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ok so i took a title loan out on one of my cars....didnt pay it.....can they just take my car? or do they have to notify me and then take my car?
my car is gone!!! bullshi*t

2007-04-24 23:52:40 · 3 answers · asked by sarah 2 in Cars & Transportation Other - Cars & Transportation

3 answers

You bet. I'm not a big fan of these loan companies. For the same reason that you feel right now.

Since you didn't pay the loan, they have the right to repo your car. If you were having trouble paying the note, did you contact them and try to work out something with them? They may have been willing to lower your payments for a longer period or maybe up your interest rate.

Sorry to hear about it, but they got you. In KY,I believe they have to hold the car for 30 days to give you a chance to pay the loan off and reclaim your car. Good luck

2007-04-25 02:12:52 · answer #1 · answered by Fordman 7 · 0 0

Yes, they can and will take your car. Read your contract! It assigns the title to the loan company and in most cases they can simply take it.

Generally they are barred from creating a disturbance of the peace and cannot break into your locked garage to take it but if you leave it on the street, they'll snatch it in a heartbeat.

2007-04-25 00:37:34 · answer #2 · answered by Bostonian In MO 7 · 0 0

after filing the repo notice with the court they can just come get it. however they normally won't come onto your property for it due to trespassing laws but they sure don't have a problem with leaving folks stranded at work. you most likely have a grace period in which to pay the full amount owed and reclaim you car before they sell it. Why didn't you pay them? you borrwed money thinking you didn't have to pay it back????????? wouldn't that be stealing

2007-04-25 02:49:54 · answer #3 · answered by hunting4junk 4 · 0 0

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