Mr Bush
The so-called "war on terror" fought as the war on Iraq is taking place in a country that had nothing to do with 9-11. Iraq posed no threat to the United States except in the minds of those requiring and/or fabricating the reasons for war. Yes, , let us talk of the sickness then. A first strike, preventive war of choice is sick. Bombing a country through "Shock and Awe" because it was expedient to have access to our desperately needing its oil is sick. Adopting and using a policy of extreme rendition where the U.S. government sanctions and fosters the disappearance of people to nations where gross torture is allowed so that surrogates can do the dirty work for it is sick. Lying to Congress, the US people and the world in order to justify going to war is sick. Murdering complete Iraqi families by dropping 1,000 pound bombs on them is sick. Breaking the standard by which human decency is maintained, at least in part, during war, i.e., the Hague Conventions of 1889 and 1907, the Geneva Conventions of 1949, and the Nuremberg Conventions adopted by the United Nations December 11, 1945, is sick. Unloading hundreds of tons of depleted uranium is sick. Dropping cluster bombs is sick. Unexploded cluster bomb bomblets becoming land mines taking off children's limbs is sick. Killing as you would call them precious unborn fetuses by poisoning them with radioactive dust is sick. Our youth dying for the ruling elite and rich man's war for profit is sick. Let us reiterate once again, that going to war with Iraq had nothing to do with any threat from Iraq and it had nothing to do with 9-11. It had everything to do with lying about weapons of mass destruction, lying about aluminum tubes, lying about yellow-cake uranium, lying about mobile biological and chemical weapons labs, lying to the United Nations, lying to the world. That, , is sick. And, it is this sickness that you would project onto those who criticize you and the sickness of this regime. The fact that anyone else, or faction, or nation, may be sicker is not justification for excusing this regime's sickness.
The excessive inability of the Bush regime to face the reality of their behavior and solve the problems they created in their sick war of choice contributes to their psychosis. While Rumsfeld suppresses and rationalizes, intellectualizing the slaughtering of hundreds of thousands of Iraqis and over thousands (a more likely death toll) of US troops, you find scapegoats within those who want to stop the insanity. You, are the pot calling the kettle black. Just who is the sick one ? For, if you and this administration are not, you are far worse. You are evil.
2007-04-19 12:42:06
answer #1
answered by dstr 6
Yeah, it's amazing all the pent up rage that errupts when you overthrow a fascist dictatorship. Especially a totalitarian one that had been ruthlessly supressing ethnic factions of said 'peacful sovereing nation.' Well, not amazing - reprisals are to be expected - but, still, horifiying in its intensity and destructiveness.
Do you think the invasion of Iraq is the cause of all this violence and bloodshed?
Obviously, the violence and bloodshed going on under Sadam was of a very different character. Much more orderly, less disruptive to the social order. Entirely more desireable, in fact, as long as you were a Ba'athist. The current violence was set off by the fall of Sadam, and the invasion was the proximate cause of the fall, so the cause of the violence, as well. And, the occupation is almost certainly extending the period of violence, since it keeps any one side of the civil war from achieving victory. Not to mention, attracting terrorists who would otherwise have to travel farther than Iraq to find American targets - indeed, might even be forced to settle with attacking Israeli or moderate muslim targets.
Do you think if all troops were to pull out that it would be a logical experiment in the right direction to see if there is any change or decrease in the violence?
Experiment? No, I don't think 26 million human beings constitute a good experimental subject.
And I don't think one is called for. Clearly, the ongoing civil war would eventually resolve itself, with one side - almost certainly the Shia, since they have a strong ally right next door - victorious and the others either exterminated (unlikely, successful genocide is a rarity in human history), or simply ruthlessly opressed much as the Shia were under Sadam.
That would mean an eventual end to the kind of violence that's going on now, but a very grimm future for any non-Shiite-fanatics remaining in the - once again, peacful, soveriegn - nation of Iraq.
2007-04-19 13:00:47
answer #2
answered by B.Kevorkian 7
When the US troops invaded Iraq it split the general public on all issues. Saddam was the only person to settle the region. That's why we used Saddam to be our henchman.
As soon as the US leaves Iraq to fend for herself, nothing will get done till another leader stands up and does the same extreme that Saddam did. Too bad for the US oil industry, it will be the one that is totally against any US business located in Iraq.
