Well you are kind of limited, however they may be "small fish" they could also be small bass, pike bluegill etc. I would watch adding larger local fish to the tank since they will eat them.
Smaller bluegills or even small crappie or really any cold water local fish should do fine. Just keep size in mind when adding them with the minnows.
Watch crayfish since they too will eat your fish.
2007-04-19 08:38:45
answer #1
answered by danielle Z 7
I'd have to agree with 8 in the corner - most minnows are food for other fish and they might not be safe with other fish.
I'd also caution, though, that without knowing the type of minnow, I wouldn't try darters, either. If your minnows are creek chubs (a common type minnow) they'll grow over 6-8" and will use your darters for food!
If you could post a photo of your minnows, someone might be able to identify them and give you some suggestions on tankmates. Crayfish aren't a good choice - they will catch and eat small fish, and when the molt, they're vunerable until the exoskeleton hardens and they may become food for larger fish. Tadpoles would have to be removed as they start to grow legs, or a place will need to be provided so they can get out of the water.
2007-04-19 13:42:58
answer #2
answered by copperhead 7
Minnows are food fish for almost all of the local fish from any area. I would suggest a few small darters for the bottom of the tank, they would not eat the minnows. Check with the local rangers though, sometimes you have to get a fishing licence to take fish from streams. It is that way here in Ohio.
I have looked into setting up a 55 for a native fish tank and that's what I was told. I am going to have darters, sunfish, bluegill and minnows for food fish. Some of our native fish are really pretty and the darters are great fun to watch. They act like the saltwater gobies that zip around the bottom. They actually turn their heads to look in different directions without moving their bodies. Very cool little fish.
2007-04-19 08:43:22
answer #3
answered by 8 In the corner 6
Crayfish are part of their natural environment and will mix well. The fish will occupy the middle of the tank and the crayfish will shelter on the bottom. Provide some gravel and shelter items like pvc pipe or broken flower pots so the crayfish can make homes. You will see the minnows most of the time, but the crayfish will come out at night and search for food. Crayfish eat anything meaty and chicken or fish is relished.
If any other fish go into the tank they have to be about the same size as the minnows. Minnows are food for larger fish and bass and catfish will eat them. There is one species of catfish which might work, a miniature species known as a "madtom". I doubt this little catfish will grow big enough to eat minnows. The madtoms will eat anything the minnows will eat.
Bullfrog tadpoles are another natural addition to the tank. Unlike other frogs, bullfrog tadpoles take two years to mature, so will be aquatic for quite awhile. The only problems might be if there are too many crayfish. Tadpoles are going to spend lots of time on the bottom and crayfish might attack them. If this is not a problem, feed the tadpoles anything green and leafy.
Killifish are another native and several species can be found in the southeastern US. The males are very brightly colored, but the females are drab. They are about the size of minnows, so they won't eat them. Killifish tend to eat insects and don't adapt to flake food or meat scraps. Frozen brine shrimp is how people keep these fish fed.
Finally, freshwater clams are also found with minnows, but due to stream polution, many native clams are becoming rare. They will burrow in the gravel with the ends of their shells sticking out. Not very entertaining to watch, but clams are natural water filters and help keep the tank clean. Besides clams, snails can be added and are a bit more lively. Apple snails will require a lot of vegetable food, so expect to see the tadpols and snails feeding together on things like lettuce or turnip greens.
2007-04-19 08:57:56
answer #4
answered by Roger S 7
Other small local fish.
If you put aquarium bread fish in the tank there is a possablity of your wild minnows passing an illness onto the other fish.
If you put larger local fish in the tank, your minnows will most likely disapear.
Good Luck!
PS - Native tanks always look great and they are cheap to stock.
2007-04-19 08:39:59
answer #5
answered by lilith 3
Mosquitofish are fun too in a native tank. They are the United States version of guppies as they are livebearing. They are as small as guppies, so there is a chance that your minnows could eat them. Many ponds and slow-moving streams have them, but like a previous guy stated, you may want to see if there are regulations in being able to collect wild fish.
2007-04-19 08:49:31
answer #6
answered by lizzzy9 4