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20 answers

I'm at a crossroads in my life right now...for the first time EVER I have no idea what will happen next.
If you were to ask me 10 years ago where I would be in 10 years, I would have been pretty accurate! But right now things are SO UP IN THE AIR in our lives.
*My husband is starting a new company...so who knows what will happen with that
*Now that we have 1 baby, we are totally unsure if we want 1, 2 or 3 more kids (which had better all be here in the next 10 years!!!)
*We love our house, but we will outgrow it with another kid or two.
* My parents will be in their 70's...that could change things drastically.
I JUST don't know!

2007-04-26 01:20:56 · answer #1 · answered by Full of Id 6 · 2 0

Well, I watched the history channel and they said that the Mayans predicted the end of the world on December 21, 2012. Which means in 6 years we will be goners. So 10yrs? I guess we won't be here.

But, if we will survive that day.....

In 10years we will improve in cars, technology, and recourses. We will find new ways of consuming energy and making the environment clean. We will also advance in war weapons and strategies. (wars will go on forever) I also think that as time goes on we are using more and more oil which means that it will lessen more and more, this means that countries will be fighting constantly with each other over oil. (and they are right now but the need for oil will definetly increase UNLESS we find another source to replace oil. And we will have more knowledge and understanding about our history, and astronomy. Our fashions might change too, so we might be used to wearing different clothes. We will also have different ways of entertaining. For example, right now iPods and Nintendo Wii are popular, stuff like that, and eventually these ways of entertaining become boring to us so we make up more, better, and more fun ways to entertain. Other wise things like poverty, war, and other bad stuff will go on forever until the end of time. Not to mention some new inventions, who know what the world will bring.

Plus, look at how fast and how much we advanced already in a couple of years...

Inventions of GPS, Improved Cell phones, iPods, plasma TVs, cars, ect.

2007-04-25 22:14:01 · answer #2 · answered by CherryCherry 5 · 0 0

1. Politicians will lie.
2. The price of gas will rise.
3. Teenagers will think they're the first people to discover sex.
4. Here's where I go out on a limb: The mullet will come back.

2007-04-25 22:47:44 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I will turn 57, the Giants, will win the Super Bowl and, Social Security, Will Collapse. I wish it would now. I'm just paying in money that I will never see again.

2007-04-25 22:16:53 · answer #4 · answered by ny21tb 7 · 0 0

The world population will reach 7 billion.

2007-04-25 22:06:37 · answer #5 · answered by ? 7 · 2 0

I think the world will end in a fire from an atomic bomb because of all the wars.

2007-04-25 22:09:03 · answer #6 · answered by tinymite 4 · 1 0

Oprah will become dictator of North Korea.

2007-04-25 22:05:20 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

ill be ten yrs older

and there will be more crazy people in this world!

2007-04-25 22:10:54 · answer #8 · answered by degrassi_27 2 · 1 0

In the next ten years...

Assuming that we *do NOT* blow each other to kingdom come in the name of some "End of Days" type of stupidity, which would lead to our extinction--which itself just wouldn't be fun, you know....?

--The earth's magnetic field will go completely wonky. Parts of it will become so unstable that three whole cities on the planet will *NOT* have geo-magnetic protection from the sun of any type. Needless to say these cities will be abandoned post-haste once people also realize that electrical current of any kind will also become *very unsafe* to use.

--The polar opposite--pun intended--of the North Atlantic Conveyor effect will happen. So much water will melt off of the North Pole/Arctic regions at once that the incoming rush will *dredge up* debris and sea salts from the very *bottom* of the ocean, causing a *rise* in overall salinity, causing the thermal "conveyor belt" action of the Atlantic Ocean to not stop, not even pause, but to *accelerate*. On the one hand, the weather will be windier and drier, just like it would be during an Ice Age, but on the other....

Things will get *hotter* and stay that way for a while.

--New Orleans will be completely underwater. So will parts of the Florida Peninsula, making the remainder of it an *island*.

