You get phone calls offering you a gas card, or something, then they go on to tell you about a great offer, then you just hang up. You Google the number and it comes up as a scam and many people have reported them. Then on your bank statement there are two unauthorized charges, one each from two different scam sites. Then, a packet of vouchers comes in the mail telling you that you are winning a cruise and a stay in a hotel, and a visit to Universal in Orlando, all worth$1600. You google the 800 number and find out that this is part of the scam.
This happened to me within the last few days and I'm taking the vouchers and a printout of my bank account to the police. Anyone else?
5 answers
asked by
kitten lover3
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donna_honeycutt47- I think the last time I put down my CC number was several months ago when I ordered some organic juice. Maybe when I ordered a couple of books. My husband told me today that those places often sell information to shady places like that. NOW he tells me.
15:25:35 ·
update #1