Thanks for raising your voice, because this is what we need to do, show our displeasure, get more of us incvolved, and find some people who can do the job right!
2007-04-24 13:18:20
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I am so disgusted with the situation this country is in right now I can barely stomach it. I am 30 yrs old and find it almost impossible to have an intelligent conversation with any of my peers. They are all far more interested in American Idol than the current state of affairs in this country.
This administration has so polarized this country, that I don't know if there is anybody that can heal it.
Our constitutional rights are being eroded away and most of the country hasn't even noticed.
Mr. Bush and his cronies should be investigated and tried for treason and war crimes but the Dem's are too spineless to get it done.
The whole political system needs to be overhauled. It is all funded and controlled by private interest groups that are worried only about lining their own pockets.
Being able to have differences is the bedrock that this country was built on, not "good old christian values".
Now if you speak out against the leaders then you are a trader. What if we hadn't spoke out in 1776? We'd still be under British rule .
Above all else, I am sick and tired of this administration and their fear mongering. We are not any safer now than we were pre 9-11. We are just more afraid. Did we really learn anything from the attacks? No.
It is time to wake up people. We need to rise and stand together and tell the government that we are taking our country back!!!!
2007-04-24 20:14:34
answer #2
answered by Dana E 1
Just look at what's happened to our educational system for a good part of the answer. Dumb voters cast dumb votes. How many people know the actual voting records of their congress"person" (I had to be politically correct!) How many people have really checked out the voting records of Obama, Clinton, McCain and many other so called Democrats and Republican leaders? Many, if not the majority of the people who vote believe only what they want to believe. If their "leader" says that a particular candidate is a racist, then they believe it, simply because their leader or sympathizer said it was so! It's assumed by many that "their" candidate speaks only the truth!! These individuals don't bother to check out the story!! Who are the biggest (by far) hypocrites in the public eye today? Jessie Jackson (also known as Jessie Hijackson) and Al Sharpton are among the worst, but by no means the only ones! Yet, many take their words as the Gospel truth! Stupid people make stupid decisions.
2007-04-24 13:59:21
answer #3
answered by Prophotoman 4
Those ideals faded when getting and staying in power mattered more than actually doing anything admiral or respectable.
Those ideals took their lasts gasps as apathy became the motto of the American people, now so focused on ther own entertainment and existence that they hardly even vote. Most are spoon fed their thoughts by the media, and most them digest every bite.
Those ideals became buried under the rubble of the Trade Towers, when instead of standing up for our freedoms we willingly cowered and gave up liberties in exchange for false senses of security.
This nation is a far cry from its former self. The politicians play the populace like a fiddle, distracting them with false wars and nonsensical issues. They split this country like a cord of wood, and in doing so assure themselves their places in the ranks because we are too busy fighting each other than to fight the corruption and scandals that have been plaguing our government.
We are in need of a strong leader, one who does not bow to special interests and is a true uniter. We need a leader who will address the real issues facing America, not these ridiculuous and atrocious self-inflicted wounds.
Who is that leader? Well that's the real question isn't it. I doubt any of the candidates on either side will possess the qualities, but I would love to be proven wrong.
2007-04-24 13:34:45
answer #4
answered by X 4
Our leader at the moment is telling America that Democrats are unpatriotic, anti-American, and against the troops. These are definitely not the words to inspire a nation to rise together and overcome the adversity. Our leader at the moment has stripped democracy of the very core principles it is based on. First being the secrecy of the government, the second the enacting of the Patriot Act, third the Victory Act, 4th Homeland Security Act and 5th, the most terrifying of all, Bush gave himself the right to enact Martial law. Bush does not promote democracy, he promotes tyrannical Nazi rule.
2007-04-24 13:23:11
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
BRAVO !!!! Well thought out and to the point.
We did vote for this present Administration, at least some did, I must admit that I didn't vote for this bunch. I was turned off by their ploy's in the first primary when they crucified John McCain and not only tried to beat him but they attempted to destroy him personally. McCain exists today at only a shadow of what he was prior to that primary.
Your also correct about suspending the constitution, but rather than suspending it this crowd is out to destroy it permanently. I really can't walk away until I at least make mention to the fact that the Democratic Party was gutless and brain dead for the majority of this Administrations time in office.
2007-04-24 13:28:25
answer #6
answered by supressdesires 4
The problem is unfortunately that most Americans have abdicated their right to be heard. They follow the talking head on TV who says this guy is bad or this guy is good or this is what happened. There is no discussion outside the TV because if it was on there it had to be right.
Look at the entertainers hosting “newsy” shows. What makes any American think they have a considered opinion? They are only trying to make the show popular and sell more advertising.
2007-04-24 13:22:00
answer #7
answered by patrsup 4
I place a lot of blame on the mass media. They decide what is "news", they dictate what we are supposed to care about. We are their accomplices in buying into their stories. By letting them dictate what we talk about "at the water-cooler", we give them way too much power. Who would want to lead in our current media controlled political environment? The petty accusations, the persecution, the destruction of character in the name of advertising bucks; all make it undesirable to lead. Here is an idealistic alternative that maybe will take root:
2007-04-24 13:32:52
answer #8
answered by 5375 4
We (globally - I'm not a yank, myself) do not live in a society - we live in an ECONOMY! The money will still be here long after humanity has been eradicated from this planet, although many people believe that they can take it with them! (any clues there?)
2007-04-24 13:26:31
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
If you believe in conspiracy theories, we have no control over who is in power.
2007-04-24 13:18:46
answer #10
answered by Julie S 3