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I'm thinking of the prohibition of cannabis on the one hand, and the fluoridation of the public water supply on the other. Are they both symptoms of the "nanny state"? (I.e. we know best for you, so we can decide what things you must and mustn't put into your body.)

2007-04-24 21:31:30 · 5 answers · asked by 2kool4u 5 in Politics & Government Law & Ethics

5 answers

The same reason that the government regulates the economy in general. They think that they know better than you how to spend your money. You can see that when they complain about the over-funded schools needing more money or when they pass Mandatory Health Insurance laws requiring "the uninsured" to purchase a product they don't want or when they pass anti-trust laws so that a company's competitors can try to beat a company in the courtroom that they cannot beat in the marketplace. You can see it when they lie about a foreign leader having "weapons of mass deception," even though it is common knowledge that he does not. You can see it when they lie that Iran hates America even though Iranis didn't like Fahrenheit 9/11 because they thought it was too anti-America.

Even though I personally am against the use of tobacco, alcohol, or recreational drugs, I oppose making them illegal. People have a right to choose what substances to use.

Of course, the fluoridation of the water supply is dangerous. It benefits a few little kids who don't get enough fluoride, but fluoride can be dangerous for the rest of the population.

Recently, there have been Environmentalists speaking out against bottled water because it uses plastics, which are a form of petroleum. The popularity of bottled water is likely a result of the poor quality of the drinking water which the government provides.

Whenever the government claims it knows best, it is lying. The government has caused Columbine and Virginia Tech because of negligence. They prohibited gun owners from carrying their legally licensed weapons on campus, making it easier for the shooters to attack. At Columbine, there was a security guard who, despite being an incompetent shooter, delayed the killers for a few minutes, saving 5-10 lives, despite having to eventually back off because they threw a grenade at him. Both schools were in areas where hunting is popular and there were many students who were excellent shots and could have stopped the massacre. Many such massacres have actually been stopped before because somebody had a gun in their car and went and got it.

There's also the example of 9-11. The government told everybody to remain in the Twin Towers when they were hit and the only people to survive were those who disobeyed the government. Everybody else died in their office after being told that it was "okay." Then New York's fascist dictator Rudy Giuliani, who was suspiciously absent from the Twin Tower he was supposed to be in, posed for the cameras and ended up looking like a hero. If only he had run for the Senate and beat Hillary in 2000, neither of them would be running for president (after all, without his public relations campaign on 9-11, what does Rudy Giuliani have that he could use to his advantage?).

The government is just simply arrogant. Its the one institution we could do perfectly well without and its also the jealous one that robs everything else (calling its form of extortion taxation).

2007-04-24 21:58:30 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Absolutely. Its all about control and th sad thing is most people go along with it.The attitude seems to be 'well the government say cannabis is harmful, so it must be' because after all the government wouldn't lie to us would they?? just like they wouldn't let us take prescription drugs that are harmful and haven't been thoroughly tested. It makes me sick that people can't decide for themselves and just follow sheep-like. They like to keep our minds busy with things that don't really matter or don't even exist so that we have no time to question the real issues and find out what they are really up to. The whole thing is twisted and controlled to such a degree that 'freedom' is only an illusion.

2007-04-25 04:38:21 · answer #2 · answered by jo h 4 · 3 0

How about this? You want cannabis so badly...and this is for all of you out there that advocate legalizing weed....vote. You find candidates that will win and will change the laws to legalize cannabis...so far too many people complain and but never participate in the system. You don't like the way the government acts then vote and put your candidates in office...otherwise...its called whinning.

2007-04-25 09:37:40 · answer #3 · answered by Dr. Luv 5 · 0 0

The mass consciousness does not want the freedom that you and I would like.

2007-04-25 04:59:07 · answer #4 · answered by flip33 4 · 0 0

Because they rule you. Didn't you know that?

EDIT: I agree with jo h and wanted to add..
"There is no time for pot we need to secure the ports!"

2007-04-25 04:35:23 · answer #5 · answered by k X 2 · 0 0

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