Disrespect towards mother becomes disrespect to all women even those who appear not to mind it or have agendas to use the child.
A parent who refuses to parent.
Anyone that suggests and provokes a child to misbehave towards a parent.
A parent who uses their child to stalk an ex-spouse.
A parent who's authority has been badmouthed for no reason by anyone.
Suggestions from society that parents don't know what they are doing.
A parent, society and relatives that react to a child's lies as if they were true.
Parents that are not on the same page - meaning one parent is willing to do the job and the other wants to argue.
Abandonment and constant broken promises on a parent's part.
The child obviously becomes obsessed with seeking approval from untrustworthy people and becomes a violent adult.
2007-04-19 16:10:51
answer #1
answered by GoodQuestion 6
I think it is because many children are ignored growing up, parents are too focused on working so they can have a BMW in the driveway of their fancy house that the kids almost raise them selves with no one guiding them in the right direction, most are ignored until they do something wrong then they get hit , I think it is from bad parenting.
2007-04-19 13:20:51
answer #2
answered by Urchin 6
One thing is that the parents did not control them when they were little and taught them no respect. Parents need to discipline and make children know that they just can't do whatever they want whenever they want. They have rules to follow or there is consequenses.
People think that spanking a child teaches them violence and that is incorrect. They have to learn as toddlers from pain because they just don't understand you talking to them. They don't have consequenses that way. So they grow up and are out of control. They don't want to listen to their parents, teachers, bosses, whatever...then they get angry when they realize they have to to get along in society. So they strike out.
Never beat a child-that is not what I am saying, but they do need to know right and wrong. Telling them with words is not always going to get them to listen.
2007-04-19 13:23:47
answer #3
answered by AveGirl 5
It could be one of many things. Violence in the home while growing up. Being teased, bullied or harassed till it explodes into violence. Because of how they see friends or peers acting. or maybe just easily frustrated and it comes out in some form of violence. I've noticed when my son plays certain playstation games hes more aggressive and loud afterwards.
2007-04-19 13:28:54
answer #4
answered by maybemaybenot 3
They act hyper at a young age. The parents mistake this for ADHD cause they're stupid and don't realise the kid is just a kid. So they load the kid up with drugs and he turns into a mentally unstable nutcase....
2007-04-19 13:21:16
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Parents not teaching them the appropriate way to deal with frustration and failure. They grow up with media (tv, video games, etc.) having a larger influence on them then family and school...
2007-04-19 13:20:31
answer #6
answered by rastabudd 4
pollution, probably.
all the chemicals in our foods and household products are altering our body chemistry. premature puberty, autism, ADD, and other ailments are directly related to these pollutants, and kids are more susceptable as they are still developing... if they're affecting our body chemistry in other ways, they're likely poisoning our minds, too.
2007-04-19 13:23:02
answer #7
answered by kent_shakespear 7
its that stage of becoming an adult...some kids have a harder time dealing with the passage from adolecence to young adults..they don't know how to deal with their emotions and they dont know what they want so they turn to violence
2007-04-19 13:22:57
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
2007-04-19 13:19:53
answer #9
answered by Austen 2
even though its unfair to group all children into one category, but for conversation's sake, i would say that the media is responsible but that's just me
2007-04-19 13:20:47
answer #10
answered by Krystle 2