They will not give up because they are oblivious and ignorant to what most people want. They are like heroin addicts looking for their next fix at the cost of the government and morality ot our country. They should really be detoxed and deprogrammed. Take a deep deep drag of reality and see the light Libs.
2007-04-19 15:37:00
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
social failure social programs that force people into poverty without hope!
Dude the social programs are the only hope some people have!
WE blame Repukes because they give tax breaks for the rich and make the working poor people pay more for gasoline to get to work. Its the working class that are not loking for handouts that hate the Repukes!
2007-04-19 22:25:49
answer #2
answered by onesinnergirl 2
Yes, when the democrats save us by giving us all those social free-bees, and raise every ones taxes to do it, we'll all be liberated. Rob from peter to pay peter. Now there's a concept. I know I want to go to a hospital where they can't afford 6 cents to change the sheets between patients,[ the cost to wash the sheets]. The infection rate has tripled now at the hospitals in England. Oh, socialized health care at it's best.
2007-04-19 23:22:50
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
When Bill Clinton was Gov. of Arkansas he and his Democratic State Legislature changed the State Welfare programs to Workfare programs and when he became President he worked with the Republican congress to implement that nationally. The program you are ranting about no longer exists and was changed by civil discussion among adults on both sides of the aisle a dozen years ago.
2007-04-19 22:32:21
answer #4
answered by egg_zaktly 3
How do social programs do what you say?
I think the thing tearing families apart is the Republican Party.
2007-04-19 22:33:15
answer #5
answered by ck4829 7
More social programs more jobs for cronies. Lib's are poverty Pimps. Why do you think they want amnesty for illegals? African-Americana's have gotten to smart to fall for the liberal garbage. When you become an American and not a Hyphenated American your prospective changes. I don't refer to my self as a White-American or a German-American.I'm an American period.The truth be know there is no pure blooded any one.
2007-04-19 22:33:19
answer #6
answered by timex846 3
All those programs have been dismantled for years, and certainly weren't running under Bush's first 6 years like they were under Carter's whole administration.
If we have so many ruined families, it can't be because of social programs, because GWB got rid of anything the red congress didn't already eliminate under Reagan and Clinton.
So tell me skippy, what on EARTH are you squawkin about?
2007-04-19 22:27:53
answer #7
answered by BOOM 7
THe answer is that people want to ID themselves with Democras and Republicans.
Fegetitaboutit! They're both stupid, useless relics.
We need real political leaders. People who do not drag bizarre agendas around with them.
Less government is more. You want liberty? Stop harassing us with more and more stupid laws that don't accomplish anything other than get some dumb amendment attached to it passed. Get it? Its an agenda.
You get the fuzzy-warm law with the cold, evil amendment attached.
2007-04-19 22:37:58
answer #8
answered by krollohare2 7
Libs and others have given up on real failure they want George W. Bush out of office as he has done nothing positive.
2007-04-19 22:25:01
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I just watch FOX News and listen to HATE Radio. They tell me what to think and say. You should too!
2007-04-19 22:38:43
answer #10
answered by mrsfeelsgreat25 2