2007-04-19 12:57:58
answer #3
answered by LuckyD 3
Iraq has been in civil war off-and-on for the past few thousand years. even after desert storm, saddam's government sponsored assassinations, rapes, murders, and even genocides (ever wonder what he was convicted and hanged for?) we've found mass graves holding hundreds of people, including women and children. saddam aside, there has been tension amongst the sunnis/shiites/kurds for god knows how long which sometimes escalated to violence. finally, it was a terrorist breeding ground beforehand; we've destroyed training camps that have beeen in place for as much as 10 years. corrupt religeous leaders tell those who will listen that Isreal is the "little devil" and we, america are the "big devil"
the violence in Iraq was bound to happen regaurdless of American intervention or not, it's been a growing powder keg sense we left 15 years ago. if we hadn't gone in when we did, it probably would have been worse.
and as far as a logical experiement... well if by logical you mean allow the slaughter of thousands in a civil war then yes, perfectly logical
2007-04-19 12:57:04
answer #4
answered by f0876and1_2 5
Was this the same peaceful sovereign nation who invaded its neighbor to the south, Kuwait, whom it was formerly allied with and murdered thousands of their sovereign citizens, stole whatever they could get their hands on, then torched all the oil wells after getting their butts kicked back out by the US? You mean that peaceful sovereign Iraq?
2007-04-19 13:12:07
answer #5
answered by Someone who cares 7
I'm pretty sure millions of Iraqis under Saddam may disagree how peaceful it was. I was in Iraq and I had many Iraqi men come up to me and show me disfiguring scars from torture. Every Iraqi person has at least one family member killed or missing because of Saddam. I disagree we should "experiment" with the lives of 37 million people. That would be idiotic. Try to think things out and actually come up with a workable plan.
2007-04-19 12:41:20
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
As Iraq is now the most violent country on earth, then yes it was relatively peaceful to now, so yes. But relative to other countries it had been through more wars and internal repression than most, so no.
2016-05-19 01:39:45
answer #7
answered by ? 3
Yes, there is. Before the US invasion, the minority Sunni Arabs ruled over the majority Shiites. The invasion was the catalyst for strife anew between Sunni vs. Shiite, Kurds vs. Arabs, Turks vs. Iranians, etc. etc. etc.
The Sunnis and Shiites have been in conflict for hundreds of years, it's nothing new.
2007-04-19 12:41:00
answer #8
answered by ? 4
You have several problems here;
1. it wasn't a peaceful nation, as they not only invaded other countires but they were systemcatically killing the kurds
2. People do feels safe there for the most part, however if I were them I would be afraid as well with these outside insurgence coming in stirring it up, but then again I would take the bull by the horns and report them,
3. the people have asked us to leave NOT the Government, it's when the "Elected" government asks us to leave, is when we leave
4. There was No invasion, but a war that was sactioned by the UN as well as the US congress not matter how you hate to hear it,
5. so with all that you ***** about here, you want us to us the Iraqi people as an experimant and pull out to see if they survive or not
I'm surrounded my morons!
2007-04-19 12:40:38
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
When I read your posting, I wonder if your truly believe what you're writing or are you just attempt to arouse those of us who use facts.
Iraq, before the US invasion was a dictatorial country that held its citizens in check with a strong arm. Thousands of its citizens who did not agree with Sadaam where killed, their economy was in the pits, their people (The Kurds) had in the past been gassed and thousands killed, and Iraq, after invading it neighbor (Kuwait) had lost a war of agression and was in the process of rebuilding its military.
Additionally, its a proven fact that it was supporting terrorist by sending financial aid to suicide bomber's families, provided training grounds for terrorist, and continually flew over land forbidden by their treaty in 1992; and the government habitually denied access to UN inspectors to insure they were not building weapons of mass destruction. These are inspections that they agreed to at the end of the Kuwait War. This led those who thought they knew better to believe that they had weapons of mass destruction. They did not have the quantities of these weapons that were reported, but did have small quantities of chemical and biological weapons that have been found burried.
Now, to satisfy your hate and distaste for America, I will say that the Bush Administration has made of mess of this whole episode. They are inept! We agree on this.
But, if you really believe the trash you wrote, then I suggest you be better informed before you make such inaccurate blanket statements, or be prepared for others to show how totally wrong your comments appear to be as they question your lack of intelligence.
2007-04-19 12:49:16
answer #10
answered by txguy8800 6
WHAT??? Peaceful? Are you kidding me? You mean other than the mass graves, rape rooms, chemical weapons that were used on the civilians of Iraq, and general mayhem and murder that went on every day before our troops got there.
You need to talk to some people who have actually been over there, and stop buying into this kind of denial.
If our troops just packed up and left then there would be a horrific civil war there.
2007-04-19 12:43:29
answer #11
answered by Rixie 4