Lessons of the WTC Disaster"
Fire Engineering v.155, no. 10, (2002.): 133-135.
"Dissecting the Collapses"
Civil Engineering ASCE v. 72, no. 5, (2002): 36-46.
Eagar, T.W., & Musso, C.
"Why Did the World Trade Center Collapse? Science, Engineering, and Speculation"
JOM v. 53, no. 12, (2001): 8-12.
Federal Emergency Management Agency, Therese McAllister, report editor.
World Trade Center Building Performance Study: Data Collection, Preliminary Observations, and Recommendations
(also available on-line)
Gabrielson, T.B., Poese, M.E., & Atchley, A.A.
"Acoustic and Vibration Background Noise in the Collapsed Structure of the World Trade Center"
The Journal of Acoustical Society of America v. 113, no. 1, (2003): 45-48.
Glover, N.J.
"Collapse Lessons"
Fire Engineering v. 155, no. 10, (2002): 97-103
Marechaux, T.G.
"TMS Hot Topic Symposium Examines WTC Collapse and Building Engineering"
JOM, v. 54, no. 4, (2002): 13-17.
Monahan, B.
"World Trade Center Collapse-Civil Engineering Considerations"
Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction v. 7, no. 3, (2002): 134-135.
Newland, D.E., & Cebon, D.
"Could the World Trade Center Have Been Modified to Prevent Its Collapse?"
Journal of Engineering Mechanics v. 128, no. 7, (2002):795-800.
National Instititue of Stamdards and Technology: Congressional and Legislative Affairs
“Learning from 9/11: Understanding the Collapse of the World Trade Center”
Statement of Dr. Arden L. Bement, Jr., before Committee of Science House of Representatives, United States Congress on March 6, 2002.
Pinsker, Lisa, M.
"Applying Geology at the World Trade Center Site"
Geotimes v. 46, no. 11, (2001).
The print copy has 3-D images.
Public Broadcasting Station (PBS)
Why the Towers Fell: A Companion Website to the Television Documentary.
NOVA (Science Programming On Air and Online)
Post, N.M.
"No Code Changes Recommended in World Trade Center Report"
ENR v. 248, no. 14, (2002): 14.
Post, N.M.
"Study Absolves Twin Tower Trusses, Fireproofing"
ENR v. 249, no. 19, (2002): 12-14.
The University of Sydney, Department of Civil Engineering
World Trade Center - Some Engineering Aspects
A resource site.
"WTC Engineers Credit Design in Saving Thousands of Lives"
ENR v. 247, no. 16, (2001): 12.
The Towers Lost and Beyond
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Eduardo Kausel, John E. Fernandez, Tomasz Wierzbicki, Liang Xue, Meg Hendry-Brogan, Ahmed F. Ghoniem, Oral Buyukozturk, Franz-Josef Ulm, Yossi Sheffi

2007-04-26 09:54:03 · answer #4 · answered by Elizabeth Howard 6 · 0 2

I am OUTING you mister! You were hired by a secret branch of the government to disseminate disinformation, and make us doubt that 9/11 was an inside job.

It's a known FACT that the WTC was demolished using alien technology captured in 1945 Roswell. However, it's taken sixty years to understand and use it. The government realized how long this would take, and foresaw the need to keep the public misdirected, so it asked Elvis Presley, who I understand was a mechanical genius, to fake his own death. Since that time, Elvis has been working in secret with top aeronautical scientists to retro-engineer alien war technology.

You are NOT going to get away with trying to make us look like kooks. We're on to you, mister!

2007-04-25 22:51:01 · answer #5 · answered by pachl@sbcglobal.net 7 · 3 4

The most astonishing aspect is that their lunatic theories would involve so many people, months of planning ahead, and a level of secrecy that would be impossible just by itself. It also implies the barbaric and malicious intent of the possibly thousands of people involved in the planning.

On top of what 9/11 was, these hateful tales stick the knife back into the wound, pour salt over it, and twist it gleefully.

Now all you conspiracy nut jobs know why we despise you so.

2007-04-25 22:44:26 · answer #6 · answered by Bad Samaritan 4 · 5 6

I wondered the same thing myself. I just answered your question so I could keep tabs on the nut-cases who actually believe in these conspiracy theories, about 9/11. I just have to see what possible reasoning they'll use! Everyone needs a good laugh once in a while!

2007-04-25 22:38:59 · answer #7 · answered by xenypoo 7 · 5 6

You, "Billy", are a sorry excuse for a human being... and a liar.

2007-04-26 01:27:24 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

You only need one bed. Just plenty of therapy for multiple personality disorder.

2007-04-25 22:34:48 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 5 5

But can I still wear my tin foil hat so I can ................ put highlights in my hair ... yes that's it

2007-04-25 23:00:14 · answer #10 · answered by coco d 4 · 3 1

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