I guess it depends on how secure they are. If you're going to do something, my being insecure won't really help things, will it?
2007-04-23 18:54:27
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Well ... HOW friendly and HOW platonic? Spouses can usually sense it when their mates are attracted to someone else. Even if the "friends" are doing nothing but talking, if they are spending time together ALONE, odds are that they are sharing intimacies that they should be sharing only with their spouses. It's not surprising that spouses might see that as the "first step" on the way to physical infidelity.
On the other hand, I do know a couple spouses who are insanely jealous of even the most casual contact their mates have with someone of the opposite sex. In this case, it is clearly the jealous one who has the psychological problem, most likely insecurity.
2007-04-24 14:04:19
answer #2
answered by Husker41 7
My husband's best friend is a woman. I gladly welcomed her as a part of the ceremony at our wedding.
I would be a hypocrite if I had a problem with it. I am bisexual and have many platonic friends of both sexes and my husband supports my social life.
Neither of us have given the other any reason to have a problem with how things are.
It's called trust. Without it, there would be no relationship between us.
2007-04-24 01:48:21
answer #3
answered by thezaylady 7
I wouldnt feel any different if they were sexy or ugly. But my Hubby's bestfriend is a girl and i love her to pieces. We all go out for drinks together and have long talks every time we see each other.
If my Hubby and his Friend left me out of their activities yes i would find that suspicious, but we are just like a small group of friends so no i dont mind.
2007-04-24 01:44:27
answer #4
answered by ~*Renaissance*~ 3
Nope, as long as I didn't have reason to believe the relationship was anything more than platonic. Sexy or ugly wouldn't matter.
2007-04-24 01:43:54
answer #5
answered by Son of a Mitch 6
I wouldn't but if my husband had a prob with me having a male friend I would try to do things he was comfy with like if we all played cards or something. If he still was not comfortable I would have to tell my friend that my husbands feelings have to be above our friendship and I know anyone worth being my friend would understand that.
2007-04-24 02:04:01
answer #6
answered by damommyxx 2
I wouldn't have a problem with it. I'm a girl and I love comics, so a lot of my good friends have been guys.
I've been on the opposite side of this, having girls mad at me, or at their man, for being friends with me. I would never, and could never "steal" some ones man from them. I wouldn't want it done to me!
2007-04-24 01:49:28
answer #7
answered by GambitGrrl 6
let's just say i would become a close friend of hers also and keep a close eye on the situation. it doesn't matter whether you think they are ugly or sexy, but how your spouse feels they look
2007-04-24 01:44:59
answer #8
answered by Queenie Peavey 7
Depends on what kind of relationship they were having sexual or none sexual if it was a none sexual i wouldn't care but if it was a sexual relationship then that would be a totally different answer that i would get kicked off for saying
2007-04-24 01:45:58
answer #9
answered by Pizza 1
If you can't trust your spouse, then their friend is the least of your problems.
2007-04-24 01:44:03
answer #10
answered by Anonymous