You got it, girl. I have been saying that for ages!
Also, don't forget it is an abomination to wear mixed fibers (like cotton and wool) and if you touch menstruating women, you become unclean, I think you have to burn your clothes, actually.
Bad Christians, very bad!
2007-04-25 14:09:24
answer #1
answered by Jeannie C 4
There is some bible verse in the New Testament that negates some of the things said(mostly the "laws" in Judiasm) in the Old Testament. So, Christians can eat pork, shellfish, etc. Interpretations of the Bible by Christians are also influenced by changes in culture, like what a previous answerer said about menstruating women being unclean(most Christians in American culture do not really think this). There are also verses in the New Testament that state same gender sexual relations are not condoned by the church. I can't remember where any of this is and I don't feel like looking it up, lol! But it's all there somewhere.
I think it's just a bunch of hypocritical bs, to be honest. People should mind their business and go by that verse that says "Love your neighbor as yourself." I think that's in John.
2007-04-25 21:35:50
answer #2
answered by submental25 4
There are a lot of gay men and women who are Christians , we believe what Jesus said and only what Jesus said . Jesus was sent to form a new covenant and all the old laws passed away , so the Old testament is no longer valid for the new Testament Christians . The Jewish people still believe in the laws of the old testament because they don't accept Jesus as the Savior of the world . While Jesus walked this earth he preached and taught the laws of the new covenant , or the convent between God and man I have spent many years studying the Bible and know that in all the things Jesus taught He never mentioned on single thing about men being with men or women being with women or the unnatural act there of . Jesus never mentioned going to hell for being with the same sex . Jesus taught love , forgiveness , and tolerance . But here is the thing he did teach this , Judgment is mine saith the Lord , Judge ye not least ye be judged , whosoever Judith will also be judge alike . Those who go around judging others will also be judged in the same way when they stand before God . Pay no attention to those who go around condemning others to hell and placing Judgment on others , They are only condemning them selves .
2007-04-25 22:18:55
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Don't insult people for their believes. People choose to discriminate LGBT, and yes part of it is religion. Because religion is very strong in people's lives. Now, the bible is an old piece of writing and as time passes its interpretations become different. In the bible there are lots of points proving slavery right, even though now days people that follow the bible believe that it is wrong. In the bible it also says that women are worthless than men and that they should be subordinate to their husbands. But it really doesn't work that way. As time will pass the views on the bible will change according to the LGBT movement. And people will not discriminate against them. Change is hard for many strong faithed people, and you should blame them, the only thing one may try to do is show them the other side of the argument.
Summarizing. I'm a strong faithed Roman Catholic, and I don't discriminate against Lesbians, Gay, Bisexual, and transgendered people. But I also don't blame the religions of others for them discriminating. its all about what people were taught.
2007-04-25 21:08:58
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I agree for the bible to be "right" there's still plenty of error in it - ie through the whole translation process and those that don't read it properly and only point what they see and hear basically someone else interpretation. A lot of the bible if not all was not intended to be taken literally ie the parables, they're just stories, jesus had to put the real meaning into simple terms so we could understand them and now they're law.
2007-04-26 03:09:15
answer #5
answered by matchbook1984 4
First off, all of you should really try reading the bible. You clearly have no understanding, nor do you choose to have any understanding of it. Just as a Christian may condem the homosexual, so are you condeming a Christian.
Everything that you are quoting comes from the "Old" testament, and indeed there are a lot of "Levitical Laws". Now, just over 2000 years ago, an amazing thing happend. Jesus Christ was born. After Jesus began his ministry is the portion called the "New" Testament. Matthew 5:17-18 "Do not think that I came to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I did not come to abolish, but to fulfill." "For truly I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or stroke shall pass away from the Law, until all is accomplished."
Ok, now if you understand that, cleary Jesus isn't doing away with the law. But fortunatly for us, we are also "saved by His Grace". So, by that, we do not have to follow the Law. But, and here it is, this "topic" also goes into the New Testament. Romans 1:26-27 For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men commiting indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error.
Oh, oh, there it is in the New Testament also. But also, there are a lot of things in the entire bible that absolutaly everyone of us are guilty of. This is "sin" that we all carry and it is all punishable by eternal seperation from God. Whats the difference here? Well, a true Christian is trying to turn from his/her sin, trying to change thier ways. What about the homosexual? And for a homosexual to bring the bible into their cause is futile because they CHOOSE not to want to turn from thier sin. Most Christians do not hate homosexuals. Most of us view the homosexual as a sinner, just like us. What makes a lot of us upset is when the non-Christian homosexual tries to bring the bible into their "argument". Just simply doing this shows everyone that the non-Christian homosexual has no understanding of the bible. Most people have the ability to take any peice of scripture and manipulate it to their liking, and this is sad.
2007-04-25 21:41:46
answer #6
answered by frosty 3
Bible is a fairytales book by my point of view
The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully.
Richard Dawkins, The God Delusion
2007-04-26 04:25:58
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I think you are zeroing in on the wrong people.Why is it that the homosexuals are so hung up on what the bible says
2007-04-25 21:03:42
answer #8
answered by nfn3vet 2
Sorry, I don´t believe the bible...
2007-04-25 21:44:34
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
You hit the nail on the head with that one!!! :)
2007-04-25 21:37:45
answer #10
answered by Lilly 7