lately i've been experimenting with drugs after wanting to for a long time. is it weird that i feel so comfortable and at home in late nights out, highs, comedowns, sex, cigarettes...
i feel so fine in this emptiness.
i do not understand why it is the best i've felt my whole life.
why does feeling depressed and empty and hopeless give me peace with myself?
9 answers
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i dont exactly feel depressed just very cynical
and i never said i was being promiscuous
09:34:24 ·
update #1
i'm 18 and not shooting anything up.
09:35:06 ·
update #2
wouldn't that mean you're not depressed?
2007-04-25 09:29:58
answer #1
answered by rt1290 6
Maybe because then you no longer need to live up to expectations of the world or even yourself. the complete emptiness that can be brought on by drugs, together with pleasure like sex or/and sigarettes and so on, may seem like wonderful and super and peace for a while, but in the end that too will no longer feel okay. it is everybody's struggle with life to come to terms with finding the balance between the things we must do and the things we want to do..... if you succeed in finding the balance, eventually your life may be quite like you want it to be. If feelings bother you, then maybe this emptiness seems wonderful. but your feelings will not go away. they will be silenced, they will hide, but in the end they will bother you if you do not allow them their normal existence. If you want a life with much pleasure and little else, that is of course your choice, I just hope you keep one eye on reality in the mean time, because drugs are very very dangerous things. On the other hand, alcohol is considered more dangerous in my country than softdrugs like marihuana. Emptiness? it is what you make of your life that fills it or keeps it empty. It is what you choose to feel or experience that makes a life. Your choice, always.
2007-04-25 09:36:37
answer #2
answered by freebird31wizard 6
because you temporarily free yourself from the heaviness of life, or so you think. fact of the matter is, the longer you zone out from reality, the worse your problems get... while present ones still have no solutions, you accumulate even more problems. it's probably a tough sitch for you right now, but remember nobody had it easy all the way through. free yourself from that and take action now: be productive, relaxed without being high... you have family & [good] friends... you don't need drugs.
2007-04-25 09:32:30
answer #3
answered by its_not_rocket_surgery 3
Because you are mentally ill? Seek help before you overdose or catch HIV.
EDIT - Um..there's cocaine which you snort, as well as Meth. There's acid which you put on your tongue. There's X that you swallow. I didn't say you were shooting up anything. But you didn't actually say what drugs you were taking. I'm willing to bet it's more than Pot. And your definition of promiscuous may be different from fine. And you did actually say you were depressed, now you're saying cynical. I think you are depressed and you need help.
2007-04-25 09:30:25
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
No all and sundry is intercourse varieties. A nimpho would have intercourse 6 circumstances an afternoon. A submissive companion will want giving. intercourse isn't addicting reason you have it on a daily basis in one sort or yet another. intercourse varieties would desire to step lower back - on the completed want. for this reason a pedofile is a sort - a sort of fool.
2016-12-16 15:19:27
answer #5
answered by ? 4
maybe you think you need to punish yourself. We've all gone down the experimentation road a ways, but if you really feel it's wrong, then why keep doing it? Find something else to occupy you. and if it's just pot, that doesn't count! not a drug.
2007-04-25 09:29:54
answer #6
answered by N.FromVT 3
becoz u aint thinking about anything except fun.u r free in this zone,no burden of life or responsibility or anything,
2007-04-25 09:30:25
answer #7
answered by reifguy 6
Your going to screw your life up. Taking drugs even legal ones mess-up you judgment. that is why so many Drug users end up with AIDS. If you still AIDS free go to rehab.
2007-04-25 09:34:08
answer #8
answered by zipper 7
its the drugs they lie to you and make you lie to your self.
2007-04-25 09:30:56
answer #9
answered by Lovely Lady 27 5