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It kind of seems like a contradiction that the democrats are prochoice yet anti gun as well as anti death penalty. Do they really feel that it is fine to kill the innocent, yet it is not good for people to protect themselves from those that would do them harm? Do they really think that by banning something that has been a technology for over 300 years will really disarm criminals along with good law-abiding citizens?

2007-04-23 11:30:56 · 9 answers · asked by novo 2 in Politics & Government Law & Ethics

GUNS HAVE BEEN AROUND FOR OVER 300 YEARS, THUS WILL BANNING THEM REALLY KEEP THEM OUT OF SOME NUTS HANDS. As for your kids finding them, you are a bad parent if you do not have a safe or some locking place to put your firearms in. Also don't quote stats to me, stats are very subjective. People think that they are rock hard evidence but anyone that has had a stats class knows that they are all based off of a sample population that can be very biased. Unless you have polled everyone and they answered truthfully then leave any stats out. One more thing, I am prochoice in cases of incest and rape. But if a woman gets pregnant over stupidity, well they need to own up to their choice (along with the father). If they choose to have an abortion then they are murderers. As for back alley abortion clinics, they have never been proven to exist, that is just inflamitory propaganda. You can throw knives all you want and allow the intruder to sue you for everything you own when they live.

2007-04-23 19:50:37 · update #1

9 answers

It's a simple dichotomy . . . Conservatives want to kill the guilty (murderers, rapists, terrorists, Tom Cruise) and Liberals want to kill the innocent (babies).

Scary, but true.

2007-04-23 11:38:38 · answer #1 · answered by zoomddy2 3 · 0 1

There is no answer to gun deaths in the US.
You could arm every human being on earth and you would still have gun deaths. Nothing wrong with guns but more or less guns will not stop gun deaths.
There are way to many bad people in this world that have guns.
Good people are way outnumbered.
The lack of food kills 60 million people a year so even if you are born
what life do you have when you get here.

2007-04-23 11:38:57 · answer #2 · answered by David K 4 · 0 0

Because the mother has a right to choose to carry the baby to term or not. It's her body, her life, and her choice. It is not the government's or anyone else right to force a woman to have a child that she doesn't want to have. Even if she gives it up for adoption, she still has to go through pregnancy and for a lot of women they can't afford to be pregnant or it happens at a bad time in their lives. Only the mother can know what is best for her, and she is the priority in any pregnancy. I personally believe that by restricting adoration, you are forcing your own believes onto other people's lives and that just isn't ok. No one is going to ever make you get an abortion and keeping abortion legal isn't going to affect you or your life. But restricting abortion will effect and most likely damage the lives of thousands of women a year. What I don't understand is how you can justify forcing a woman into an unwanted pregnancy, and forever changing the lives of thousands of women when your life is not effected at all by any of it. I also believe that life does not begin until birth. The embryo is inside the mother, it part of her body just as much as the womb is. It isn't until birth that the baby is it's own life and being. Until then it is part of the mother and she has just as much say over it as she has over her womb. Therefore abortion is NOT MURDER and it's not criminal. I argue in favor of sex education that teaches way of preventing pregancy such as teaching how to use condoms and different kinds of birth conrtroll available. That way people won't have to deal with unwanted pregnancy at all. The idea of just "keeping your pants on" isn't all realistic. People will have sex even if they don't want children and the only reasonable solution is to work to prevent pregnancy.

2016-04-01 04:04:44 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Why is it that Republicans lump all Democrats into one category? Because one, two or three people who are running for office, believes in being pro-choice, all Democrats must of course all believe the same. When are Republicans going to get it through their heads that each person is an individual, some believe in gun control, some don't, some believe in abortion, some don't, some believe in capital punishment, some don't. Individuals, we don't do as Republicans do and follow the leader, we think and make up our own minds. Learn it, and stop asking questions of us that you should really be asking yourselves.
As for your question, Pro-abortionist, have decided to work with the Anti-abortionist, and are going to attend the rallies held by Anti-abortionist, picking people out to take care of the mother and child they are saving. That means they are to provide, housing, food, healthcare, daycare, clothing, transportation to doctor visits, if the mother doesn't have a car. They are to monitor the child, to be sure that the mother they forced to have the baby never hurts the child for being forced to have it. Please pass the word on, if you attend an Anti-Abortion rally, you will no longer be able to cut and run after making decisions for women, you will now be held accountable for the decision you forced on each woman you interferred with. You will be responsible for the life you saved, you've talked a good talk, now it's time to walk the walk. If you don't have the money to support the child and mother, you have no reason to be at this rally, you are unable to follow up on your decision to interfer with the decision of the mother, and so should not stick your nose into their affairs.
Forever, women have been having abortions, I'll bet at least 40% of women you are standing next to at the Anti abortion rally has had an abortion. So, what people who are pro-choice are trying to do is keep the life of the woman,(who got pregnant and can't keep the child, or doesn't want to go through with the pregnancy), healthy and allow them the care of a doctor, so that the abortion is safely done. But, you people who are against it, would rather the mother die from going to so called back alley abortionist. You can't stop abortion, you can save the mother, which makes Pro Lifers a contradictory type of people, you would save a baby that isn't
born yet, but by interfering with an abortion, you force a mother to go to any length to get the abortion, even at the expense of her own life, which means the Pro lifers are killing people with their do good efforts. My theory, leave people alone and allow them to make up thier own minds.
Now, guns on the other hand, well, here we have a child who was chosen to live, but some nut gets a gun and kills the child, and other people as well. Yes, we should be able to protect our homes and ourselves with weapons, maybe we should learn to throw knives, or set booby traps about our homes, I never owned a gun, and I pretty much know how to protect my home and my family with all types of weapons, they may not kill the intruder, but they are going to stop him or her. Why do we have to kill them? A gun kills, other weapons damage, but allows the person to live, either way, you've protected your valuables, but without the gun, you don't go to bed every night with the weight of having killed someone on your concience. Not to mention, your child or some nut can't find your gun and go out and kill people with it, if you don't have one. Research how many people died from other people protecting their homes and families, vs how many people died from someone killing them out of anger. When you get the answer and the statistics together, please think about the harm having a gun does or doesn't do, and maybe you'll understand why people are anti-gun.

2007-04-23 12:37:51 · answer #4 · answered by Coulterbasher01 4 · 0 1

Whoa, back up there buddy. I'm dead set against banning guns! In fact, I'd prefer they be LESS regulated. Guns don't kill people. People kill people. Pure and simple. Yes, I am 100% PRO Abortion.

2007-04-23 12:01:27 · answer #5 · answered by cyanne2ak 7 · 0 0

Look man... I'm with you all the way. But... Its really hard for us to explain why their are so few deaths due to guns in countries where they are not allowed. I have a hard time arguing that.

2007-04-23 11:38:07 · answer #6 · answered by Shawn P 3 · 0 0

as only 9% of the killings where with guns their effort is wasted. and as for abortions they are cowards so they like to kill those that can't fight back

2007-04-23 11:36:40 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

They don't believe fetuses deserve human rights. I don't get it, either, but that's what they think.

2007-04-23 11:34:21 · answer #8 · answered by TheOrange Evil 7 · 0 0

Innocent babies? where?

2007-04-23 11:34:15 · answer #9 · answered by jeb black 5 · 0 0

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