Because celebrities always have to look good for the cameras they tend to F up all the good they are trying to do.
Better they just fund and then let someone actually get hands dirty and do the job and stay away so we don't have to worry about tabloids screwing up something to help others.
Also it gets quite annoying when someone is gonna preach at me about X or Y and thinks people should agree just because they hit a ball or sang a song. Let these rich people work 40+ hours a week, try to raise family, clean their own homes, etc all by themselves and THEN do all their volunteer work. Maybe then we won't hear about how everyone has plenty of time+money to help others.
It's easy to talk about how you need to help others when you are not living hand to mouth and don't have people to do all your chores for you.
2007-04-24 03:44:25
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
What celebrities have gotten discouraged because of something a fan said? But anyway I think there was a big blow up about Oprah's school in Africa, about Angelina adopting children from other places, and Madonna especially when she adopted a little boy. I think that it really isn't anyone else's business..and others shouldn't have anything to say if someone is doing good things with THEIR money..simple as that.
2007-04-24 10:38:30
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I think that what you don't get is the fact that most celebrities have their own political or personal agenda. They are trying to influence people to buy into some of thier political beleifs based Not on independant research and intellectual evaluation, but simply because of hero worship. They feel people (or thier fans) will take up some of their causes because they admire them. There are many people of means who are doing wonderful things without trying to attract attention about it.
Those are the ones that I admire. Not the ones who are doing it to get into the spotlight. Too many celebrities are just attention seeking morons who will invest the least amount of time to actually investigate fully the stance they are taking.
I dont follow any of their politics and prefer to do my own research and make my own decisions.
Oh, btw...are you a Sheryl Crowe fan? Then you better use just one square of tissue the next time you visit the lavatory! haha...(what a genius!!)
2007-04-24 11:17:04
answer #3
answered by atomictulip 5
While I'm sure there are >SOME< celebrities, doing good....just for the sake of doing good....The >MAJORITY< are doing it for the same reasons that they became Celebrities in the first place.......They are attention/fame Whores.
I just don't get the attraction that people have about them!?!?
Like with actors....So, you Idolize a person who gets paid to be Made up, has everything that they say and do written for them, How they act, and even how they are dressed, then they pretend to be someone who they are not?
Great choice for a roll model!
Exactly whom are you admiring?
Or the Insanity about Oprah?!?!
She virtually >NEVER< uses her own money for her big "Give aways", but always manages to claim >ALL< of the credit for Everything........While her annual income of $100,000,000+ (Yes!, You read that correctly!) is never touched...
Yet she portrays herself as "One the "People"! SURE!
What a bunch of B.S.!
If She, Bono, ALGORE, Etc. really believed the Crap that they preach/try to stuff down our throats, They would use a little of their >OWN< multi-Million/Billion dollar income to fund their pet causes...
Until then, they can K.M.A.!
2007-04-24 10:55:32
answer #4
answered by electronic_dad 3
The only problem with clelebrity do-gooders, is that many of it is powered by an ulterior motive, such as making themselves seem like better people persons, generous, ect. I'm sure some do it out of genuine compassion, but others taint that generosity by doing it only for publicity.
2007-04-24 10:38:41
answer #5
answered by Abnormality P 2
I think everyone who wants to do something good should get bonus points AS LONG AS THEY'RE GENUINE ABOUT IT. I have a feeling most celebrities try to do good mainly for publicity and to get their ratings up.
2007-04-24 11:19:32
answer #6
answered by brevejunkie 7