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Liberals blame society for everything. They think we are all too worthless to make up our own minds on what's right & wrong. That's why when we do bad things it's not our fault...everyone has to SHARE the blame.

2007-04-19 12:22:11 · 44 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

44 answers

It's a simple but religious answer...

Liberals don't believe in the soverign power of Almighty God, who gave to us the power to be responsible for ourselves and then will come back to one day judge us.

They think that forgiveness and grace comes from humans and not from Jesus.

(Wow, this is getting strange... I'm so religious all of a sudden!)

So instead of putting their trust and fear in God, they put their trust and fear in each other. And we as a people are weaker than God, so then they blame the environment instead of their own behavior: "It couldn't have been ME, it must have been EVERYTHING OUTSIDE OF ME!"

2007-04-19 12:28:53 · answer #1 · answered by Paul McDonald 6 · 10 10

It is a give take situation. You affect your environment and your environment affects you. Here is an example. A parent smokes when they are pregnant. They smoke after having the baby. They smoke through the whole persons life and even give them cigarettes when they are the legal age to smoke themselves. What are the chances of that person saying no to the cigarette. Well, if they have been taught the health risks, economic strain, and many other side effects (from an environment such as school), they might say no. Without these they are pretty much doomed. Now the parent is also affecting the environment that they and the child are living in. By making the choice to smoke, they are introducing incentive by example for the child to do the same.

Don't tell me you think that teaching your children to feel the same way about religion, politics, and society as you do has absolutely zero effect on that child's views later in life, I mean if environment affects nothing then how can you teach anyone anything.

We are still responsible for our own actions, but if you are taught something is right, if you see it reinforced through life, if there is no contradictory feedback from your environment to make you reconsider, what are your chances of finding that action to be immoral? Is it not better to teach someone how to be a responsible adult than to shun them for there actions? I would hope that a Really Lovely Person might be able to find it in there heart to try and help, and not condemn. To try and understand, instead of brand.

2007-04-19 12:41:25 · answer #2 · answered by Memnoch 4 · 2 1

Well, although I disagree (and you would probably classify me as "liberal" in some issues), I do think you bring up an interesting point -- that old "product of environment or lack of self-discipline/personal accountability" debate.

I tend to think we've spent far too much time as a collective group finding ways to squeeze out of personal accountability by blaming our parents, the clergy, God, Detroit, education, McDonald's...

2007-04-19 12:33:35 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

Um, I'm not sure you are wording it correctly. Generally speaking the difference between Liberals and Conservatives is that Liberals believe in responsive government. That is to say that they feel that Government needs to be constantly evolving to fit the needs and desires of the citizens. Conservatives would feel that Liberals feel as though they know what is best for you, so they act as though they are better qualified to make up your mind for you. Conservatives believe in excessive government. Conservatives feel that government, by design, is inefficient and self-serving. Government will always act to increase the power that it has at the expense of the private sector, thus leading for them to have a more anti- "big government" stance. Liberals argue that Conservatives don't care about the well-being of the country because of the fact that they oppose increases in welfare programs.

I guess, based on your question, the answer I have is that Liberals prefer responsive Government. They're politicians, they went to big Ivy League schools, so they know what is best for you and if you don't agree with them you're just not smart enough to understand their nuances.

2007-04-19 12:31:31 · answer #4 · answered by mfl_football 2 · 3 2

Because blaming your environment means you can forgo personal responsibility.

If you listen to their message, their entire agenda involves removing the burden of making decisions for ourselves, and creating a government program to do that for us. That ranges from nationalizing health care, to confiscating all firearms, to opposing the privatization of Social Security (even though it's unsustainable in it's current form, even with it's pathetic returns.)

Liberals don't want personal liberty because they cannot handle personal responsibility.

2007-04-19 12:33:01 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Again the collectivist mentality at work.

There is literally nothing which the consistent collectivist must not be prepared to do if it serves "the good of the whole." F.A. Hayek

Even if it saves only one life, won't it be worth it? Not if it takes freedom from any others.

2007-04-21 04:41:40 · answer #6 · answered by rmagedon 6 · 0 0

I agree with you that they almost universally think that way. Even if they're the ones in power, they always find a way to blame environment instead of taking action to fix it. That's what's so frustrating about Democrats.

To answer your question, I think it's because they want no accountability and no responsibility. When the Republicans are in charge it's their fault and when the Democrats are in charge it's all extrenal reasons for the problems that are outside of their control. The focus is on who or what gets blamed not on what to do about it or even more important what individual people can do about it in their own lives.

2007-04-19 12:31:30 · answer #7 · answered by Dan 4 · 4 4

Well, if it's true that we control our environment (and why would you lie?) then it stands to reason that we are causing global warming. See, that's logic for you, inescapable, unless you admit that we don't control our environment, in which case the liberals are right.

Sorry to inject logic into your illogical view of the world. But that's what being a chemist for 30 years wil do.

2007-04-19 12:36:55 · answer #8 · answered by Charlie S 6 · 0 2

Conservatives blame liberals for everything.

They switch facts and turn tables.

Liberals have been saying that man is influencing the environment; therefore, your first line makes no sense.

I am concerned whether you know what is right or wrong. I am concerned that greed and corporate profits will cover-up wrongs -as has been done many times... ask Exxon and the tobacco industries.

And, it isn't sharing the blame that is important. We need to share in the solution... so stop whining.

2007-04-19 12:33:57 · answer #9 · answered by Johnny 5 · 1 4

It's completely egotistical of you to assume that human beings control the ecosystem. Before man, the world maintained it's own balance. That's how PERFECT nature was before man. Now man rapes this beautiful world and takes it for everything he can not looking down the road to future generations. And why? To make a PROFIT!! I'm all for people making money, good for them! But why can't they be RESPONSIBLE about it. This world doesn't belong to the RICH! It belongs to all of US. And our children and grandchildren for generations to come will inherit whatever it is that is left of the Earth that we leave behind for them. "Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the Earth". (MATTHEW 5:5).

2007-04-19 12:34:01 · answer #10 · answered by sellout7s 2 · 3 2

WHen you brain wash people into thinking there is no white or black and that everything is gray....how can you expect anyone to know the difference.....

...funny how liberals want to tell everyone else how they should live, as long as they don't have to live by the "collective" Rules...

...case in point Al Gore...wants us all to change our usage of pollution producing products, so he can use 20 time that of anyone else...

...yet their hypocrisy seems to escape Them... sick! Liberalism is a definite illness...incurable, I might add!

2007-04-19 12:32:58 · answer #11 · answered by Rada S 5 · 3 2

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