A loner 'backlash?' Has there been many reported incidents of any backlash from people categorized as 'loners?' What he did was something that is tragic to say the least. But despite how many times the media covers this story, you'll see that the after affects aren't that great. It's almost as if America has become 'decensitised' to this kind of stuff. From Columbine to 'everyday' murders you see in the local news, this story was just another 'BIG' story. We all grieve for the families alike, but if anything, I believe the media went over board with the coverage. Watching the news over the past week, it was as if this was the only story going on in the WHOLE WIDE WORLD. C'mon, really though? I don't believe there will be a backlash because there have been crazy things that have happened before. And there have always been 'copy cat' people out there. I believe the question should be, "What does it take to get someone kicked out of college?" I mean this kid had so many red flags throughout his record, it's almost unbelievable that he was never kicked out of school.
2007-04-24 12:16:25
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Very definitely. Immediately after any incident like this one, various public officials will grab the wrong end of the stick and start making absurd, irrelevant rules, such as the "anti-trenchcoat" rules that followed Columbine.
There's a very delicate balance, here. It's useful to learn to recognize the problem kids and to help them out before they blow, but labeling every kid who isn't a social butterfly as a potential "problem" will cause more harm then good, and hurt the well being of a lot of quiet, but harmless young people.
We need a better class of administrator then we have today. It'll be interesting to see what kind of skewed, irrational "solutions" arise from the VT incident.
2007-04-24 12:15:14
answer #2
answered by DiesixDie 6
I hope not. That wouldn't be fair to judge people based on the actions of one person. When I was in high school I'm sure when people described me it would be as shy, quiet, and kept to myself. Does that mean that I am going to go out and shoot a bunch of people? No. So if people do start a backlash that is just silly.
2007-04-24 12:11:50
answer #3
answered by Joi S 6
no not all loners are crazed killers some just rather keep to their selves
2007-04-24 12:12:59
answer #4
answered by coolio 3