9/11 was an inside job perpetrated by criminal elements in our government. The facts are undeniable. The evidence is there. Those of you who still believe the official myth are the saddest people of all. I pray God has mercy on your souls for your continued support of the people who murdered 3,000 Americans and used their deaths to murder 600,000+ more people.
2007-04-21 18:36:03
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Fire melting steel and whatnot is a good point, but it's debatable, and when you talk about 9/11, you have to stick with what you can prove.
You have to look at cold hard facts. Start with the fact that there has been no evidence linking Osama to 911 except for a fake confession tape, and what we found out by torturing Arabs. THOSE ARE FACTS!!! Then research PNAC, look to Israeli spies and follow the money trail and find out who stood to gain the most from 9/11.
Don't let 'em call you a kook!!! Let me also say that you will mostly be wasting your time on these people, but don't give up. Some of them will come around eventually. Forget steel melting fire and whatnot. That's all rhetoric.
Most of these people are suffering from a combination of the Big Lie Technique (thanks to michaelsan for the info), the Lemming Effect and media mind control.
Here is the definition of the Big Lie Technique:
In the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily; and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods. It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously. Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be some other explanation. For the grossly impudent lie always leaves traces behind it, even after it has been nailed down, a fact which is known to all expert liars in this world and to all who conspire together in the art of lying. These people know only too well how to use falsehood for the basest purposes.
Here is the definition of the Lemming Effect:
Lemminghood is an innate psychological phenomenon, present in most mammals and observable in common people as well the most sophisticated and educated elites. Lemminghood is not an intellectual phenomenon - it is psychological. As such, no socio-economic class is immune to its strangulating effect. A grant-seeking university scientist can be a lemming just as much as a fashion obsessed teen-age girl. One blindly follows the latest trendy theory while the other blindly follows the latest trendy clothing style. What's the difference? Neither can resist the force of nature.
The power to fit in with one's social peers can be irresistible. To a human lemming, the logic behind an opinion doesn't count as much as the power and popularity behind an opinion. Man, like lemming, behaves collectively. And it could be no other way. Naturally, the individual must be equipped with this trait. Otherwise, the smallest steps toward civilization could never have been made. Lemminghood is a survival trait, an inborn instinct in the majority of people. However, as with all natural phenomena, this tendency can be manipulated and used for harmful purposes.
It is this lemming effect which enables entire segments of a society to lose their sense of judgment all at the same time. This research paper will likely be wasted on many lemmings. For lemmings, denial is a basic psychological defense mechanism used to not only shield themselves from unpleasant realities, but also to reassure themselves that they will still fit within the acceptable range of opinion held by their peer group.
I don't think I have to go into the powe of media mind control.
There's Septemer 11, 2001 in a nutshell (no pun intended LOL)
2007-04-22 13:20:09
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
The Good: that the people who think you are a fool far outnumber those who agree with you (and a fool is defined as someone believing in a premise despite vast evidence to its contrary, nothing against your personhood).
The Bad: that there are enough people like you and Michael Moore out there to have a significant impact on society in general, weakminded in particular.
The Ugly: if somehow representatives of your side take control of our beloved, and admittedly imperfect, society
2007-04-23 15:57:53
answer #3
answered by john smith 4
Well "Honey Girl", I'm sorry but I don't think you should be telling people that they don't understand the laws of physics. Have you ever even taken a college level Physics class? Popular Mechanics debunked all the 9/11 Truther garbage and the Spare Change movie has been debunked numerous times. If you spent nearly as much time doing actual research as you did looking for justification for your Bush hatred, you would know this. No, Bush and Cheney were not involved.
2007-04-22 02:38:34
answer #4
answered by jabb0404 2
You are quite wrong. I took a course in fire, wildfire and house fire, in Forestry school, in 1968. It turns out that about 30 minutes at house fire temperatures reduces the structural strength of steel girders to the point where they cannot even support their own weight, much less that of a building. Ask any professional fire fighter about the collapse of steel warehouses when the contents have been burning for an hour. Wood buildings take a long time to collapse, because wood retains its strength until actually burned through, but red hot steel is no stronger than taffy.
