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I have vertigo. But i really want to be able to dive, but i just loose it when im up on the board. My legs turn to jelly.

Any suggestions on how to overcome this?

2007-04-25 06:45:20 · 4 answers · asked by HeyYa! 1 in Sports Swimming & Diving

4 answers

Ah. This happened to me when i started diving. I was scared that i would fall off the board.

But, you have to start at the end. That's the last place that you'll have to be. it will be very scary at first, but just walk off. Yes i said walk off. Close your eyes, and just walk off the edge. Then, if you're still uncomfortable, try it off the side. Then the ladder, then the board.

Once you've gotten the hang of it at the end, start a little back. Then keep going back. After a while, you'll keep thinking you're at the end of the board, but your not. Soon enough, you'll be running off the board doing a 302 C (Reverse Somersault Tuck, or a "Gainer")

2007-04-25 08:11:40 · answer #1 · answered by Elfgirl 2 · 0 0

I was always afraid to dive when I was younger and now I'm on the dive team. Here's how I learned: Before you start be sure you are diving into at least 8 feet when diving from the edge and 11 when diving from the board. Start at the edge of the pool in a kneeling position on your left knee and right foot. Put your hand over your head in the proper diving position and slowly raise from left knee to your left foot. As you do this your hands should got towards the water and you will go in slowly. The proper position for your hands is as follows: Put your arms in front of you, palms facing away, fingers together but thumbs apart like they were in a mitten. Take your right hand and grab your left hand around the lower part of your fingers so the crevices of your thumbs are linked then raise your hands so your arms are at your ears. Also you should try and point your toes, but while you're learning this isn't as important. Once you have what I've taught you so far down move on to doing the same thing but rather than starting kneeling begin with your right foot at the edge of the pool and your left behind you. And once you've got that begin with your feet together at the edge of the pool and jump into your dive. Next move on to the board. Walk to the edge and do the same you've been doing only from the board and when you feel ready to go. You can add in an approach if you have someone to teach you and if not through in a bounce or two before hand to get height. Good Luck

2016-05-18 03:48:01 · answer #2 · answered by alex 3 · 0 0

Vertigo is a very serious condition. Depending on how well you manage yours and how severe and what type it is your doctor may recommend that you don't dive at all. The feeling of being on a diving board while suffering from vertigo is a lot more traumatizing than just a common fear.

If you really want to dive, try diving from the side of the pool first. Work on being stable and keeping your head clear. If you do decide to dive off the board, please make sure you have a spotter and are very careful!!!

2007-04-26 05:51:42 · answer #3 · answered by Kristy 7 · 0 0

have people throw you off, seriously. once you just do it a couple times you'll realize that it's not too bad. sometimes you will smack and it will hurt, but you'll get over it.

2007-04-25 08:15:20 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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