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4 answers

The black ghost knife will do well with about any other peaceful fish - other than elephant nose or another knife fish, they don't do that well if they have another fish that produces an electrical current and are aggressive with their own kind as they mature.

You can get ideas of some potential tankmates on this link - black ghost knives are recommended for community types 4-7: http://www.elmersaquarium.com/h701elmers_freshwater_handbook.htm

2007-04-19 17:33:44 · answer #1 · answered by copperhead 7 · 0 0

ok, the ghost knife is much less aggressive than the clown knife or the african knife, he needs rocks to hide under cause he preferrs dark places, he is not aggressive at all and is compatable with quite a few fish, the other fish should not be smaller than his mouth though. also get the less aggressive fish because they will pick on him, stay away from gouramis, chilids, birchirs, and angelfish. he will be fine with mollies, swordtails, and other non-aggressive small fish. as for larger fish (if you are interested cause the ghost knife will get to be over a 16") certain catfish are good, pleco's iridescent sharks (they really arent sharks, they are a typ of catfish, but bets kept in large tanks, they swim really fast) , goby dragons, ropefish if you like the more exotic looking fish. hope this helps. black ghosts are awesome fish, just keep in mind that they don't have scales so they can be sensitive to other fish as well as medications. I miss mine now.

edit: they are not predators, they mainly feed on brine shrimp and blood worms. that being said, nearly any fish will eat any other fish that can fit in their mouths. he will not bother the tankmates, more likely the tankmates will bother him. he is an extremely gentle knife.

2007-04-19 04:17:25 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Well, the Knifefish will enjoy any tankmate that it can swallow. Since they are nocturnal(they locate their prey or obstacles in the water by weak electrical pulses) any other Knifefish would be a poor choice,(or any other electro-locating fish of any kind). Some other Amazon Cichlids or larger tetras might be OK,Plecos are one possibility,(but only one of each specie),Silver Dollars,full grown Silver Hatchetfish,(or Marbles) ,there are lots of choices. Also look in to one of those clear plastic tubes(Knifefish house),they really seem to enjoy those.Good luck.-----PeeTee

2007-04-19 03:23:46 · answer #3 · answered by PeeTee 7 · 1 1

i think that it sonds like a dagres king of fish i dont think that you should just put its own kind in it

2007-04-19 03:12:44 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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