you know what there are pricks that gave me violations because of things i have said. Personally i think they just pick on the people who don't ask reasonable questions or use to much swearing in it? All i can say is there is someone out there with nothing better to do then see which person writes the stupidest things.
2007-04-23 02:27:32
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I don't think so, I think the software has been designed to pick up on certain words and phrases and delete those questions. And violation notices cause automatic deletion of the question or answer; it's obvious no human being looks into these. I have been given only 2-3 violations in over a year but always over answers that could never offend anyone. Obviously no human made a judgement call...they just deleted my answer.
2007-04-23 09:34:51
answer #2
answered by anna 7
I think they are letting us do it for them. Plenty of censors on here all the time and Yahoo doesn't even have to pay them. The very fact that we can't delete our Q&A's and that they are the property of Yahoo proves there are many permanent records of Yahoo! Answers.
2007-04-23 09:32:11
answer #3
answered by Michael A 3
The two leaders "waiching liu" and "nian3555" have a friend that works at Yahoo, and if these two put you on their "list", they troll you and get your entries deleted and your points taken away. It's their fault. If they don't like what you have to say and/or you don't tell them that they are "superior", then that's what they do. nian3555 is friends with Jessica R and Cheryl B, they are both 19-20 year old japanese kids who have become infamous on YA, and they enjoy it. They are all like cho-cho and use the names of white girls that they stalk and are upset with cos they got rejected. They are just like cho-cho and will be on the news for doing the same thing. They need to be stopped, but their friend at Yahoo is helping them. Oh, I see you've decided to join their club. How lovely for you.
2007-04-23 09:33:14
answer #4
answered by Hot Coco Puff 7
Yes all of us yahoo answerers and askers...we do the censoring.
2007-04-23 09:25:43
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
the bot censors them
not the people
people report abuses to make the people look at them
2007-04-23 09:26:30
answer #6
answered by Dan! 2
Just uptight people who get offended and flag your question or answer down. " whaa that hurts my feelings i must turn it in. I cant handle what someone on the internet is saying."
2007-04-23 09:29:10
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
No! Cos if there were none of Cheryl Bs questions would be posted, come to think of it most of her answers wouldnt either!!!!
2007-04-23 09:27:22
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
God knows it sure doesn't seem like it is but i guess they wake up every now and then and catch a few things.
2007-04-23 09:26:44
answer #9
answered by 2sweet4u 4
Yes, and looking at peoples answers for correctness of information and smarta$$ness of answers.
2007-04-23 09:26:53
answer #10
answered by db14 5