Absolutely not.
And I was a Scouter for about 10 years (that's an adult Scouting leader). I started as a tiger cub leader when my son joined, and I went all the through as den leader, cubmaster, scout troop committee member, and eventually merit badge counselor and committee chair at both the cub and boy scouting level. I also organized and took a crew to Seabase. My opinion is qualified, trust me.
We had boys who were in the program because they were made to be. It doesn't work. The boys don't like it, and they are disruptive. They prevent the other kids from learning and enjoying the program. They also tie up time and resources that the adult leaders could otherwise be using for the boys that want to be here.
The worst example I can think of with this was a troop formed in a youth reform camp or school in my area. They brought 6-8 boys to scout camp for a week one summer. In the first 2-3 days, some of those kids stole over $250 from the other scouts in other campsites. They even broke into a car in the parking lot. Needless to say, they got sent home from camp in a hurry.
No thank you, please don't foist off on my or my fellow scouters boys that don't want to be in the program. It's tough enough keeping track of 10-12 boys who want to be there. The ones that don't want to be will be more trouble than the rest.
2007-04-19 15:23:08
answer #1
answered by Ralfcoder 7
No and do not look for schools to require it anytime soon. The Boy Scouts of America are the only organization that is a chartered organization by the United States Congress and actively discriminates against gays and lesbians. Public schools will not risk going through that.
2007-04-19 15:19:00
answer #2
answered by Chris 2
No. Children shouldn't be forced to join extracurricular activities or clubs they aren't interested in. I went to one Girl Scout meeting in elementary school and positively hated it.
2007-04-19 15:18:04
answer #3
answered by N 6
no, parents should be required to raise these values in their own children
when will business be more understanding of the time it takes to make good impressions on our families? ten to fouteen hour days are not fair...
then again, not all parents know these things so it should be an option in schools...offered for FREE and they should meet in homes for safety reasons.
2007-04-19 15:22:40
answer #4
answered by TarasBoutiqueAtEtsy 4
Should being molested also be a prerequisite for graduation?
2007-04-19 15:17:27
answer #5
answered by dior.junkie 5