If they start banning things that are going to hurt the citizens, then they will have to ban not only smoking but guns as well, which, in my opinion, is much more deadlier than tabacco.
2007-04-24 16:12:56
answer #1
answered by melmimag 1
I dont know about where you live, but in Canada for example, it is the provincial or municipal government passing the law to ban smoking in public places. I dont believe bars and restaurants or clubs or casinos want it banned because it will affect their business. Anyhow, when companies or governments export more than they import, they have a trade surplus. which is another word for profit. The taxes paid by tobacco companies help support the economy in the US. They can't survive without that, especially with the debt incurred due to the supposed war on terrorism.
2007-04-24 16:05:41
answer #2
answered by R.S. 4
well i think they should be banned from bars resturaunts and public buildings however i belive if pepole desire to poisn themselves in their car or outside or in their home go ahead. But i do not think its fair to non smokers people with allergies or people with athesma to have to stay home just becuase some other people want to slowly kill themsleves at the bar when the rest of us just want to dance and have a good time without breathing in toxins ! now i have nothing aganst smokers my fiance is one i just dont want to be around it and dont feel people should have to. They are not going to make them illegal anytime soon because they bring in alot of profit. also the goverment originally promoted smoking when it was first introduced ( marlion monroe years )
2007-04-24 20:57:48
answer #3
answered by cuddle_bug 2
Wow thats great news, but I think they are still legal for the same reason that we still use petrol to run our cars. Too many blue collar morons have their fingers on the money that people faithfully spend on..Ciggy's is a discusting Billion dollar a day indhttp://quitsmoking.about.com/cs/nicotineinhaler/a/cigingredients.htmustry. Check out this website.
2007-04-24 16:02:18
answer #4
answered by HRHGavin 3
You answered your own question: More places are TRYING TO BAN. They have NOT been banned, YET, therefore they are not illegal, yet. When they are illegal, people won't have to TRY to ban them, anymore.
Also, banning them from public places does not, necessarily require them to be altogether illegal.
I think it should be perfectly OK for people to smoke in their own homes and on their own property.
2007-04-24 15:58:22
answer #5
answered by scruffycat 7
They shouldn't be legal, but they are, and governments are paying the people who make them to make them to.
Personally, i think they should have been illegal a long time ago. It effects your health really badly.
2007-04-24 15:53:47
answer #6
answered by dots4allupeoples 3
the cigarettes aren't being banned, its the smoking of them that is.
2007-04-24 16:02:41
answer #7
answered by Chrissy 7
Because this is america, and if people want to smoke, they have a right to do so. No matter how horrible you, and myself also, think it is, it is their body and they can treat it however they want to.
2007-04-24 15:55:24
answer #8
answered by en garde 3
Because they bring so much profit to america. America is a greedy country!
2007-04-24 15:58:15
answer #9
answered by 1divinerose 2
I shall quote the Beastie Boys...
"You gotta fight
for your right
to ... do what you want"
(okay so that last part was me)
2007-04-24 15:59:15
answer #10
answered by Jenae, TV (tempter of the vile) 5