People who sit near me when there are 100 other seats free.
2007-04-19 04:11:53
answer #1
answered by BSE B 2
in order!!!
1. squalling babies - get a baby sitter! @ $9 a ticket, you can surely afford someone to watch your kid and not bother everyone else (btw, i am a parent)
2. cell phones - put the thing on vibrate and leave when you answer
3. talkers - do it b4 or after the movie please. if you wanted to talk, go anywhere else!
4. seat kickers - can't you sit still for five minutes!!!
5. loud eaters - some people don't know how to open a freaking candy bar. if you're trying to be quiet, it isn't working. just rip the thing once and toss the wrapper. plastic is the worst!!!!
6. previews (only the duration) - i don't care what tom hanks picked up the last time he was at the dollar movies or when they decided to televise the sag awards. when a move starts at 7:30, PLEASE START AT 7:30!!! not 7:55
2007-04-19 04:44:23
answer #2
answered by gonzo 6
The ungodly price of tickets , the volume of people, waiting on line to buy tickets, awful concession snacks that are also ridiculously overpriced, annoyingly LOUD & long previews, the general smell of the place, the children, the parents of the children, the talkers, cell phone users who chat endlessly or refuse to turn off their ringers, the seat kickers, the only tall person in the theatre who sits DIRECTLY in front of me or my child, the filthy bathrooms, the gum stuck on the floor, the gum stuck on the seats. I despise going to theatre!
2007-04-19 04:21:12
answer #3
answered by napqueen 6
the seat kickers, the antsy pants idiots getting out of their seats all the time, the losers that talk about what happens in the movie they seen like 20 times behind you, the movie complainers always saying the movie sucked when they shouldn't have gone if they felt that way in the first place, those stupid retards that make out in the seating are i mean come on GETTING A ROOM, the people that won't shut up all together,and those cellphones oh and let's not forget those MORONS THAT SAY CRAP ABOUT YOU in the lounging area. another thing stupid people bringing their babies and little bratty kids to a movie not suitable for kids in the first place for cripe sake GET A BABYSITTER!...and that's all LOL.
2007-04-19 15:50:49
answer #4
answered by Bonzai07 2
Commercials. Talkers. Especially interactive talkers. People who have to bring in food that smells like sweat socks cooking on a radiator. People who come in late and visit with each other. Cell phone and computer users.People who use seat backs as foot rests. Gum poppers.
2007-04-20 15:18:22
answer #5
answered by bumppo 5
I can't stand groups of people that won't shut up. People that think they can talk on the cell phone. Jerks that kick the seat. And tall dudes that sit in front of me. And now the commercials they are playing before the preview! I came to see Wild Hogs not buy a damn Toyota!!!
2007-04-19 05:34:41
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I hate seat kickers. Why can't they just sit still? Do they have Restless leg syndrome? There are meds for that. Cell phones suck. Turn it off or leave it in the car. I promise 99% of the time you will not recieve an emergency phone call while at the movies! And while I'm ranting......if you want to eat in the theatre, fine. Just please remember you are a human being and are capable of closing your mouth and chewing quietly. And blow your damn nose!!!!
2007-04-19 04:19:25
answer #7
answered by needs help 1
Kids who quote the movie--just before the actor says the line.
People who ask questions throughout the picture: "Why did that happen?" "Why did she say that?" "Why did they go in there?" "Who's that guy?"
--If you just pay attention to the movie, they will most likely explain your question, if not, wait!, I'll explain it when the movie's over!
And on the same note, people who try to whisper when they are explaining the movie to someone else! For the sake of everyone around them, let the confused person stay confused until the movie is over! I know it sounds harsh, but it ruins the movie for so many when you hear someone explain what just happened to someone else.
2007-04-19 05:11:25
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
I really hate the kids that scream through a rated R movie when they shouldnt be there in the first place.
oh and call me insensitive or intolerant or whatever, but theres a problem at the theater where i go, a group or 10 or more spanish speaking people will all go, sit together and chat in spanish through the whole movie...I don't know if it's because they are just rude, or don't understand enough english to watch the movie or what...but it pisses me off
2007-04-19 04:14:27
answer #9
answered by thuglife 5
I LOVE the previews!
Don't like sticky floors, dirty seats, talkers or kickers! And I hate the "big head" that always sits in front of me.
2007-04-19 04:12:27
answer #10
answered by kja63 7
Cell phone users. Especially when they don't put it on vibrate AND talk to the person calling. So irritating. I'm cool with the previews, sometimes I like to get there early to see them.
2007-04-19 04:28:12
answer #11
answered by SwoonWorthy 6