You would think after all this violence, the gun laws would be much tighter, and more restrictive. I wish I had the answer, but at least I would start with the gun laws. If we did not have guns, in the wrong hands, other than our policeman and military, that would make a big difference. You know, countries like Japan, have no guns, and have no shootings, in schools, and I think if we look at the countries, that ban guns, we will see a lot less violence, especially at schools. Guns put power into peoples hands, and the gun makes it to easy to kill. What if the shooter had a machine gun, with a 50 shot clip. When is our country going to wake up?
2007-04-19 11:23:36
answer #1
answered by Ron 7
it is so unhappy that it is so real. regrettably, anybody who stands as much as say something are the two left out, considered loopy, a terrorist, etc. and then they take it too some distance. that isn't the 1st incident this 365 days with regard to the adverse state of issues. i'm conscious of 2 or 3 others that befell in the previous few months. of course, the government will take those incidents the incorrect way and shrink our freedoms extremely than incredibly doing something. It tears me up interior that the country that I so love is being taken with no attention by potential of the lots, is getting screwed over by potential of the politicians, and is being grew to become right into a sparkling Babylon by potential of the firms. that's extremely like the queen of the land being grew to become right into a low-grade hooker out on the line. i think of you ask the impossible. no count what number homes blow up (which i'm not condoning or suggesting), as long because of the fact the politicians and the media minimizes the difficulty by potential of calling the guy "mentally risky", the lots won't pay interest.
2016-10-12 23:29:55
answer #2
answered by ? 4
bullets will still flyin violence until the human race is killed off. im for having guns. i just think they should make them alittle harder to get. because aslong as your 18 and have identification you can purchase a gun. i think they should make it so you need to have a permit to purchase a gun and have them do more background checks. like twice a year.
and unlike most people i dont blame the guns for these crimes. i blame the handler of the gun. the gun didnt make the shooting do it. it was all him that made him want to kill. the gun didnt say hey lets kill somebody. he woke up 1 day and said im going to kill somebody. i blame the killer not the weapon.
2007-04-19 11:30:11
answer #3
answered by Dont get Infected 7
As long as liberalism exists, they'll never stop flying. The lemmings never take steps to prevent this type of thing, and when it happens, they turn trash like "Cho" into the victim and try to analyze him and understand what "we" did wrong to provoke him.
2007-04-19 11:20:31
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Bullets are never going to stop flying... until they invent ray guns or something.
Violence has always and will always exist.
2007-04-19 11:17:06
answer #5
answered by Amanda H 2
The day they change the law about having guns. Only then it will stop.
2007-04-19 11:32:06
answer #6
answered by Martha P 7
Fella, you are losing somewhere between 17,000 and 30,000 A YEAR to gun crime, and have been for ages.
2007-04-19 11:20:48
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Nawl, republicans and guns need to be kicked to china or something.
2007-04-19 11:25:29
answer #8
answered by some black dude with no life 1
Look to the's almost always a matter of how the kid was brought up!
2007-04-19 11:17:34
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
unfortunately, although history does repeat it, people are slow to learn from their mistakes.
2007-04-19 11:17:10
answer #10
answered by Anonymous