Yeah, i was in the woods and all my mates got killed by this thing called the blair witch, think here name was Cherie
2007-04-24 21:48:22
answer #1
answered by Nutsack 2
no but will an outdoor event do?
at my track meet I haven't been in a portipody in a long time because I will not use them unles I ultimatly have to. well this time I had no choice. (its been about 8 years prior to this incident) in spring 2001 I had to go into the portipody and did my thing. and I saw what I thought was a sink. thinking "wow these are getting more high tech too." and pick up what I thought was soap and tried to lather my hands with it. well it felt gritty and smelld funny.
and tried to find where water will come out and found out the hard way that I just lathered my hands with a urinal cake and tried to wash my hands in the urinal. so much for upgrade portipodies. the only upgrade was that men can now stand up and pee.
the end of the story was that i walked up to the cafe and asked if they had a sink w/ soap. of course they had to ask why and I tried to keep as much info back as I can by just saying that I used the bathroom but the guy had to say "well everyone uses the bathroom here w/out washing their hands.
now I had to let the cat out of the bag and tell them that I tried to wash my hands in what I thought was a sink with what I thought was soap and then there was an uproar of laughter.
2007-04-24 21:59:39
answer #2
answered by Kristenite’s Back! 7
I've only ever been once and after that never ever again!!!
Group of friends went camping in Pitlochry (years ago). Went out at night - got drunk (as you do when camping). My hubby (at that time my partner) decided he was going to get chips for eating on the way to the tent...... So far so good.......
We get back to the tent have a couple more drinks and hubby puts litter out of the tent - when zipping up the door the zip breaks!!!! No panic I think that's ok.
After a while, can sleep and my imagination is then starting to run riot and have visions of beasts crawling over me so I can't sleep! Early morning the seagulls are out! My Goodness it was like something out a Stephen King book! Here I am screaming like a banshee with nowhere to run and about 30 seagulls trying to get at his CHIPS!!!!
It was horrific! My hubby and friends thought it was hilarious and I have been scarred for life!
2007-04-24 21:56:08
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Kind of. When I was about 7 or 8, my dad built a little 'camp' for us in the back garden so that me and my older sister could camp out there for the night. Off we went armed with sleeping bags, crisps, juice and assorted midnight feast munchies. After about an hour or somy dad came out and said we had to go in because there was going to be a massive thunderstorm. Me, being the mad storm addict that I am, begged and pleaded to stay out, but ended up back indoors anyway. So night falls and the storm comes. Fork lightning, hailstones, the lot. The next morning we went out to see if our 'camp' had survived. The tent was in a the next door neighbours tree...
2007-04-24 21:56:58
answer #4
answered by Tish P 6
I went camping with some friends last spring break and one of my girl friends didn't bring a sufficient sleeping bag for the cold night next to the lake. I let her borrow mine and took her thin "sack" thinking I can handle the cold being the guy. That was definitely not the case. At like 4 in the morning I woke up shivering. It was one of those shivers that you just couldn't stop. I turn to the side to see that my other friend was shivering too. I asked him, "whyyy areee yo-yoou sh-sh-shiverring?" He said, "I-I ThThink I kikikikicked off my sleeping ba-bag and I can't Fi-find it"
2007-04-24 21:52:45
answer #5
answered by mkveliferrari 2
Went camping on Anglesey. The wind blew the outer tent lining onto the inner lining. It poured down. We got wet.
It was NOT funny.
2007-04-24 21:48:33
answer #6
answered by Tufty Porcupine 5
After pitching our tent, the three of us went to the local pub and got that hammered we couldn't find out tent, so ended up sleeping in a wood..!
When the sun rose next morning the tent was only 20 feet away..!
2007-04-24 21:49:00
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
This handed off in the process the 1st week of my practise interior the Australian military. The platoon had in simple terms back to the lines after a protracted, tedious drill lesson. The meanest Corporal stood next to the doorway and with a smirk on his face, pronounced us: "it form of feels a %. of untamed kangaroos have in simple terms long previous rampaging interior the direction of the lines. i'm hoping not something's lacking from those unlocked lockers." and particular adequate, the locker I left unsecure in a mad rush to get out in time for the lesson grew to become into extensive open, my undies strewn around the room. The roos have been for sure dilligent adequate to upturn a roommate's poorly-made mattress, too. Moments later, i grew to become into called into the lobby to be screamed at for the subsequent 0.5 hour.
2016-10-30 06:07:51
answer #8
answered by jerrold 4
Yes i have and it goes like this... : When i was little i used to be such a evil kid to my other sisters there was four of us and every time i played a trick on them i got wrong. any hows as i was in my normal miss narty mood me and my youngist sister ashleigh were pklaying in that back garden. and my dad had just cleaned the pond out and there was these shell sand pits in the garden full of water. I was scaring my little sister and without reliseing she eged nere and near to the water in these shell things. And she hated water the next ting i knew she fell into the water sowcked head to to i just couldnt help to laugh at her it was realy funny. i whent in the house and just roled on the floor for hours laughing at her. still do to this day i know it was nasty i just wanted to shere it with all of you people.
2007-04-24 21:54:23
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I have never been camping, but my sister went years ago with the guides, one night their tent blew down in a storm, hahaha, immagine waking up to find your are lying out in the open,
2007-04-24 22:08:04
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
here u go-
A man went to a restaurant for a nice dinner. He ordered his appetizer and waiting for the waiter to serve him. A waiter come by and the man noticed a spoon in all the waiters' shirt-pockets.
Curiously he asked the waiter, "wats dat spoon for?"
The waiter replied, "its so that we dont need to waste time to fetch one back in the kitchen."
The man said, "thats a brilliant idea."
So the man continues to eat his appetizer and he intentionally drops his spoon. Then the same waiter came and gave the man the spoon in his pocket. After that, the man ordered his main course. This time he noticed a thread comming out of all the waiters' zipper.
Curiously he asked the same waiter, "um why is there thread comming out from your zipper?"
The waiter replied "it's so to save the water bill, becaz it is tied to our dick and when we go to pee, we just pull the thread and not touching it which save the time to wash hands and thus save the water bill."
The man replied, "good idea, but how you get it back in?"
The waiter replied, "i dont know about the others but i use the spoon."
2007-04-24 21:52:16
answer #11
answered by Anonymous