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I can't help but wonder why this is in the news again but on Yahoo we have yet another story that says lethal injection is cruel and unusual form of execution,as if the killers were humane. In order to avoid the question of whether a certain mode of execution is unconstitutional should we just return to the methods used by the people who wrote the Constitution,namely hanging and firing squad? This way we know it would not be considered cruel and unusual,since it was in fact used by the men who wrote those words in the first place.

2007-04-23 13:43:27 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

21 answers

I'm sure Jessica Lunsford would have preferred simply closing her little eyes and going to sleep, but instead her killer was not in a very humane mood, he preferred raping her over and over again and then put her in a trash bag and bury her in a hole ( still alive) so she would have time to think about the way she was going to die. Oh! but wait, was he being humane when he put her favorite stuffed animal in the bag with her. would that be considered a mitigating circumstance for his defense team to use to save his sorry A** . and by the way he can thank the tax payers for that defense team.

2007-04-23 14:04:20 · answer #1 · answered by deedee2qu 3 · 2 1

I don't actually believe the guillotine is less painful than lethal injection. The head is separated from the body at such a quick speed, the brain would still function for a short period of time. With the nerve endings cut, the brain would signal pain from every point in the body. Until the brain actually ran out of oxygen shortly after being severed, the person's "head" would feel extraordinary amounts of pain. As for it being barbaric, it is a matter of opinion that changes over time. It just depends on society's outlook at the time. It is quite possible that the outlook will change and, therefore, the school books will change.

2016-05-17 08:04:31 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

sounds better than electricution to me.The point is that these people had a choice to make knowing them that it could cost them there lives and they did it anyway,therefore they signed up for the death sentence in what ever form it comes in and must now deal with the consequences. The person or persons lives that were taken by these people did not have a choice and neither should they. I feel that lethal injection is a much less painfull death than electricution, or other forms of death.It may even be much more humane than what they did to someone elses loved one.

2007-04-23 13:56:39 · answer #3 · answered by cristy p 3 · 2 0

Make sure they swab the arm with alcohol so they won't get an infection.You gotta be joking right.If you were part of the victims family for what this convict went to death row for would you think of cruel and unusual punishment.In other countries they are still cutting heads off and picking the head up to look at the crowd,cause you you can still see whats going on for a few seconds after,think about it?

2007-04-23 13:55:58 · answer #4 · answered by Leonidas P 2 · 1 0

I don't know if it is an inhumane method of execution or not, but I do know that if I was given the death sentence, for any reason, and I was given a choice of how I was to be executed, I would choose this method over any other that I have any awareness of. However, I am not in favor of the death penalty! *sm*

2007-04-23 13:55:16 · answer #5 · answered by LadyZania 7 · 1 0

The death penalty is the greatest affirmation of human life.

If somebody takes a life, and you put them in prison, you are saying the value of the victim's life is the same as thirty years of inconvenience.

And it would be a deterrent if it were applied for all murders except those with mediating factors. It is so hard to get the death penalty today that people aren't scared of it.

2007-04-23 14:00:22 · answer #6 · answered by Gonzo Rationalism 5 · 1 1

They have to have something to talk about, so they talk about lethal injection, or about Anna Dipsh*t for months at a time. Whatever they think is cool they report, doesnt matter if their is more important news out there

I'll cast the stone and hit you right in the side of the head, btw if I raped and shot your mom your mind would change.

2007-04-23 13:48:11 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Lethal injection is also contrary to Christ's teachings.

He said: Let he, who is without sin, cast the first stone.

There is nobody, no, not even you, that is without sin.

You sins are no better than anybody else's.

Until you have been re-born into a perfect angel then quit condoning murder, whether it's the state that commits that murder or the federal government.

Nobody in the Constitution condoned murder either so quit spreading lies.


2007-04-23 13:53:56 · answer #8 · answered by Brotherhood 7 · 1 2

The death penalty is simply wrong.

Some killers deserve to be put to a painful death.

I don't trust the government to be the one to decide who should be put to death and who should not.

After all, look what happened to Jesus Christ. What was his crime again?

The death penalty does not reduce murders. It sends a message to citizens that is okay to kill if you can justify it because the government does it.

A group of people get together, and deliberate, justify and plan to kill someone, then kill them, that is the definition of first degree murder, and also of the death penalty.

The death penalty is the ultimate admission by the government of their failure to rehabilitate criminals. If they are not smart enough to rehabilitate criminals, do you really think they are smart enough to decide who should live and who should die?

The death penalty stops the investigation. When an innocent person is executed, the guilty person is now free, and the police stop looking for them.

2007-04-23 14:00:09 · answer #9 · answered by Darth Vader 6 · 0 2

The only thing accomplished by capital punishment is vengeance. Aren't all you conservative evangelicals aware that there's a great line in that book you refer to so much?

"Vengeance is mine, sayeth the lord."

I think the veneer of civilization is rubbed thin in America these days. Vengeance is never a civilized quality and we have to many examples of people proved innocent after conviction has brought them to death row or beyond.

Frankly, I think we should petition to have each execution filmed and televised. Then we'll really find out how civilized Americans really are?

2007-04-23 14:07:38 · answer #10 · answered by aries_jdd 2 · 1 3

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