Take one airplane full of jet fuel, crash it through the glass sides of an office building made of glass and steel, and spill all that kerosene all over the wood, paper, and plastic found inside. The kerosene, the furniture, the paper, the rugs, the wooden wall panels, the wooden doors, the whole place goes up in flames. There are tons of kerosene (aka jet fuel) on a single 747. As soon as the girders on the floor above sag, the ceiling falls in. If several floors at once are involved, several stories collapse, and the entire weight of the building above them falls suddenly on the floors below. How do you expect a building to remain standing when you just drop the top thirty floors sixty feet onto the floor below the fire? The whole place just pancakes.
The conspiracy theory doesn't wash either. The White House was clearly caught completely by surprise - otherwise, they would have acted faster and smarter than they actually did. To this day, this Administration clearly does not understand who the enemy are, why the enemy acted as they did, and how to defeat this enemy world-wide.
The fact is, the Bush-Cheney Administration bungled the whole thing, and is still bungling the whole thing, in the considered opinions of my friends who are experts in intelligence, counter-terrorism, and international relations. There were enough facts in government hands to have prevented the 9/11 events, if somebody had just seen all of it and connected the dots. The FBI guy who was in charge of these problems in the 1990s, a fellow named John P. O'Neill, quit the FBI to work at the WTC because he knew the Al Qaeda guys were going to hit it again. He got there 9/10, and died on the job. The guy who was in charge of these things for the CIA under Bush 41 and Clinton, Richard Clarke, was effectively demoted by the GW Bush Administration, despite five prior acts of war by Al Qaeda against the US. CIA knew the names and affiliations of half a dozen of the hijackers, but because of bureaucracy did not notify the State Department to keep them out of the country nor the FAA to keep them off airplanes and away from flight training. FBI agents in the field were suspicious about the ones taking training in flying 747s while deliberately skipping lessons in taking off and landing, the stuff most pilot trainees start with. The GW Bush Administration starting focus on Europe demoted consideration of Middle East terrorism, with which we have had issues since 1984, to last place, and by the time they even had a meeting about it, it was too late. Tom Clancy wrote a book, in 1994, in which a 747 is flown into the Capitol during a joint session of Congress for a Presidential address, killing off almost the whole government of the US. Why did our security agencies not anticipate 9/11 instead of being caught flat-footed? The Bush-Cheney crowd have not shown even a glimmer of the skill needed to do all this intentionally. They are just a bunch of screw ups...
2007-04-22 02:40:19
answer #5
answered by vdpphd 4
I don't believe for a second that Bush or Cheney were involved with coordinating the events of 9/11
What Bush and Cheney succeeded in doing however, was to squander the largest mother lode of political capital any administration has been given since the attack on Pearl Harbor.
They pissed it away faster than a drunken sailor spends his paycheck on a Saturday night!
2007-04-22 01:59:41
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
What's your background in physics? Jet fuel, with a massive updraft of air (created by the chimney effect of the towers) burns at over 1800 degrees ... plenty hot enough to soften steel to the point that it will collapse (it doesn't need to melt, with all that weight).
2007-04-22 03:12:47
answer #7
answered by jdkilp 7
No becuase even if George W. Bush may be a little dim...he woulnd't coordinate something that would kill that many people not to mention start a war that would get him harrased for the rest of his lifetime....You might want to read into 9/11 from validated sources, you might find some good information. But anyways...it's just common sense, think about it...it's like gay people choosing to be gay why would they with the way that they get persecuted?
2007-04-22 01:22:33
answer #8
answered by Zach H 2
Did the holocaust happen? Yes. Is Elvis dead? Yes. Did our nations leaders have anything to do with the attack on 9/11? That is a big HELL NO!
Who is the one that needs to understand Physics? Not I. Okay here is some simple math for ya.
2 large jets full of very flammable jet fuel+2 buildings+impact of planes-several steel supporters right there-dexterity of the rest due to the heat+weight of floors above=2 buildings falling. Besides, experts on the Discovery Channel and History Channel have already debunked all these foolish theories!
2007-04-22 01:22:47
answer #9
answered by Chase 5
I will go nice on you.
You don't need to melt steel to make a building collapse.
You just have to weaken it. How heavy do you think the WTC is?
Explosives? Think about how much logistics you would need to take a bldgs like the WTCs?
2007-04-22 01:53:31
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
i love u 9/11 truth all the way, there is no way for half the **** on 9/11 to happen so Im so with u on this one......i would like to see how they explain themselves when the truth is finally revealed.
2007-04-22 05:08:42
answer #11
answered by Angi H 1