The reason is very simple. I am a woman and made from and to serve a man. I was in a lot of relationships where this is not the case and it just didn't work. The man in my house will be the ruler and owner. I know he will love and respect me but I will ultimately serve him. He will have final say in everything. If he wants me to ask permission than I will.. whatever he wants. This is just the way I believe. The other ways don't work. It ends up a big ol' mess.
2007-04-25 15:04:28
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Basically I think God knows best. If He says the men are to lead then that's because it's best for everyone that way. Rule sounds a bit harsh (but the Bible does use "rule" in Gen.3). I think the men leading are required by God to be servant leaders - just like Jesus was a servant leader to his disciples and now to his church. God will hold men accountable for HOW they've exercised their headship - He didn't put men in charge to be selfish and walk all over women and children. They're supposed to make decisions that are good for the family/church/nation they lead. The Bible even says that a mans' prayers can be hindered if he doesn't honor his wife and understand her (1Pet.3:7).
Some things in the Bible are hard to understand and hard to accept and I think this is hard for many women - but God created us and He knows best. I've heard submission ( a wife's submission to her husband) being described as "one of God's surprises" because it's so hard for many women to accept - but when they surrender and lives that way they discover that it is SO much better than the power struggle that most people have in their marriage nowadays. A man with a sweet and submissive wife will do ANYTHING for her. It's a win-win situation.
2007-04-26 04:27:20
answer #2
answered by Kaz 2
I don't think a man "rules" a woman in a relationship or in church, but I do think when you have a unit (husband and wife) they should compliment each other.
Both can't be the head of the household, so I think it was biblical that the role of man be the protector and breadwinner in the family unit and make the important decisions, and the woman would take care of the household and children. She is his help meet, so they would discuss what is best for the family together. The woman walks by his side. She is submission only because she respects and trusts her husband, and knows he only wants what is best for the family. This was God's idea to begin with.
Of course nobody hardly follows this pattern anymore so we are in the mess we are family-wise with so many women heading the household alone.
2007-04-25 15:11:01
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
In a relationship, it's not that the man should's that the couple should establish complimentary roles...traditionally the man provides and protects, whereas the woman nurtures and supports. If either person in a relationship abuses or misuses his or her role, then the other will naturally rebel.
In church and/or government...all persons should be seen as neither male or female, but as human beings.
You're not going to find too many women who DO think like that, but I thought I'd offer my .02
2007-04-25 15:08:37
answer #4
answered by T Time 6
This is a mis-conception......if u love ur wife with all your the bible tells u to do then u won't be ordering her around, but doing kind things for her. So many people mis-interpret this scripture and I feel sorry for the ones that do come judgement day. My guess is there will be way many more women in heaven than men. Come-on men step up to the plate and be men. A leader is always a servant. It's give and take. I thank God for women.
God Bless U,
2007-04-25 15:04:50
answer #5
answered by Third Day 5
Well, the Bible says so, and it is awesome how well the husband has to treat his wife also. Yep, its right there in Ephesians 5:23: As the Lord delivered HIs church from the dangers of sin, death and hell, so the husand provides for, protects, preserves and loves his wife. Also in Corinthians 11:3, as the men have authority over women in the basic order of creation. The BEST part is that, it is the husbands duty to: respect, love, regard them (the wife) as themselves, be faithful to them, dwell with them forever. Sounds like we wives have a pretty good deal! Ephesians 5:22 The submission is NOT the husband's to command but for the wife to willingly and lovingly offer.
2007-04-25 15:10:59
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Honestly mean make better leaders. They tend to think more with their brains than with their emotions. In the Bible it says that a woman should be silent in church and also says that she should be submissive to her husband. That is the way I was always raised and still believe it today however I do believe that a wife should be able to express her views in how the house is run as well as how the children are raised. I like to think of it as more of a team effort. . . .especially in today's society.
2007-04-25 17:11:55
answer #7
answered by icunurse85 7
Yes, I believe men should be in charge. It's written in black and white in the Bible that a man is the head of the woman even as Christ is the head of the Church.
2007-04-25 23:41:14
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
You sure are obsessed with men ruling their wife. Here's Sandstorm's question history just from today:
Why do you believe the man should rule the woman in relationships, in church, and in the government?
In Polls & Surveys - Asked by Sandstorm222 - 9 answers - 2 minutes ago - Open
How many sugary treats should a man allow his g/f or wife to eat per week before needs to say 'no more'?
In Polls & Surveys - Asked by Sandstorm222 - 23 answers - 20 minutes ago - Open
Do you believe a man will be accountable for how he ruled his family on Judgment Day?
1 In Polls & Surveys - Asked by Sandstorm222 - 6 answers - 1 hour ago - Open
Do you believe that when a woman marries, anything that she has plus herself become property of her husband?
In Polls & Surveys - Asked by Sandstorm222 - 43 answers - 2 hours ago - Open
Does your religion believe in sacrificing animals?
In Polls & Surveys - Asked by Sandstorm222 - 17 answers - 5 hours ago - Open
At what age do boys become men?
In Polls & Surveys - Asked by Sandstorm222 - 19 answers - 5 hours ago - Open
Do you think men should do the hard laborious labor while women get the easier work?
2 In Polls & Surveys - Asked by Sandstorm222 - 10 answers - 6 hours ago - Open
Do you believe a man should be able to have more than 4 wives?
2 In Polls & Surveys - Asked by Sandstorm222 - 33 answers - 6 hours ago - Open
Do you believe women have the right to leave their husbands and marry another man?
In Polls & Surveys - Asked by Sandstorm222 - 14 answers - 6 hours ago - Open
Which of Sandstorm's ideas do you like the most?
2007-04-25 15:02:03
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
hmm that's an interesting question. well my memory's not so good however i do remember reading something that gave men the role of being the priest and such as to keep order in the church
ahh here we go i found it!!
Eph 5:24 KJV) Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing.
well that's pretty clear =]
1 Pet 3:5-6 KJV) For after this manner in the old time the holy women also, who trusted in God, adorned themselves, being in subjection unto their own husbands: Even as Sara obeyed Abraham, calling him lord:
that one says to subject to them
as someone else before me said it simply 'just doesn't work' when both have equal authority disagreements, and forced compromises which can lead to arguments and divorces
i'm probably going to get a truckload of thumbs down for this but at least i answered the question. hope this helps!!!! =]
2007-04-25 15:07:31
answer #10
answered by Liquid♥Onyx 4