Did thay hav Speling in yure skool?
I think yu wil make an eggsellent ditch digga. Sum wun has to lern to reste on the handil of a shovil.
2007-04-24 17:58:43
answer #1
answered by Spikey and Scruffy's Mummy 5
I suppose it will depend on if you go to college or just get a job. And alot of it really depends on if you move out, or continue to live with your parents.
As far as freedom and knowing what it is like to live like an adult, moving out of your parents house will make a huge difference. Otherwise, you might end up living with the same rules, curfews, and stuff you had in high school. Parents sometimes have a hard time seeing you've grown up.
Also you have to be alot more responsible now. Your consequences are your own, you have no one to blame but yourself if you mess up. Fistfights get you in jail instead of in detention. You can't call in sick to work like you do school, you lose your job after a few call ins. No more living like a kid, you can't get away with it.
You have alot more freedom though.
2007-04-25 01:04:46
answer #2
answered by julliana 3
You are now responsible for your own actions, life, pay your own bills, wash your own dishes, clothes, house/apartment.
Your have to pay for your own Internet connection, cell phone, Cd's, hamburgers and popcorn and Pepsi.
Pretty much every thing is on your shoulders. You will begin to pay attention to the cost of all these things and learn to do with off brand clothes. You'll appreciate the interest your elders take in politics and taxes.
you can continue mooching off your parents.
It's your choice. Assuming your patents allow to choose the second option.
2007-04-25 01:08:08
answer #3
answered by howdigethere 5
There are all sorts of pathways you can choose from here. One pathway maybe college. One maybe just working. Another maybe to live with your parents and kick back. Etc....
Personally, I chose college..which is prob the best choice.
-you generally get to live on your own--away from parents!
-you meet tons and tons and tons of new ppl every day.
-prepares you for a well paying job
-you learn so many life lessons
I recommend college. If money is an issue...well where there is a will there is a way. My uncle paid for every cent of college..it was hard..but worth it. He now owns a house in Florida :)
2007-04-25 00:59:54
answer #4
answered by rigby88 2
Slainte mhath.
2007-04-25 01:08:26
answer #5
answered by BotanyDave 5
A high school graduate that can't spell High School ?????
2007-04-25 01:29:38
answer #6
answered by cashelmara 7
if that is how you spell high school . . . you've got a Burger King life waiting for you . . .
2007-04-25 00:59:05
answer #7
answered by Clark H 4