Why has this asker asked the very same question in 4 different areas?
Why did the same person who answered this askerr's previous 7 identical questions always get selected as the "best answer" **seven** different times?
Is he using Yahoo Answers in accordance with the rules? I think not.
Has he chosen a Jewish alias to make it easier for him to express anti-Semitic lies?
In short, what is he attempting to do here?
And to answer the question, people who hate Jews are willing to make false claims in the hope of stirring up more hatred.
2007-04-24 00:27:29
answer #1
answered by Mashtin Baqir 4
They are looking for a scapegoat. And the fact that the claim is preposterous does not deter them.
And 2000 years of Christianity provide a good precedent.
However, decent people of all religions and nationalities are not deceived by racist claims such as the one you cite.
On the other hand, people on Yahoo Answers bring up the old anti-Semitic myths and expect them not to be challenged. So let us tackle just one of them.
During the Six Day War in 1967, the USS Liberty was sailing in Israeli territorial waters and was UNMARKED.
It refused to identify itself to the Israelis They considered that this ship might be a warship belonging to the armed forces of one to the countries at which it was at war. So, not knowing that this was an American ship, the Israelis attacked it. Right after the attack, the Liberty identified itself, but by then it was late. The Israelis offered all possible help in treating the injured, and they even compensated the families of those who were unfortunately killed and wounded.
This was a very sad story in the relations between the two allies, the United States and Israel.
But the attack was in error, the ship was not marked and refused to identify itself, and the Americans understood and accepted the Israeli apology and compensation.
To claim anything else is just to stir up animosity and to falsify the facts.
And that is a plot to cover up the dastardly terror being waged around the world by radical Islamic terror groups, like Al Qaeda, Hamas, Hisb'Allah and El Aqsa Brigades.
2007-04-24 02:03:13
answer #2
answered by Ivri_Anokhi 6
Paranoid that the interest of a few control the actions of an entire people. Blaming it on the Jews makes it easy for people to point their blame on. Ignore such people, I suggest.
2007-04-23 21:57:32
answer #3
answered by EMK 3
it has been said whoever controls the press or the news controls the world.that said it has been said that most if not all of these avenues are owned,operated and controlled by jewish people.i do not know if that is true or not.people seem to think that all jewish people are rich or very well off, again i really dont know.i actually have nothing against jewish people and can relate to much of their beliefs but not all because i do not know or understand them all.but thats ok i respect them and others opinions as well.good luck.
2007-04-23 21:56:53
answer #4
answered by dixie58 7
because they stereotype jews as rich and powerful. Not all jews are rich. I have seen poor jews also and they stereotype jews snotty and greedy which is not true. because in my schools alot of teachers are jewish and they never mistreat me. They only would catch an attitude if i disrespected the person and kept on and on but i never do that like other kids so they dont mistreat me or treat me bad.in fact one of my favorite teachers is jewish and when i didnt have money to ona trip once he paid for my trip for me.
You think you know jesish people and treat them bad as if they are snotty and mean and prejudge them. how do you expect jewish people to be warm and friendly who act that way to them? if you dont actually know jewish people face to face personally then what makes you think you understand them or know anything about them yourself. your only hearing what other people say but what about the jew says. and not all jewish people are the same. they are just like regular people and alot of the jewish people dont dress in black suits with big hats or wear barmitsphas. they dont have funny side burns either or smell. although i have seen some people who do smell that were maybe jewish but i have seen many people who arent jewish and smell also.
The reason why i get along with jewish people and is able to get along with hispanics and blacks and other races/ethnecitiesis because i dont mistreat people based on there race/ethnecity.
If you did the same then you would understand that jews are really just like anyone else.
2007-04-23 21:54:49
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
A stupid biased question that should get the asker bounced of Yahoo Answers.
2007-04-27 00:28:21
answer #6
answered by LoyaI 2
Economically they do, yes.
2007-04-23 21:50:29
answer #7
answered by Gay Man 2