--Most of the agriculture we now have here in the United States, will move to points *north* up to Canada as much of the US prairie becomes a desert....but only after the US agrees to foot some of the bill for an irrigation system for their mutual benefit.

--Those who can afford them will be able to have robot servants...but those servants will not be able to go outside on some days courtesy of the weakened magnetic field of the earth....

--Soylent Green *will* be people. But it will *not* be food, it will be a form of synthetic gasoline. So it will be introduced to the public ten years from now, but will also take the next 100 years to figure out, because people don't really *care* where their gasoline comes from....

--Oddly enough, this will co-incide with a rapid drop in public activity from religious fundamentalists....of all faiths.

--90% of the meat and dairy products you can buy at the grocery will be from cloned animals. And nobody will be allowed to know the difference....even speaking the difference will get you sued until you go to prison. Which will of course lead to huge rises in veganism.

--Towards the tail end of the next ten years....a *very* small minority of people, think one in a *million* people born, will discover that they are different from other people. Perhaps they will have powers and abilities beyond those of normal men...or maybe they will just live longer.

Either way, the biggest sign that these people are here, is that they will be entirely nocturnal. They simply will have *extreme* problems staying awake and functional during daylight hours. Which will cause them no end of problems in our morning-person-obsessed society.

And their powers? They will only function at night, courtesy of the sun's rays having too much kick behind them without, oh, a magnetic field to filter them out.

--There will no longer be television, computers, telephones, or the internet. That mess is too unweildly, and it also allows the consumer *too much control* over their content.

So in fairly rapid order, all of the old tech will be forcibly confiscated, and replaced by "screens": these things will serve the same functions as the TV, computer, internet and telephone, some will be as big as whole walls, others will fit on a wristwatch.

But the things they will all have in common are: 1) all "screens" will be registered, 2) unregistered screens and the old technology they replaced will be illegal to have or even talk about, on penalty of prison sentences or worse, 3) you will have *no rights* to make or keep any copies of any content on a screen, and your rights to even *discuss* what's on a screen will be sharply curtailed, and 4) once a "screen" is turned on, it will become a felony punishable by *death* to turn them off.

--Pro wrestling will actually become *competitive* again, and be the worst it has ever been. It will degenerate into a sloppy, stylized form of full-contact kick-boxing minus some hand strikes--punches mainly--to the face. The actual wrestling moves will literally only be allowed to be used as "finishing moves" at the end of the match, acting rather like the "fatalities" in a Mortal Kombat game.

One Ken Kennedy will walk out and *quit* at the peak of his career, saying, "I came here to actually wrestle and entertain in the old-school way....I didn't come here to be a humanoid Rock'em Sock'em Robot.... ..... .....Robot!"

--Someone *will* invent a car that runs entirely on water, finally. Well, sort of....it will run on a battery where water is the catalyst, and where that battery only needs to be replenished once a month at most.

The inventor of the technology will be murdered in cold blood exactly *one day* before he goes into negotiations with major US automakers over who gets to use the technology, and how the profits are to be shared....needless to say, neither the inventor of the tech nor his family see one red cent as Big Oil and the automakers they own *sit on their hands and do nothing yet again*.

--Oh, and we *will* make contact with sentient, alien life forms that are not of this world. The good news is, at least one species is sort of human like us, and wants to be our friend.

The bad news is....our new friends have technology 50 years ahead of ours, and they still don't know what to do about the *intelligent Tyrannosaurs* that are next door to *them*.

The ugly news is....both of these alien societies are from planets in orbit around M-class red dwarfs, with said planets having higher gravity than earth's. Meaning their home worlds are more like *Krypton* than Earth. Meaning there isn't a hell of a lot we can do to help out our friends *or* hinder our enemies.

Oh.....by the way. ^_^

All but *three* of these mini-prophecies will actually happen....the rest are speculation at best, utter horse hockey at worst. ^_^ Just so you know.

2007-04-25 22:59:45 · answer #9 · answered by Bradley P 7 · 1 0

That we will all be able to fly around instead of drive. That would be so cool!

2007-04-25 22:08:30 · answer #10 · answered by beaddiva 5 · 2 0

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