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I think most people who don't really love music just turn on the radio and enjoy whatever is delivered to them. POP MUSIC. Whether it's country, alternative, rap/hip hop, or whatever. There is so much terribly uncreative music out there that sells and people listen to it. I think it's corporations that have controlled the music industry from the beginning using their power to control what the general population is exposed to. It is a progression that begins from a very young age that introduces children to what is "good music" and continues on into adulthood with these people believing that what they like is really good music when it is actually just repetition. Obviously I am loading this question big-time with my own opinion but I am open to hear any others.

2007-04-24 10:23:06 · 10 answers · asked by Siddler 3 in Entertainment & Music Music

10 answers

FINALLY !!!! - someone "out there" who is as disgusted as I am with the state of popular music today!
Thank you! for that opinion! :)
I SOOOOOO agree with everything you said - and you said it very well!
I think that people today, don't have a clue as to what REAL music is! Whatever happened to just good old "Rock n' Roll!" ?????? I think it's time that music returned to some of its earlier roots! There ARE a lot of people out there who still DO appreciate GOOD music, and know how it all began - back in the 50's - progressing through the 60's - 70's - 80's ... then somewhere in the 90's ... what happened?
I think your point about corporations and music "moguls" who manipulate popular opinion - is very well taken! It is all about making that almighty $$$ - not that it wasn't always like that, to some degree ... but it should not be that way, at the cost of creativity and producing really "quality" content!
Long Live Rock n' Roll !! Bring it back! (for some of us, it has never left us! - thankfully!) :-)

2007-04-24 10:39:41 · answer #1 · answered by Jack Rabbit 6 · 3 0

I think Yahoo Answers isn't the best place to pose this question. Not all pop music is bad. By far though, this decade has to easily be the worst decade we've ever had for mainstream music. I'd actually also disagree with your assertion that children are brought up on lousy music, and that leads to why people like Fall Out Boy today. Things like Fall Out Boy didn't exsist yet. Furthermore, my musical taste varies greatly from my parents.

Many cities, large and small, have a thriving local music scene. Yeah, you'll get your shitty bar bands that think they're the next big thing. Worse yet, they are mimicking exactly what they hear on the radio. The good news is there is plenty of original and creative music to counter that on a local and even state level. You just need to know where to look. It's definatly not at the clubs or bars (generally speaking) either.

Oops, and I re-read your first sentence, and yeah, if it isn't a passion, then people aren't really going to look. That's why pirate radio should become a huge thing.

2007-04-24 17:38:33 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I think that the reason has less to do with taste and more to do with the role that music plays in many people's lives. Music was an art form, and then it became entertainment, and then background noise. As a music major, I will sit and listen to a symphony for the purpose of listening to a symphony, but sitting in my room doing something else, I would barely notice what was playing. Another major influence on what music people like is dance. I would agree that it is much easier to dance to "sexy back" than a chopin nocturne. And even I will occasionally enjoy "my humps" just for the fun of it.

2007-04-24 18:21:24 · answer #3 · answered by scottmceaston 1 · 0 0

Because most people are trend followers. They only listen to what is popular and don't seek out bands that aren't the "flavor of the month." Half of my music collection is of bands that never were huge. I seek out indy bands and bands that may have had hits in the 70's and 80's, but haven't been popular in years. Some of the best work of bands like Ronnie James Dio, Alice Cooper, Ted Nugent, Bob Seger and others have been in recent years despite not being as popular as they once were

2007-04-24 17:30:35 · answer #4 · answered by Tina L 5 · 1 0

To quote a good friend, MTV is to music what KFC is to chicken. It just doesn't do it justice. People like to fit in, like to be "popular." It extends into every aspect of their lives: the way they think, the clothes they wear, the music they listen to. They listen to the radio because it's the "cool" thing to do, and because it's what they know. Most people don't question deeper into their lives, they just take everything at surface value and do what they're accustomed to. They listen to pop because it's popular, it's what everybody else is doing, and they have no desire to break out of their comfort zones.

2007-04-24 17:31:40 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

It wouldnt have to be this way if you guys listened to more indie bands and searched for music on your own instead of having a tv channel or radio tell u what is good. There are so many good bands out their that make the mainstream bands look like crap.

2007-04-24 20:49:53 · answer #6 · answered by stevo2323456 1 · 1 1

Society tells you what is acceptable. Society tells you that anything outside these strict lines is unacceptable or uncool, and you will be punished and ostracised for not abiding to these rules. It takes imagination and courage to overstep these lines, something most people do not possess.

2007-04-24 17:35:23 · answer #7 · answered by Mordent 7 · 1 0

MTV: Destroying good music since 1981.

2007-04-24 17:26:42 · answer #8 · answered by McLovin 7 · 3 0

crappy music to you might not be crappy music to me. i listen to EVERYTHING!! what i want to know is why everything sounds the same. i don't understand it.

2007-04-24 17:33:53 · answer #9 · answered by iluvdrma 2 · 1 0

Simply put, because they have no taste!

2007-04-24 17:30:33 · answer #10 · answered by napqueen 6 · 1 0

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